2010 Est Fest -Spa

14 October 2002
Ottawa, Ontario
As part of our weekly featurettes on Est Fest leading up to the event itself, allow me to draw your attention to the Spa facilities offered by Blue Mountain Inn and Resort.



Kalola Spa is located at the Blue Mountain Inn.

Kalola Boutique & Spa
At Kalola Boutique & Spa we draw on earth's essential elements to create sanctuaries, a place where your sense of balance will be nurtured and rediscovered. It is our privilege to provide an experience that not only inspires the body, but the mind and spirit as well. We are reinventing wellness by creating a holistic spa experience that includes luxurious head to toe treatments. Experience our exclusive line of exceptional botanical spa products and much more.

Prices are listed on the website as well as the all treatments that they have. The website is: http://www.kalola.ca/ . Guests can call Kalola individually. Their direct telephone number is: 705-443-5808.

Information regarding the Scandinave Spa (treatments and prices) can be found at the following website: http://www.scandinave.com/en/bluemountain/ .

Guests can call Scandinave Spa individually. Their direct number is: 877-988-8484.

If guests are driving to the Scandinave Spa, no reservation is required for bath access ONLY. Reservations are required for Massages. If you require Destination Blue to arrange transportation to and from the Scandinave Spa, we will provide that for $10.00 per person.

I can tell you that a spa session is not only good for the ladies but for the gentlemen as well. Take some time out, reward yourself with a relaxing time away from it all. There will be plenty of people who can babysit your NSX for you while you and your spouse take some time off for yourselves.

Sean can make fun of my very manly pants all he wants, but HE IS GETTING A MANI/PEDI at the Spa during Est Fest.

While he is doing that, Im going to be tearing up the trails, doing guy things.
Actually - if you want to chill out with the cool kids this place is awesome:

Information regarding the Scandinave Spa (treatments and prices) can be found at the following website: http://www.scandinave.com/en/bluemountain/ .

You don't have to go for the hand job that Dave likes = he calls it a Manicure.

To be serious they have an amazing place to relax and decompress, read a couple of magazines and just chill out. Becky and I like it there, and I make a point of going when I'm in Collingwood, or Tremblant.
I used to do the Scandive outdoor hot tubs in Tremblant back in the days when it was -30/35 out. We'd sit in the hottest tub and run down to the lake and get into the freezing water and scamper back (with ice forming on our skin) into the quiet / relax areas.

It was quite the thrill! The towels were useless as they kept on freezing outside...