Saw this posted at***005875***-wieck_media***-***corp(directory)***.ws4d?corp/results(r)_text.html
I know the HSC is going to be 3.5 liters as well, but as a V-6. Too bad we aren't getting this 3.5 liter V-8. I think that it would certainly please alot of people who are anticipating the HSC and worrying that it won't have enough power. Do you think the engines will be related?
Well, the link isn't working. Just go to The info is on the front page there.***005875***-wieck_media***-***corp(directory)***.ws4d?corp/results(r)_text.html
I know the HSC is going to be 3.5 liters as well, but as a V-6. Too bad we aren't getting this 3.5 liter V-8. I think that it would certainly please alot of people who are anticipating the HSC and worrying that it won't have enough power. Do you think the engines will be related?
Well, the link isn't working. Just go to The info is on the front page there.