04 Shift Boot and SOS Rapid Shift Knob

25 July 2005
I hope this isn't a repost. If it is, I am sorry. I searched, I swear..:smile:
I have an 04 NSX and a SOS Rapid Shift knob. The SOS knob has tabs on the bottom of the knob to hold the older shift boots "up". My 04 boot has a nut inside the boot. I think it is a nut, I haven't had the boot off. How the heck can I make the two compatible? The SOS knob threads are much deeper inside the knob than OEM. Then I really don't think I can get the nut inside the boot screwed far enough down the stalk that IF I could, I could remove the SOS tabs on the bottom of the knob. I really don't want to remove the tabs on the knobs. I know I could buy a new boot, but I like the OEM boot and don't really want to change it. <-(insert tight-wad comment here) :biggrin:
Any ideas?:confused:
Thank you in advance....
terrypancake said:
. <-(insert tight-wad comment here)


I think there is a parts store in this town that has what yer lookin fer...:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: *Just kidding!

Side bar: I have the NSX-R type boot. I know you like the oem boot but take a closer look at this combo I have. It has a kool lil' piece of CF at the base and the web boot saves at least 2 oz. of weight! :biggrin:

*Disregard cat dandruff & brunette hair in pix.



Hey Billy, that city limit sign is old. I'll bet my town pop is much bigger than that. There is enough double wides to fill a trailer park. :biggrin: :biggrin:
I wanna keep my boot. I like everything about that boot except the CF. Not real CF fan inside the car. I love it outside. Besides my boot root has the little gear placard thingy that tells me "where" the gears are. If I remove that I won't know where to find the next gear. I'll be stuck in neutral forever.

There has to be a way to use the OEM boot and knob. I ask Chis at SOS and he said just post on here, someone has to have done it before. :smile:

Not a big fan of CF inside or out but the boot I have looks kewl enuff to put up with the itty bitty CF there. Hummmm, been trying to find 6th gear for years now. Hard to do without the little shift signage...Hummm, Oh, yeah, it's a 5 speed. Duh!

My entire hood is CF and I had it painted.

Thinking of horse trading for this really bitchin' knob...

Anyway, good luck with search for the fix. Sorry I can't help. But if this thread continues between you and me only, uh why doncha just use yer blueberry phone and we can chat 'bout really bitchin' NSX stuff.:biggrin: