2005 HSC Video

Ok I’m not a rocket scientist , but Honda why, why in God’s Name don’t you build this :mad: ? Have you ever heard the saying “History repeats it’s self” maybe you should take another look at history!!!! :cool:
Our very own Neo made this video.
What did everyone say about the HSC that caused the concept to be dropped at the time it was introduced? :confused:
From what I remember it was dropped because of the mother of all reasons. "Cost" Mid engine design this, mid engine cost that, HSC power this, HSC dropped.

To which we were then graced with the nightmare known as the ASCC. Which was greeted by most (not all) of the automotive community with a snore.

Add to that, because of the poor response, various posts and articles have appeared that they are "re-thinking" the front engine design. But again the looming excuse known as "Cost" is creeping around and keeping the mid engine down.

What this all means, is no one knows, and it seems like even Honda doesn't know what they want to do. :cool:
The reason people complained about the HSC , was because of the 300+ hp engine it was rumored to have. 3.5l iVTEC. Then, and even now, i would take that V6, sspecially over the turd ASCC.
That HSC wouldve been one of the sexiest cars on the road today. Sucks everyone complained about engine size when we all wish we had it now!