1st NSX private track event at the Streets of Willow 11/10/06

20 February 2000
Irvine, CA, USA
Just in case if you track rats don't frequent the Southwest forum. Here is your chance to go to a private NSX event in SoCal.

1st NSX private track event in SoCal

I'd like to cap it at 30 cars. NSXs first, ex-NSX owners second, non-NSX Instructors third and if we still have spots open, your friends are welcomed.

Goal: a friendly track event for the NSX owners and friends with all levels of driving skill.

Group B is mainly to get the first timers to come and experience track driving without any intimidating drivers riding on your tail or dive bombing you on turns. You can almost treat it like parade laps if you wished to. Instructors are available to ensure safety.

Group A are for people that frequent this forum. 2 run groups means up to 3 hours of track time. With a cap of 30 cars for the entire event, we have the track all to ourselves. CW in the morning and CCW in the afternoon is almost like 2 track events in one day.

People from Arizona and Las Vegas have express interest to this event. So come and join us on 11/10/06 Friday.