1989 integra clutch pedal is high

6 October 2002
san jose, ca
Anyone out there good with cars? my clutch pedal is high and
the clutch engages near the top of the pedal range.

If I step on the depress the clutch like .5 - .75 inch, it slips.
Would a worn out clutch make the pedal higher than usual and engage at this point?

Yes a worn clutch will engage higher than a new one. On that particular integra you should be able to adjust the clutch cable to lower the engagement point if the clutch isn't too worn. Find the big a$$ cable that comes from the drivers side of the car and runs to the tranny...chase that all the way down to where it stops at the tranny there's the adjustment point. Lift up on the arm the the cable links to and rotate the threaded end to tighten.