2000 being loaded today

2 August 2011
new jersey
After months of hunting I finally pulled the trigger on a spotless 2000 red over tan 2000 with 15 k on it. It was part of a private collection and is 100 stock and comes with two sets of rims, stock and 02's which are on the car. Had a ppi on it and three of the workers tried to buy the car... Not happy about that. I am on the east coast and it is on the west. I knew I had a prize when the guy doing the ppi called me and was stuttering over the condition of the car. It is being picked up today for the trip back to jersey, I can't wait to see it backed off the truck. Will post pictures once it arrives. Happy to join the NSX world , leaving the vette world behind.
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Congrats on a great buy - saw the other thread by the seller and the car looks stunning. Pretty funny about the guys at the dealership trying to "steal" it from you :eek: - but a good sign for sure! Good for you for pulling the trigger so quickly.

I recently purchased a 100% stock 2001 and can relate to your excitement about seeing it come off the delivery transport. These cars a work of art in their original stock form! Happy Motoring! Jay
WOW! That is great news. congrats, and good luck sleeping until the new car arrives. cant wait to see those photos.
Wow, congrats! I saw the 2000 red/tan in CA but that car has 20k miles and OEM wheels. How did you find this NSX? Can't wait to see photos!
I found the car on a Prime forum page where the owner was asking for pricing advice....I reached out to him and cut the deal a few days later. The seller is a class act and an avid collector. He has made the process painless and enjoyable. Now just hoping the car makes it to my house before I leave on vacation so I can take delivery of it and not my have my buddy do it for me.
i would cut vacation short a day or two just so i could see it off the delivery truck.. are u sure u want to have your buddy accept it for u?? :biggrin:
Nice grab. Just curious, what did you get hit up for the transport?
Although none of our business but I wonder what the sellIng price was...after all the thread by the original owner was about what to price his car at and we all said anywhere from 40-60 depending on maintenance, condition, ect

It is a tough call......the transport company has a warehouse in NJ that they will hold the car for me at no charge or my friend will put it in my garage. I am hoping the truck can make it cross country in 6 days and I can get the honor of unloading it. I used Horseless Carriage Company and the cost is 1850 from LA to Jersey.
I found the car on a Prime forum page where the owner was asking for pricing advice....I reached out to him and cut the deal a few days later.

I was wondering who was going to snap that one up, sounded very nice.

PICS or it never happened :biggrin:
Great to see a seller and buyer line up this way. The price was determined by the NSX community. The Buyer and Seller both happy with price. Another hats off to Prime for providing the service!
Now we have yet to see pictures of this car...
I love those carrier unloading pictures! Ensure you post them once your new baby arrives...

Congratulations to both the buyer and seller!
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Just received a picture from the seller of it being loaded Awesome. Have some other pics as well. Will try to get some posted this weekend. Regarding price both of us are happy with the number it was in the mid range of those estimated by the primers plus I got the 02 rims as a bonus.
Congrats and great year:biggrin: Although I'm sad to see one leave Cali it seems to be going to a good home.:smile:
very nice another NE nsx...see if you can join a bunch of us at kids day at watkins glen in july.
Congratulations! Horseless Carriage transported my '01 red/tan NSX from NJ to CA for me back when I bought it in 2004. They did a great job.