10 Very compelling reasons not to date or marry a car guy

4 April 2011
Fountain Hills, AZ
My wife just sent me this. Wonder what she is trying to say?

1. He thinks everybody wants to race him on the highway.
2. He will gladly take you to any of the newest, hottest, most glamorous restaurant in the metro...as long as his lowered, stanced, body-kitted ride can get over the establishment's driveway without scraping any part of its underbody.
3. He cuts Saturday date night short and rushes home before midnight like Cinderella because he has to be up at the crack of dawn for a track day.
4. He says a childhood accident has left him partly deaf, and that's why he never hears you when you're reminding him of something...yet has the ability to identify whether a car has four, six, eight or 12 cylinders; if it is normally aspirated or turbocharged; and whether it is Japanese, German or Italian, simply by the sound of its engine note as it drives down a street seven blocks away.
5. He doesn't trust the valet to park the car, so he drops you off at the lobby, where you end up waiting for half an hour while he finds a "safe" parking spot.
6. He can never recall important things like your shoe size, where you had your first date, or your anniversary...but remembers exactly when the next oil change is due, and knows by heart the ideal camber and toe settings for Batangas Racing Circuit and Clark International Speedway. He can also recite his car's Vehicle Identification Number from memory. Backwards.
7. He prefers to stay home in bed on Friday night instead of watching a movie, and complains about a migraine and the onset of the flu...then 10 minutes later, jumps out of bed and rushes out of the house like his pants were on fire, to meet his friend who has just taken delivery of a new car.
8. He complains you take so long deciding what handbag to use, and that it doesn’t matter because they all look exactly the same anyway. And then he says you're blind because you can't tell the difference between all the various Porsche 911 variants. Hello, isn't it so obvious?!
9. He finds every excuse in the world to be stingy--"I’m paying back a debt"..."I'm saving up for a rainy day"..."I'm saving up for a new house"--then blows a month's salary on a set of coilovers.
10. He takes forever in the toilet because he's trying to finish the latest issue of Top Gear.
There's one huge reason your car guy is a keeper: Because no matter how jealous you are of his car(s), remember that at least his car(s) won't kiss him back.
I'm printing it out to show my wife. I'm sure she'll get a giggle.
next thread is 10 Very compelling reasons not to date or marry a car gal

1 she may know more than you.
2 she could possibly do a timing belt job faster than you.
3 she looks better in the sports car than you do.
4 she can get out of tickets with a bat of the eyes.
5 she can drift her car around corners like on the movies.
6 if she drag races another car and wins the other driver would kill himself
7 no more road H- - D cuz she's driving
8 she may be the dominate one in the bedroom
9 she could one day get a tat of Danicia Patrick in the " tramp stamp " area
10 she could dump you for a guy that has a faster car than you
next thread is 10 Very compelling reasons not to date or marry a car gal

1 she may know more than you.
2 she could possibly do a timing belt job faster than you.
3 she looks better in the sports car than you do.
4 she can get out of tickets with a bat of the eyes.
5 she can drift her car around corners like on the movies.
6 if she drag races another car and wins the other driver would kill himself
7 no more road H- - D cuz she's driving
8 she may be the dominate one in the bedroom
9 she could one day get a tat of Danicia Patrick in the " tramp stamp " area
10 she could dump you for a guy that has a faster car than you

You've met my wife?
Great post. I am copy/pasting to my wife's email!
I hate to say this, but being a car addict has shown to get in the way of relationship satisfaction; ask me how I know. It's simply impossible (sort of quantum mechanics) to put your thoughts and time into two things at the same time - your relationship & the car. Post-mortem of my divorce... I think this is one of the things that I could have improved on - less time with the car(s), and more time investing in the relationship.

For those that are in a serious relationship they want to last, take note. Most women may put up with it for some time, but regardless whether they complan about it or not, if / when it's gone, you might wish you would have spent more time /$$ into your relationship.
Interesting take on the matter. I find that my car has to "wait" for things like mods or special drives, etc in order to allow me to spend time with my family. Also, I deliberately plan my budget so as not to over-spend on the car. That is, I put aside a certain percentage of my money and THAT'S IT for the car. I have to save up for things like headers and suspension upgrades, etc, etc. While I do have the money to throw a couple thousand a month at the car (if I wanted to), I have to discipline myself not to. Having practiced it for some time, now, it has gotten easier with time. Next on the list, for example, is a set of headers for my Camaro. But that's a $2000 investment which will have to wait a few months while I set aside money over time.

Part of what may help with the discipline is that I have only recently begun to earn the kind of money that would allow me to be "frivolous," so I'm already trained to live frugal. Anyway... just some thoughts on the issue.