2 Best in Class wins at local car show

28 March 2002
It was a beautiful day today so Roger and I decided to attend a local car show and figured since we were going to look at the cars we might as well enter our NSXs. He has held a grudge ever since I beat him for Best in Class last year for Sport Compact at the show in my town so I entered mine in the Best Daily Driver Class while Roger went for Most Exotic Class.


The NSX continues to draw crowds at these shows and both Roger and I won our respective classes. Roger had to leave early and was told erroneously he was not going to win anything so when they called his car I went up to accept his trophy. They thanked me for taking it for him and I told the organizers I was just going to tell him that I beat him even though I had not entered his class.


They later called mine for Best Daily Driver and after seeing how much larger my trophy was for that Class I figured I could give Roger the trophy he actually earned.


Roger doesn't really believe I will ever give him his trophy so I promised I would post the photos here so at least he could see what he almost won (and also get trophy envy).


For those wondering why there is a poster board with photos in the front of my car, that is my way of hiding the fact that the front end needs to be repainted after 101,000 miles and 50 track days. So far it has worked two consecutive shows but at least Roger does not have to be jealous this time.
Thats the only time Ive ever seen Roger's NSX without the bra on it!:biggrin:
I'm proud of both of you. Well done. Where was the show?

Carla and I are driving up tomorrow morning to Joe's to pick up my soon to be award winning NSX.
Congratulations to both of you for a good win! Love those trophies!:smile: :smile: :smile:
Congrats to Roger and to Bob "aka Master Windoo". Once again Bob waived his hand and used Jedi mind tricks (don't look at the pockmarks on my bumper see only the posters with lovely pictures of cars") to garner another WIN :rolleyes:

You had a fantastic day for a car show and even more fantastic results winning two trophies :smile:
Other than the Maser there really wasn't any exotics except the RSO/DD and my pristine (braless) Best Exotic. Why a DD trophy is bigger than the exotic is because Bob switched out the plates just for the photos!!!!
Also, I do need to clarify the entrance of our cars in the classes that they won in: Bob entered his car as a DD (he knew it couldn't compete against mine in a fair fight, everyone knew that last year was a "payoff"), and I had entered my car as "Best Foreign", the fact that it won as "Best Exotic" was a total surprise to me!!!:eek:
Also, I do need to clarify the entrance of our cars in the classes that they won in: Bob entered his car as a DD (he knew it couldn't compete against mine in a fair fight, everyone knew that last year was a "payoff"), and I had entered my car as "Best Foreign", the fact that it won as "Best Exotic" was a total surprise to me!!!:eek:

Just to further clarify, when the voting got started a muscle car owner came over to me to check my car number because he wanted to vote for me as Most Exotic (this was a peer review judging process). I explained to him how Roger had a hissy fit last year so I asked him to vote for me only in the Daily Driver Class in order to give Roger a fighting chance at winning a miniature award.
Bob! Congratulations on your Best Daily Driver win and that beautiful trophy!!!

Oh yes, Roger congrats to you too; your puny trophy ain't that bad - it's better than nothing :biggrin:

Thanks Tony. It was satisfying to crush Roger's dreams once again.

As Roger's attorney, or at least the attorney for his future ex-wife, I lodged a complaint with the organizers on Roger's behalf regarding the girth of his trophy. They just advised me that the trophy was awarded in direct correlation to the size of the car that actually won. They submitted photographic evidence to establish which car won Most Exotic:

Thanks Tony. It was satisfying to crush Roger's dreams once again.

As Roger's attorney, or at least the attorney for his future ex-wife, I lodged a complaint with the organizers on Roger's behalf regarding the girth of his trophy. They just advised me that the trophy was awarded in direct correlation to the size of the car that actually won. They submitted photographic evidence to establish which car won Most Exotic:

Damn that Ondrovic is one sneaky charachter, no wonder he's such a good/expensive attorney!!! I never even saw it coming when he took the picture of the "model", it was a set-up from the get-go!!!! I still say that he took the "award plates" and switched them to get the larger trophy just to "make me feel bad". At the Pound Ridge show he pulls that home court advantage crap, I think that this year I'll take my Lexus and go for the Daily Driver just to give him the feeling that he can still beat me!!!
Tiny car, tiny trophy -- makes sense to me :biggrin:[/QUOTE
Tony has NO TROPHY!!!so what does that make you???

The makes me compassionate! Had I entered the show, Bob
and I would be the ones taking home trophies, leaving you

I don't want to hurt your fragile feelings by taking everything away from you.:smile:
The makes me compassionate! Had I entered the show, Bob
and I would be the ones taking home trophies, leaving you

I don't want to hurt your fragile feelings by taking everything away from you.:smile:

Don't get started with my "fragile feelings", why do you think Bags goes to the Don for good sax!!!!
Thats the only time Ive ever seen Roger's NSX without the bra on it!:biggrin:
When it's not moving I let the front end "breathe", after all, it doesn't wear a "living bra"!!!!
Roger Roger Roger.... First you get a tiny trophy, now you are showing your failing memory... Don gave Bags the broken sax. I gave Bags good sax!:smile:
My trophy isn't so tiny and you had bettet get some little blue pills for your "sax" I understand that you're out of tune!!!!:eek: