1st NSX Purchase--NEW to NSX but not HONDAs

12 September 2004
Los Angeles
Hello everyone,

I'm real excited about getting into this car, as it's been a long time dream. I currently drive an S2000 and also own a turbo Integra, both soon to be sold. Thus, I am familiar with Hondas, however as we all know, the NSX is a whole different level and there really isn't any Honda, atleast that I can relate this car with. Hence, my presence here...

I have some very basic questions I need help answering to. Questions I'm having difficulty finding the answers to. I'll just get right to it:

What year did the 3.2L get introduced? Were all 91-94 3.0L regardless of transmission? Aside from obvious jump .2 in liter size, was there any other changes to the motor through the years?

I understand that 93 added a passenger airbag and one cup holder to the none it had in the previous years, what else does the 93 add?

What year's had black top vs what years had body color matched top?

Acura (written out) vs Acura emblem vs NSX on back lights?

What cars had 290hp is the 3.0L 270hp?

As you can tell, I'm looking into a 93 and I think I've honed in on the one I'd like to pick up. I have never driven a NSX nor sat in one. The one I am interested, from the pictures looks slightly modified by way of open element intake kit and some sort of exhaust. Also has some speaker, sub and amp upgrades. THe current owner is the 3rd and has only had it for about 1.5 years. Needless to say, he doesn't know much about NSX's or this car's history. I was the one to point out to him that it has an exhaust on it. He has received similiar questions/concerns such as mine from other prospective buyers and now has started a back tracing of the previous owners to get some answers...which is good. I have yet to go see this car in person since it's a few hundred miles away and to be honest, really don't want to go see it until I have some solid background information on this car.

From my findings, there really are two types of NSX owners.
1. First is the person who barely drove it and was a weekend type car or..
2. The type of person who drove it daily or tracked it with some level of sprited style of driving.

In my mind, it's the no. 2 I am the most concerned about, altough there are reason to be concerned for no. 1 as well.

Any addiontial information you may be able to provide will be greatly apperciated!


All of this information is in the FAQ. Spend sometime (a lot of time) there and use the search before posting these types of questions. Read other newbie posts and most everything has been asked and answered at least a thousand times.
Inexcess said:
All of this information is in the FAQ. Spend sometime (a lot of time) there and use the search before posting these types of questions. Read other newbie posts and most everything has been asked and answered at least a thousand times.
So we should shut the site down and link everyone directly to the FAQs?

Well aren't we off to a great start...

That's for the cleaver reply...and I'm sure, as you said, everything I need answers to has been talked about AT LEAST 1000 times. So did you give your smart ass reply to those 1000 topics as well?

I came here thinking I finally might be a part of a little more "mature" crowd; basing that comment soley off the type of car we're dealing with...god was I wrong.

And just for your FYI..I have spent hours in the FAQ. I am not new to message forums and as I stated, I've been tuning Honda's for well over 8 years. The whole purpose of posting a repitive topic is in hopes of receiving an answer in a timley fashion for those of us pressed for time.

I've already got my doubts for this fourm...

MiamieNeSeX, thanks for trying to understand my point of view.

TRM, welcome to the site. I hope you do not get the wrong impression from the initial response. I have been member to many of forums and have ran my own site as well. I have NEVER seen a site with such a wealth of information as the FAQ section here on this site. The owner of the site has put many of hours into the FAQ section. The answer to most of your questions can be found here: http://www.nsxprime.com/FAQ/General/GeneralInfo.htm

Also, as a prospective buyer THE most important thing to read before purchasing is here: http://www.nsxprime.com/FAQ/BuySell/nsx_purchase_process.htm that includes the PPI(pre-purchase inspection). This can save you thousands of dollars if the PPI turns up major problems.

As far as you having doubts for this forum... don't. This is the best forum out there. I do think a weakness is that newbies do tend to get a quick response regarding doing searches and reading the FAQ. I did as well when I first visited. I made a suggestion a while back regarding giving new visitors some basic info about the site: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27466 I'm not sure what type of message new members are currently getting but again I think it's usefull so that new members don't get the "smack-down."

As far as the members (most of them) of the site here, you will not find a more knowledgeable bunch. I have seen members "bend over backwards" to help otherwise complete strangers. One of the members here (Soichiro) also went out of his way to inspect a car for me last year. Don't get me wrong, there are a few bad apples here, but you will get that with any site you visit.

good luck
TRM04 said:
I came here thinking I finally might be a part of a little more "mature" crowd; basing that comment soley off the type of car we're dealing with...

Welcome to Prime....Here are a few quick answers to your questions.

1. 3.0L = Auto trans. 1991-2004
2. 3.0L = Manual Trans.1991-1996
3. 3.2L = Manual Trans.1997-2004
4. Blacktop from 1991-end of 1994 (unless is a black car :D )
5. Acura emblem on back lights. 2002 +

Make sure that you do PPI, check records, carfax ect.. and ask for help from local NSX'ers in the area (post on regional massage Forums).

Good luck on your search.... :)
hlweyl said:
I have seen members "bend over backwards" to help otherwise complete strangers.

I agree,

Last year when i flew to NY looking for my 1st NSX. Acura NsX Pilot and RPM217 helped me inspect the car and point out many flaws that i would have not noticed and saved me from making a big mistake.
MiamieNeSeX said:
So we should shut the site down and link everyone directly to the FAQs?

What was wrong with pointing out the obvious that the site has this basic information? What is the FAQ for if not to provide FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS? Why bother reading, I know it's greatly overrated.
Hi TRM04,

What year did the 3.2L get introduced? 1997.

Were all 91-94 3.0L regardless of transmission? Yes. But automatics had different engine tuning, lower redline (7500) and less horsepower (252).

Aside from obvious jump .2 in liter size, was there any other changes to the motor through the years?There were a number of changes in 1997, listed in detail on the changesbyyear.htm page. Some other years had smaller updates, e.g. OBDII and throttle-by-wire in 1995, and LEV (low emission vehicle) status in 2000.

I understand that 93 added a passenger airbag and one cup holder to the none it had in the previous years, what else does the 93 add? Alignment changes for longer tire life, and R134A refrigerant.

What year's had black top vs what years had body color matched top? '91-'94 had black tops, except for later green '94s that had green tops. '95 and later have body color tops. (NOTE: see Teej's message below for more complete info.)

Acura (written out) vs Acura emblem vs NSX on back lights? I think the logo came in for 2002. I don't know if USA market cars ever had NSX in the center rear piece. (Someone who knows, please help.)

What cars had 290hp is the 3.0L 270hp? '97 and later with manual tranny have 3.2L 290HP (the VIN will start with JH4NA2). '91-'96 with manual have 3.0L 270HP. Automatics in all years have 3.0L 252HP.

As you can tell, I'm looking into a 93 and I think I've honed in on the one I'd like to pick up. I have never driven a NSX nor sat in one. The one I am interested, from the pictures looks slightly modified by way of open element intake kit and some sort of exhaust. Also has some speaker, sub and amp upgrades. THe current owner is the 3rd and has only had it for about 1.5 years. Needless to say, he doesn't know much about NSX's or this car's history. I was the one to point out to him that it has an exhaust on it. He has received similiar questions/concerns such as mine from other prospective buyers and now has started a back tracing of the previous owners to get some answers...which is good. I have yet to go see this car in person since it's a few hundred miles away and to be honest, really don't want to go see it until I have some solid background information on the car.

I spent months looking for an NSX with everything I wanted (which included maintenance records). I'm glad I took my time.

From my findings, there really are two types of NSX owners.
1. First is the person who barely drove it and was a weekend type car or..
2. The type of person who drove it daily or tracked it with some level of sprited style of driving.

I bought mine to drive it. I'm putting about 10,000 miles a year on it (no track miles tho).
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Inexcess said:
What was wrong with pointing out the obvious that the site has this basic information? What is the FAQ for if not to provide FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS? Why bother reading, I know it's greatly overrated.
Lighten up hot shot, the best thing this site has isnt the FAQs its the interaction among members.

Sometimes I find some of the information on the FAQ to be outdated or not updated. Not all, just some. Most is still very good reliable information. However I believe bringing up some of the same topics can sometimes reveal new information, such as updates on new products, different opinions, a chance to interact with some of the newer members, and sometimes makes you aware of a subject that you would otherwise overlook. :D
Welcome to Prime. Thick skin is at times a prerequisite.

Yeah - I guess at times we think we are writing in a neutral tone, and that is how it is intended, yet when one reads our post, it comes across as having a bit of an edge to it. I am sure that was not intended.

This is the best site I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of. The people are all terrific with the exception of one or two that generally come across as immature and soon disappear. (Mind you, immaturity comes at any and all ages - I know 18 year-olds that comes across as mature men and 40 year-olds that comes across as children.)

The FAQ is a good surce of information, and sometimes the information caontained therein is spot-on. Sometimes it is not. But it is usually worth giving it a try on any given topic.
Thank you soo much for all the warm welcomes today. I must say, I no longer have my doubts and feel really welcomed here. Thank you again.

Also, thank you so much for the answers and links to useful resources. Much apperciated!

Question that I am having trouble finding the answer to.

On more modern day cars, when analyzing the body for damage, it is a good idea to look at each panel for the VIN sticker. This is a sure way of identifying if a panel has been replaced. If no sticker is found, it's a good intention the panel has been replaced.

Does the NSX have VIN stickers on each body panel?

Lastly, from my findings, 93 NSX's run the newer AC units?


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Someone responded to your black top versus color topped question however it wasnt completely clear and concise. :D The black top was standard on all NSX's up until Honda introduced the NSX-T in what? 1994 1/2 or '95?. Once that happened, all NSX-T's had the body colored removable targa. However, if you purchased a rare NSX Coupe after 1995, the top would still be black. Those are very few and far inbetween.

Also, there are a lot of 91-94 NSX owners on this forum who have opted to paint the black top to match the body of the car.
Not sure what you mean by newer AC units. In 93', they switched over to R134 refrigerant. You can also switch the 91 and 92 over to R134 which many owners do when having major AC service done.

There was also a TSB on the early models regarding the climate control only blowing on high. This also occurs on later models (my 97 had the same problem) but rather than the blower motor and resistor being the problem, it's usually the climate control board that ends up being the culprit. Mine cost about $175 to replace all the capacitors on the board.
Tom239 said:
Acura (written out) vs Acura emblem vs NSX on back lights? I think the logo came in for 2002. I don't know if USA market cars ever had NSX in the center rear piece. (Someone who knows, please help.)
The "NSX" in the rear center "light" (it's not a light) is not OEM - it's an after-market decal which replaces the stock "ACURA" decal.
See Here for example.