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1st in line position for NSX 2.0

15 January 2010
Ran across this on Craigslist, sharing it here... (not my ad)


I'm top on the list for the new 2015 NSX, If your wanting the NSX but are not on the list, contact me
Only a 1,000 will be sold in the US.

Be at the first to get the new NSX
You can pick the color and all the options

Looking for a process transfer fee

Be the first to own the first 2015 NSX coming soon
RedWings;1851253[FONT=Bitstream Vera Serif said:
Only a 1,000 will be sold in the US.[/FONT]

I remember Ted Klaus saying they were going to target a production of 1,000 per year - but has this been verified?
While we're talking really great opportunities, I thought I'd share this here, found in the coffee room on my floor at work.

I thought it was odd and amusing that someone is trying to sell a position in line to buy a car.

Love the comments since its obviously a scammer of some sort
Lol... Saw that last night... Is it Jerry Sienfeld? Lmao

Thinking of just replying to pull this idiots chain....