'04 JH4NA21644T000104 in AZ

Don't know anything other than what I see here but if the guy has records it should be a good one. Hell with that kind of mileage even if there aren't records how bad could it be. What's the price? That'll tell you a lot
was Located in CA, last year, and it only had 11,000 miles,someone's been driving it?? wonder who? it has gone from dealer to dealer,, those guys must have been taking it home every night!! and we all know how the mechanics treat our cars!!! they dog'em hard,,, looks good though , but how much that link doesnt say? I'd buy it! if I had the cash!
Don't know anything other than what I see here but if the guy has records it should be a good one. Hell with that kind of mileage even if there aren't records how bad could it be. What's the price? That'll tell you a lot

I think they're asking $59,875.

At the risk of getting flamed - I would say that is too high - by at almost 10k, imho. In my opinion ok. Now am I an expert - no but I've seen em go a lot cheaper than that with records from an individual. My friend here in Atlanta just bought an 04 with 23k and a new clutch and battery for less than 50k. So I wouldn't be frisky to pull the trigger on this one. You know when i see a car like this and as Shawn says it's gone from dealer to dealer and has had 12k miles put on it in the last year and we don't know anything about the previous owners - whether there are any records or not - it's got aftermarket wheels and where are the originals. You'd know the answer to all those questions realy quickly if it was an individual owner.

I don't like dealers in general - not saying there aren't some that are ok but they gotta make a living and they won't sell one as low as an individual cause they have overhead - generally speaking. Many times they don't have any records either. Lots of unanswered questions here.

My 2 cents worth.

Here's my .02 on this. Sure he could hold out and MAYBE find one cheaper but your friend got a good deal. No check that, he got a great deal. So knowing there are only a few hundred 04 and 05s to think that the few that become available will fall into that bracket is absurd. Knowing you paid 30ish for your car plus a few thousand to bring it up to spec, lets just say you posted the same question on your car. Sure there's been 91's low mileage sold for THOUSANDs less than you paid, we've seen them in the low 20's but is that the norm? Nope. Could you have held out to find one in the low 20's with records, etc. Sure...but....most likely you'd still be posting on here as a prospective owner.

Now one more thing about your friend's car....even though it was a minor accident that eliminates a LOT of potential buyers as I, and many prospective buyers I know, wouldn't have touched it no matter how good the repair was. And as a side note to your post on JAS303's thread about the 05....you can not lump 05s in with any other year. It was the last year made so amongst those collecting it adds a special value right there, then you add in super low mileage, pristine, zero accidents, records, etc and the price keeps on moving up. With these cars it's really a tough call as it's what the Buyer is willing to shell out and what their "Specific criteria" is. I was super anal when I finally decided I wanted an 05 and I know for each piece of added criteria, "color, no accidents, super low mileage, records, etc" that I would have to take that into account on the price. Suddenly all the "good deals" that were out there started getting eliminated by my "criteria".

So rather than telling every potential buyer that their prospective purchase is too high, you can reference you buddy's good deal but I would caveat that as an exception and not the rule otherwise you'll be leading a lot of prospective buyers to miss out on a car thinking that of the few hundred out there they will be able to snag one at that price. It might be true but how many months or years might they have to wait? :confused:

And I keep seeing your posts on the economy. Yeah, the economy is bad....but not for everyone so for many it's not a factor.

Just giving you some thoughts from Sunny South Florida :smile:

Oh geez....I just read my post and realized I pontificated....sorry Tim :tongue:



At the risk of getting flamed - I would say that is too high - by at almost 10k, imho. In my opinion ok. Now am I an expert - no but I've seen em go a lot cheaper than that with records from an individual. My friend here in Atlanta just bought an 04 with 23k and a new clutch and battery for less than 50k. So I wouldn't be frisky to pull the trigger on this one. You know when i see a car like this and as Shawn says it's gone from dealer to dealer and has had 12k miles put on it in the last year and we don't know anything about the previous owners - whether there are any records or not - it's got aftermarket wheels and where are the originals. You'd know the answer to all those questions realy quickly if it was an individual owner.

I don't like dealers in general - not saying there aren't some that are ok but they gotta make a living and they won't sell one as low as an individual cause they have overhead - generally speaking. Many times they don't have any records either. Lots of unanswered questions here.

My 2 cents worth.

Here's my .02 on this. Sure he could hold out and MAYBE find one cheaper but your friend got a good deal. No check that, he got a great deal. So knowing there are only a few hundred 04 and 05s to think that the few that become available will fall into that bracket is absurd. Knowing you paid 30ish for your car plus a few thousand to bring it up to spec, lets just say you posted the same question on your car. Sure there's been 91's low mileage sold for THOUSANDs less than you paid, we've seen them in the low 20's but is that the norm? Nope. Could you have held out to find one in the low 20's with records, etc. Sure...but....most likely you'd still be posting on here as a prospective owner.

Now one more thing about your friend's car....even though it was a minor accident that eliminates a LOT of potential buyers as I, and many prospective buyers I know, wouldn't have touched it no matter how good the repair was. And as a side note to your post on JAS303's thread about the 05....you can not lump 05s in with any other year. It was the last year made so amongst those collecting it adds a special value right there, then you add in super low mileage, pristine, zero accidents, records, etc and the price keeps on moving up. With these cars it's really a tough call as it's what the Buyer is willing to shell out and what their "Specific criteria" is. I was super anal when I finally decided I wanted an 05 and I know for each piece of added criteria, "color, no accidents, super low mileage, records, etc" that I would have to take that into account on the price. Suddenly all the "good deals" that were out there started getting eliminated by my "criteria".

So rather than telling every potential buyer that their prospective purchase is too high, you can reference you buddy's good deal but I would caveat that as an exception and not the rule otherwise you'll be leading a lot of prospective buyers to miss out on a car thinking that of the few hundred out there they will be able to snag one at that price. It might be true but how many months or years might they have to wait? :confused:

And I keep seeing your posts on the economy. Yeah, the economy is bad....but not for everyone so for many it's not a factor.

Just giving you some thoughts from Sunny South Florida :smile:

Oh geez....I just read my post and realized I pontificated....sorry Tim :tongue:


You are right in all your comments here Danny, but there is one caveat I would stick to on any buy as my advice. I would buy from an individual if at all possible. That may not be possible. This dealer may give a better price but I've seen more than one 04 go for a lot less than that. Now maybe Chic want's an 05 - maybe he would take an 02 or 03. It really depends on what Chic has to have to make him happy.

Your point about "damage" or paint work is definitely a turn off to many. I understand that and if your buying restriction criterion is what Chic would choose to follow then your advice is right on! I absolutely agree with that. But if it isn't then my advice isn't off point. I bought mine with paint work to the front bumper and rear bumper. It's gonna happen to those cars that are really driven especially as they get to be 19 years old. That will eventually happen to the 02-05s as they get driven and older too. There are indeed "pure" examples of all years and you have to wait for em.

Has anyone verified that this one Chich mentions here is perfect? There wasn't enough info to know. Looks like I got a raised eyebrow from Loosenut - am I to assume that's the dealer chiming in? If it is wonder why he didn't address records and all the other concerns one might have.

Anyway, all I'm saying to Chic and anyone looking for a used late model 02-05 is if you want specific advice be very specific with your input and then we can all be more precise. I agree with Danny - there are many ways to look at a purchase and if this is a totally pristine example then perhaps this is ok - but before I got excited I would be all over verifying that!!! I still will say that almost 60k for an 04, unless totally perfect in every way with all records from new is over priced! You can always find better deals if you want to wait.

To answer what Danny mentions about my search - ummmm I'll tell you; I rushed out and found a decent car but was it perfect - no - have there been other deals since that I might rather have had - maybe so. They come along - that's the point - how long you'll have to wait is largely dependant on what your criteria is for selection - the more narrow - the longer the wait would be generally speaking.

Here I go pontificating too. Sorry.
Prescott, AZ, dealer lists color as "granite" :rolleyes::biggrin::rolleyes: Oughta know better. Need to do their homework, even if a Honda dealer.
I dunno what the sheepskin seat cover(s) mean.
Yup, yup....... picky picky picky!
Cool that OEM wheels are included in deal.
Prescott, AZ, dealer lists color as "granite" :rolleyes::biggrin::rolleyes: Oughta know better. Need to do their homework, even if a Honda dealer.
I dunno what the sheepskin seat cover(s) mean.
Yup, yup....... picky picky picky!
Cool that OEM wheels are included in deal.


For right at 60k you can darn sure be picky! Real picky!:wink:
It's all good Tim! :smile:

You are right in all your comments here Danny, but there is one caveat I would stick to on any buy as my advice. I would buy from an individual if at all possible. That may not be possible. This dealer may give a better price but I've seen more than one 04 go for a lot less than that. Now maybe Chic want's an 05 - maybe he would take an 02 or 03. It really depends on what Chic has to have to make him happy.

Your point about "damage" or paint work is definitely a turn off to many. I understand that and if your buying restriction criterion is what Chic would choose to follow then your advice is right on! I absolutely agree with that. But if it isn't then my advice isn't off point. I bought mine with paint work to the front bumper and rear bumper. It's gonna happen to those cars that are really driven especially as they get to be 19 years old. That will eventually happen to the 02-05s as they get driven and older too. There are indeed "pure" examples of all years and you have to wait for em.

Has anyone verified that this one Chich mentions here is perfect? There wasn't enough info to know. Looks like I got a raised eyebrow from Loosenut - am I to assume that's the dealer chiming in? If it is wonder why he didn't address records and all the other concerns one might have.

Anyway, all I'm saying to Chic and anyone looking for a used late model 02-05 is if you want specific advice be very specific with your input and then we can all be more precise. I agree with Danny - there are many ways to look at a purchase and if this is a totally pristine example then perhaps this is ok - but before I got excited I would be all over verifying that!!! I still will say that almost 60k for an 04, unless totally perfect in every way with all records from new is over priced! You can always find better deals if you want to wait.

To answer what Danny mentions about my search - ummmm I'll tell you; I rushed out and found a decent car but was it perfect - no - have there been other deals since that I might rather have had - maybe so. They come along - that's the point - how long you'll have to wait is largely dependant on what your criteria is for selection - the more narrow - the longer the wait would be generally speaking.

Here I go pontificating too. Sorry.

No raised eyebrows from me. A question was asked and I happen to see the answer so I added it to the thread.

Now I am honored that I received a mention in a pon-Tim-ification.:biggrin: And you have posted some good ones in your relative short membership.

I am not a dealer nor do I have any connection with that car. Well, considering that my car was made in the same factory as the '04 in question, I would say there is only 2 or 3 degrees of separation between me and the '04.

No raised eyebrows from me. A question was asked and I happen to see the answer so I added it to the thread.

Now I am honored that I received a mention in a pon-Tim-ification.:biggrin: And you have posted some good ones in your relative short membership.

I am not a dealer nor do I have any connection with that car. Well, considering that my car was made in the same factory as the '04 in question, I would say there is only 2 or 3 degrees of separation between me and the '04.

I feel like a "loosenut" now. I reread your post and I understood what was happening. Sorry for associating you with the seller. I don't know whether your being mentioned in one of my posts is an honor but I believe I'm the one that is being honored here by you and I hardly ever know when my leg is getting pulled. But thanks; I'm glad you've enjoyed some of my epistles and now you've coined a word too! That is great - and way funny. A "pon - tim-ification" --geez I'm immortalized or something like that:eek::biggrin:. I'm sure this will follow me all the days of my life. Ooooohhh boy I'm in for it now. I doubt if I'll ever live this one down. LOL. I needed a good laugh and I hope others are getting a kick out of this one.

Glad to hear from you Loosenut - you know that's really what's so great about this family, support group, ribbing section we have here and one of the reasons I don't think I'll ever be able to sell my car!
My friend here in Atlanta just bought an 04 with 23k and a new clutch and battery for less than 50k. So I wouldn't be frisky to pull the trigger on this one.

Tim, you mention this in your every NSX pricing post. I am an analyst in a fortune 500 company. I get paid to forecast bookings, revenues, product cycles, renewal rates, and etc. My co-workers call me an expert in analytics, however I told them I am only an expert at gathering data and present what the data is showing us. Your opinion of NSX pricing was skewed because it is based on a single anomaly. I didn't agree about you being flamed, and you saw that. But I am here to let you know why you were getting some of those flames.

First of all, if it is a fact, that assuming this car is flawless in a PPI, 10k over price. Then the 02 sold a month ago in similar condition for 49.9k would be over priced. However, most of us felt that was a good buy. If a low mileage 02 is going for 49.9k, a 04 would worth at least 3k more. Again, your assumption is all based on "my friend got an 04 for less than 50k", so in comparison everything on the market seems high to you. However, there were five low-mileage 2005s sold in the past 2 years. The lowest sold was 55k, and the highest was 62k. One of them was over 30k miles. If you compare the 04 with those 05s and the 02 recently sold on prime, you would find things differently. Do you have any data that back you up except "my friend got his 04 for less than 50k?" If you compare the market average, you'll find this car's price would be fair at around mid 50s.

Most importantly, the 04 you mentioned had some reasons to be sold at such a good price. It was an excellent deal. However, there are reasons behind it. We both know that the owner didn't want to expose every little detail into public knowledge, but you keep going back to it and try to make it the holy grail of all NSX purchases. He got an amazing deal, but for everyone's sake, please do not use this single case as a benchmark for ALL NSX pricing. Unless like you said, you're willing to give every information about how that deal was make and all the history behind that car. After all, it is not your car, and it was not your experience.
...and chic, if you really set your mind to the NSX, have someone check it out first. It is your car and your decision. The car is worth what you think it's worth.

If you don't really need a car, it would not hurt to wait a little longer. My buddy who works in Nissan Japan just told me that the HSV will likely make to the 2011 Tokoy auto show. It will be the next Honda top-end car, and they're trying to make it more affordable. His guess was around 6 million Japanese yen. But, do not quote me for this. I am simply saying it would be good to wait. If HSV does hit the street, the price of our low-mileage NSXs will drop a bit more for sure. Hey, I just bought an 05 NSX, so it doesn't benefit me any by telling you this.
My buddy who works in Nissan Japan just told me that the HSV will likely make to the 2011 Tokoy auto show. It will be the next Honda top-end car, and they're trying to make it more affordable. His guess was around 6 million Japanese yen. But, do not quote me for this. I am simply saying it would be good to wait. If HSV does hit the street, the price of our low-mileage NSXs will drop a bit more for sure.

What does his sister's brother-in-law think too?

Tim, you mention this in your every NSX pricing post. I am an analyst in a fortune 500 company. I get paid to forecast bookings, revenues, product cycles, renewal rates, and etc. My co-workers call me an expert in analytics, however I told them I am only an expert at gathering data and present what the data is showing us. Your opinion of NSX pricing was skewed because it is based on a single anomaly. I didn't agree about you being flamed, and you saw that. But I am here to let you know why you were getting some of those flames.

First of all, if it is a fact, that assuming this car is flawless in a PPI, 10k over price. Then the 02 sold a month ago in similar condition for 49.9k would be over priced. However, most of us felt that was a good buy. If a low mileage 02 is going for 49.9k, a 04 would worth at least 3k more. Again, your assumption is all based on "my friend got an 04 for less than 50k", so in comparison everything on the market seems high to you. However, there were five low-mileage 2005s sold in the past 2 years. The lowest sold was 55k, and the highest was 62k. One of them was over 30k miles. If you compare the 04 with those 05s and the 02 recently sold on prime, you would find things differently. Do you have any data that back you up except "my friend got his 04 for less than 50k?" If you compare the market average, you'll find this car's price would be fair at around mid 50s.

Most importantly, the 04 you mentioned had some reasons to be sold at such a good price. It was an excellent deal. However, there are reasons behind it. We both know that the owner didn't want to expose every little detail into public knowledge, but you keep going back to it and try to make it the holy grail of all NSX purchases. He got an amazing deal, but for everyone's sake, please do not use this single case as a benchmark for ALL NSX pricing. Unless like you said, you're willing to give every information about how that deal was make and all the history behind that car. After all, it is not your car, and it was not your experience.


If you look at my posts they are not full of info because we have nothing to go on but a sales ad from Chic on this one. It has almost no information other than the car has 2 sets of wheels. We can't assume anything about a ppi cause one hasn't been done yet- hence my statement "if you want specific advice be specific with the information you provide us". Neither you nor I or anyone here has the time to do anyones homework for them. I have not said anything in this post other than his search needs further clarification. Other than my usage of my awesome good fortune deal by one here on Prime that recently bought an 04, my other advice is simple and as open ended as Chic's info.

Obviously that is not the only example out there but without info on this specific car here - why would anyone think that it may fall into that perfect catagory? Secondly there is no way that even if the ppi checks out I would think this car is worth 60k - not in todays market and whose to say if "perfect" clean, completely stock, all records, pristine condition and one owner is what Chic is looking for.

If we have any real advice to Chic it should be based on what HE's really looking for. What I'd like to know is when someone like Chic asks this relatively benign but completely open ended question with no parameters or real info everyone wants to assume it's another "perfect" example fully worth the asking price - that is crazy talk. My stuff is short and open ended and to the point - let's let Chic start filling in the blanks here.

So Chic - to you - what the heck are you looking for? What do YOU want to spend? Do YOU have a budget? Do YOU have to have a 10/10 perfect vehicle with one owner? Or would you take a lesser example - one that could very easily fall within the parameters of value I picture in my posts?

While we're here debating the fine points of NSX value where in the heck is Chic - will you please chime in so we primers that have cars aren't chastising each other.

Jas I get what your saying but I am not basing everything on my "one" example - but unlike you I have been looking at cars not in the 05 perfectionist catagory - and most here don't! As sure as there are very few perfect 05s that you would consider - consider this - you are the type of buyer that is as rare as the car you searched for! Most are surely not looking for the perfect pristine example of each year produced or nothing!!! So before we start beating each other let's beat on Chic a bit for HIS real life parametrs - I think that about says it all! :smile:
Tim, I agree that it doesn't worth 60. Even at 55k I probably won't buy it, because it's not my target year/color. However, for a person who wants only silver, it may be different. My advise is to check it out, and be patient if the price isn't right. Many dealerships are desperate to move their inventory. IMO, anyone who has a 55k+ budget should be patient because of the HSV. The time is on buyers' side. The price of NSXs is going nowhere but down.

I also see differently regards buying from dealership or the owner. The biggest issue about buying from an owner is the firm price. Those mint condition 04 and 05 owners are usually not short of money to begin with. They can sat that perfect NSX in their garage until the perfect buyer shows up and get that premium price. I am not saying I disagree with you. I am simply saying there are pros and cons about both.
Tim, I agree that it doesn't worth 60. Even at 55k I probably won't buy it, because it's not my target year/color. However, for a person who wants only silver, it may be different. My advise is to check it out, and be patient if the price isn't right. Many dealerships are desperate to move their inventory. IMO, anyone who has a 55k+ budget should be patient because of the HSV. The time is on buyers' side. The price of NSXs is going nowhere but down.

I also see differently regards buying from dealership or the owner. The biggest issue about buying from an owner is the firm price. Those mint condition 04 and 05 owners are usually not short of money to begin with. They can sat that perfect NSX in their garage until the perfect buyer shows up and get that premium price. I am not saying I disagree with you. I am simply saying there are pros and cons about both.

Righto Jas, I'm with you. I've gotta quit using my one example of the 04. You know you may be right about a dealership - I would surely not agree with if this logic was applied to some of these small "dealers" cause my experience shows me they are caaarrraaazy and willing to either wait or just dump to another dealer. Dealerships on the other hand have some cars on the lot just to generate activity. So they are in some ways more negotiable than some individuals with those pristine examples as you say. You are right again on that - you know mostly we probably agree on everything pretty much if we qualify our statements just right. So much of apparent disagreement is just not quite understanding what the other is saying or how the other is qualifying the statement.

There are definitely pros and cons. You know I am totally in agreement with some of these owners of cars that are nice - like the previous owner of mine - he was stuborn - I like my car but if you ask me if I hurried into it a bit - I'd say yes I did. Should he have taken a bit less for it - I'd say yes he should have - but you know everyone probably feels the same way after they buy a used car. Overall I like my car and I have a nice one - well it's damn nice now after I've poured 6.3k into it! It oughta be right. But you know unless you buy a really late model with low miles - you will put some cash into these cars! No doubt.

It's all good my friend. :smile:
Hey Jason....did your car arrive yet? I would tend to disagree on the HSV unless Honda makes a change in direction and moves the motor to the back of the car. For me it wouldn't make me dump my X. It might make me add another car in my garage :wink:

Tim, I agree that it doesn't worth 60. Even at 55k I probably won't buy it, because it's not my target year/color. However, for a person who wants only silver, it may be different. My advise is to check it out, and be patient if the price isn't right. Many dealerships are desperate to move their inventory. IMO, anyone who has a 55k+ budget should be patient because of the HSV. The time is on buyers' side. The price of NSXs is going nowhere but down.

I also see differently regards buying from dealership or the owner. The biggest issue about buying from an owner is the firm price. Those mint condition 04 and 05 owners are usually not short of money to begin with. They can sat that perfect NSX in their garage until the perfect buyer shows up and get that premium price. I am not saying I disagree with you. I am simply saying there are pros and cons about both.
Hey Danny,

Not yet. It will be delivered in about 10 days.

For the HSV, I am sure some of the potential mint NSX buyer will at least consider the new HSV. The performance of the HSV will definite attract a lot of Honda guys.