20 Years of touring baseball stadiums

28 March 2002
After seeing another thread about baseball I figured I would post up a link to my 20 years of touring baseball stadiums with an emphasis on soon-to-be-extinct stadiums, a/k/a "The Dead Stadium Tour". I started doing this in 1990 with a couple of law school buddies and we have been including another stadium each season.

Here is a work in progress website showing the various stadiums including 17 that are no longer in existence.


Now Let's Go Mets!
Have you been to the (Houston Astro)Dome? Politicians were on the news just last night scratching their heads over just what they should do with it. See it while you can(no games there now, though).
This is a wonderful ongoing story of how old school buddies bond together and share their interest/passion in the past and present houses of America’s pastime. I envy you guys! Have always loved old ballparks, but an attempt to actually visit most or all of them; that is what dreams are made of. Tried this with old wooden roller coasters around America once, but never kept it going. I remember going to the Polo Grounds (Harlem horseshoe) in through the top entrance by Coogan’s Bluff. Watched Frank Thomas hit many of his 35 home runs that year, right there to the short left field wall. Roger Craig with all those losses (Oh God!). Saw the place where polo was never played, torn down, and cried. :frown: I remember Shibe Park (old Connie Mack) in north Philly where Tony Taylor (or was it Tony Gonzolas?) stood on the playing field that was already closed down, full of weeds, with a bat and just staring at the beauty of that place. This is great stuff!

Did not like the boring round stadiums with artificial turf that were mostly in the National League like Riverfront, Three Rivers, Astrodome, etc, etc. Had a soft spot for Shea though, because of all the fun times there.

But you guys .......your travel, the cities, the list, the tight friendships, the photo taking, the years gone by ..... all of it must be so fascinating. I guess you can say, a kind of “bucket list”, even though you guys are way too young. This list takes a lot longer than just visiting places and checking them off. You must also wait for ballparks to be demolished and arrange the timing/logistics of the visits, planning, photo ops, etc,etc.

Thanks for sharing that. Great photos, BTW. Godspeed and enjoy the rest of the ride! :smile:

I think I will go to Wrigley now and enjoy a corn dog and an Old Style while it is still there. :biggrin:
What a great "work in progress" :cool:

Your site is so much fun to look through and I see you and your friends have had some great times. I booked marked the site and I can't wait to see what's next. I really like the way you have it broken down by date ranges and seeing some of those old fields is an awesome reminder of how much has changed.

My son's interest in baseball really came on strong last year and we went to Fenway for a game and he loved it. This August we are going to Dodgers Stadium while on vacation in California. Hopefully 20 years from now we will have a growing a collection of photos like you have collected and displayed.

If I could ask, Have you ever had a problem getting your camera with a zoom lens into a game? I brought my point and shoot last time but would really like to bring my D90 going forward but I know some stadiums (maybe most) have rules about professional type photography equipment.

Thanks again for sharing and keep the good times rolling.
Heading to Oakland this summer.

I have had problems with my camera gear only twice. I was asked to leave rfk because pro media complained about my gear. Was using 300mm L lens. Never saw sign by security outside about no pro equipment. I was searched by security right next to sign and not told anything was prohibited. Next night I was back with 300mm consumer lens and successfully argued they could not throw me out.

Miami last year didn't have a sign but I was stopped at gate. Went back to car and put on black pro wide angle lens while hiding L telephoto in the kids napsack since they won't search children. Did that all 3 games successfully.

I check each stadium now before I go. They never look at the $2500 camera body just whether I have the "white" pro L lens.
Thank you for the quick response! I don't own anything pro, so hopefully my 70-300mm zoom will not get me stopped. If necessary I'll save the backpack tip just in case, thanks :cool:

Have fun in Oakland.
Bump for adding this year's trip to see the Kansas City Royals play the Boston Red Sux.


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........... and the beat goes on.
thanks for sharing the latest installment. were there any shrines or fountains dedicated to george brett? where? there or in town?
Great update and video.

Thanks so much for sharing all this with us, looks like KC was a great addition to your tour.
Thanks for sharing.

Those photos bring back some fond memories of my childhood. The first two MLB games I attended were at Cleveland Muni. and Tiger Stadium.
This is very cool. I think it's awesome you've been able to keep this up over the last couple of decades and that you're able to get behind the scenes to places that 'regular' people would never see. Is there a way to filter the listings to "just" see the stadiums that are no longer in existence, or would I just need to go year-by-year to identify them?
Unfortunately there is no way to filter. But I believe 19 out of the 24 stadiums featured are either torn down or no longer used for baseball with 3 of the 5 still in use featured in the 2010-date link.