10k update (well, almost)

6 December 2006
N. California
I bought my NSX back in Dec of 2006 with around 6600 miles on the odo and now have almost 10k miles on it. What's strange is that I rarely drive the car (2-3x/week) and somehow have seemed to put on over 3k miles in 4 months. Oh well, at least no one can accuse me of not driving it! Anyways, I have always been leary of used car purchases as I have been burned once or twice in the past. Hence, I purchased an aftermarket warranty. I am pleasantly surprised that nothing has gone wrong since the purchase (knock on wood:)) The car has been rock solid mechanically. I am beginning to regret the extended warranty purchase now but oh well, I suppose it is nice to have. I am unsure where I am going with this post btw.:) I just drove my car around the block in anticipation of the rain coming this weekend. I figure I would drive it one last time before the end of the week. Wait, ahh now I remember why I drove it. I just had a new set of the Goodyear Eagle GSD3's put on and wanted to see how she felt. Can't really comment yet as I haven't really pushed her. Anyways, sorry to bore you guys with this post.
At least you are putting miles on yours. I've had mine a full year and have put about 3500 miles on it. I'm no garage queen type by any means and am always looking for a reason to drive it but the construction around Houston is not allowing for me to drive it as much (roads are all torn up).

Hey, at least I got to drive her today (even though it looks like it will rain).
Wait, ahh now I remember why I drove it. I just had a new set of the Goodyear Eagle GSD3's put on and wanted to see how she felt. Can't really comment yet as I haven't really pushed her.
I fitted the same tyres around 2k miles ago. Word of caution, I wouldn't go pushing the car until you have a few hundred miles on them. I found the car wouldn't turn in when I first got them. All is fine now and I'm very confident with them, wet or dry.

Keep on driving!

regards, Paul