2002 Lamborghini Bites the dust (pictures)

5 August 2001
Baton Rouge LA
How would you like to have to call your insurance man and tell him you just did this?



If anyone wants me to enter a bid for em, lemme know.. hahah
Originally posted by MYNSX:
It was the rental car from the movie Jack-ass

HAHA.. that movie was pretty funny. The bowling ball in the guys nuts was the funniest thing i have ever seen.
This is strange a friend come into my office last week with the same pics. He is trying to sell the car to a contact in Cal. His story was the guy just bought the car and drove it into an off ramp then went back and bought anothe one the same day.I guess he had good insurance or just a dumb lotto winner.
The white things look like the paper mats the mechanics put in cars while in the shop. That looks like really bad damage. . .but the engine has got to be OK! I'd rid of my trunk to fit that bad boy in there. Man, that'd be a lot of suspension tuning to the car to turn on a road course though.