18 year old NSX driver :)

21 February 2004

april 14, 2003 I turned 18 (you must be 18 to get your drivers license in Europe)
10 days ago I got my drivers license
And today I drove the NSX for the first time :cool:

I must say, the feeling when you hit 8300 rpm is just awesome!!
The roaring engine behind me, the sound, WOW!

I already drove my moms Civic Type-R several times and I've got a 20hp (@ 70cc) scooter (14s @ 1/4mile), so I know what power is... But going 120 mp/h with the knowledge I even have one gear left is just :cool:

I forgot to recharge my batteries for my cam... so I don't have pics :(
Congratulations Dimer !!!!!

Which NSX did you drive ? The supercharged one or the other ?

It must be cool to have a father with such a collection of nice toys ! ;)

Best regards to you and Gerard,
Enzo said:
Congratulations Dimer !!!!!

Which NSX did you drive ? The supercharged one or the other ?

It must be cool to have a father with such a collection of nice toys ! ;)

Best regards to you and Gerard,

Hi David,
Best regards to you to.

I must say, I was a bit proud driving the NSX followed by Dimer in the other one for the first time. No accidents happened. Quite cool!!
Gerard van Santen said:
Hi David,
Best regards to you to.

I must say, I was a bit proud driving the NSX followed by Dimer in the other one for the first time. No accidents happened. Quite cool!!

Your son is a very lucky guy, but at 18 with very few hours of driving I assume, I hope your son has also had driver's ed and a few driving schools under his belt. If not, please get him some hours in the hands of an experienced instructor ASAP, under a controlled environment like a track. I'm not talking about the driving licence instructor, rather someone who will show your son about respecting the road and the conditions he's facing. If you can be this person, even better, it will be a very good father-son bonding experience.

Eventhough the NSX is a great car, it is not above the laws of physics and definetly not a rookie's car !!! :eek:
apapada said:
.....Eventhough the NSX is a great car, it is not above the laws of physics and definetly not a rookie's car !!! :eek:

Hi apapada,

Thanks for your concern. My son didn't go to a regular driving school. It was a special school with two weeks of daily driving. Every day for at least 8 hours on the road.

And about this 'father-son bonding experience', I think you're right about that. Even though I already think I have this relationship with my son.
BTW I do track racing for four years now and Dimer goes always with me to the track. He knows more about the X than I and if somebody respects the X than it will be Dimer.

An accident can be around the corner. I hope it will never happen. And if he wants to drive I will be with him as a passenger or we drive as a tandem with both NSXs. I know for sure that he wants to learn from his father. I will look after him. But don't all daddies do that?:)
Gerard van Santen said:
I must say, I was a bit proud driving the NSX followed by Dimer in the other one for the first time. No accidents happened. Quite cool!!

I can't wait to have the same experience with my son..however, I still have 18 years to wait !

He will be in the NSX and I in my "future" Murcielago ! :D
gheba_nsx said:
So you give up the Diablo idea for the more reliable Murcie... hard choice for me!

What I want is the Audi quality on the Diablo look... and 130k CHF to buy the car! :D

More I look at the the Murciélago and more I like it...and it's the same with the Gallardo !

I think that in 2022, I should be able to afford a used Murciélago ! ;)

FYI, the wednesday 3th of March, I will be at the 74th Geneva International Motorshow for the "press day"! ;)

I can't wait to take a look at the new Murciélago Barchetta
Lucky you...

I will be there one week after, Wed. 10 March with the Ferrari VIP pass (inclusive apero, eating and chick model stands). :D :D :D

My work colleague 360-owner will give me his wife ticket. :cool:

How do you enter the press day? :eek:

PS: I also received the BMW pass to check the worldwide premiere of the 645 cabrio. You know why? Because I took a test drive of the coupe one... :p ...stupid BMW ;), they want me to profit of them more than once per month! :D
Hi Dimer,
Congratulations on getting your license. Very good.
You are one lucky guy to be driving a NSX at 18 :) :) :)
Just take good care of the car (and whoever is in it of course as well).
So this year the whole family can come over to Spa, Mas-du-Clos, driving two NSX-es instead of one ;)
gheba_nsx said:
How do you enter the press day? :eek:

Because I am journalist...at least for this day ! :D ;) :p

OK, here's the truth !!!! Because I have nice friends !!! :)

I had Porsche and Lexus VIP access as well but I don't need them because when you can enter for the "press day" you are VIP everywhere and you receive a lot of goodies. :cool: :D

How was the BMW 645 ?
MvM said:
Hi Dimer,
Congratulations on getting your license. Very good.
You are one lucky guy to be driving a NSX at 18 :) :) :)
Just take good care of the car (and whoever is in it of course as well).
So this year the whole family can come over to Spa, Mas-du-Clos, driving two NSX-es instead of one ;)

Heey Maarten!

How are you?
When is your NSX ready to roll? Is it fixable?

Maybe you can get your Dad to get a Civic or something for you to race him with!

Youthful energy, and the lack of self-preservation that young people have, may make you faster!


Maybe you can get your Dad to get a Civic or something for you to race him with!

Youthful energy, and the lack of self-preservation that young people have, may make you faster!


That would be awesome, but another racer = $$$ ;)
If I'm going on the track with a civic, it must be a '91 VTi or a '92/'93 VTi (160bhp @ 950kg). But these are so expensive here in Holland. And then I need slicks, new rims, stiffer suspension, some engine mods, racing seats etc etc...
And what about the entree fee for the race! It's not like it's a R/C car or something ;)
But still, I like the idea very much :cool:
Hi Dimer,
Thanks for the inquiry.
And yes, the NSX is fixable but it will cost some... :(
Don't know when it will be ok, depends on how quick I can find all the parts. Will start my search seriously at the end of this month.
Hopelfull, by summertime, he/she should be looking ok again.