1000 Posts for ...

2 October 2001
Congratulations to <B>Akira3D</B> : a long-standing contributor to Prime who recently passed 1000 posts unnoticed (until now ;) )

Also, congrats to <B>Joel</B> who is sitting on 999 at the moment...

Let the smiley/post-wh0ring begin!!!! :D


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a long-standing contributor to Prime who recently passed 1000 posts unnoticed (until now ;) )[/B]

Actually, I didn't go unnoticed. My 1000th post was in reply to gheba_nsx, who congratulated me in anticipation of my 1000th post when I was at 999.

But thanks, Neo....it's always nice to be recognized. :D
Congrats on many useful posts! There should also be a metric to track signal-to-noise ratio too, because high posts don't necessarily correlate to positive contributions (no, not referring to Ken, who has been great). Thank goodness that the new system incorporates a .ignore functionality!!! The low signal-to-noise-ratio prolific posters have already been welcomed there...
cojones said:
Ted -- how does the "ignore" feature work ??
Just go to the User CP panel and then use the Edit Ignore List tab. I'd be happy to suggest some initial entries offline! :D
What "ignore" does for any username so designated is, it leaves a placeholder for that person's post, and it gives you the ability to click on the link if you want to read it. So you know that someone posted there, and have the option to read the post, but otherwise can gloss over it.

P.S. Thanks, Ted. ;)