'02 SilverStone NSX

22 December 2002
Thanks for adding a feature to make posting an enclosure easier. Thought I would post a picture of my 2002 NSX. We'll see if it makes it though cyberspace........

Nope didn't make it....oh well. :confused:

What seems to be the problem? You can include an image in your post in one of two ways.

You can upload it to your own webspace if you have your own online storage space, or use an image-hosting site, and then link to either one using the "[ img ]imagelocation[/img]" command (only don't put any spaces between "img" and the parenthesis, like I have). Keep in mind that some third-party image-hosting sites may not allow you to link to your images once outside of their system. I believe Yahoo and MSN are guilty of this.

Alternatively , or you can use the "Attach File" link, which should simply entail selecting the image you'd like to append in the "Attach File" field (either directly if you know the file name and location, or by using the "Browse" function). Although the software will automatically inform you if the image is too large, you should ensure ahead of time that the size of the image you are trying to link to/upload is no larger than 100K (and less than 800x600 in size I think).

A full description of both these processes is written up here.

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Thanks for the additional info NSXaholic. I use the newly added "browse" upload feature. Appears simple enough.
The size of the photo I was attempting to upload from my desktop is 240K. Maybe that's why it didn't post?
Re: A5jBwR

02SilverNSX said:
Thanks for the additional info NSXaholic. I use the newly added "browse" upload feature. Appears simple enough.
The size of the photo I was attempting to upload from my desktop is 240K. Maybe that's why it didn't post?

I'm pretty sure that's the problem. Hopefull you can upload that to a hosting website that you can link to (or downsize it and post from your computer). I'm starting to really like the '02s, and am looking forward to seeing yours. Hopefully we'll get your pics up soon -- don't lose the faith. :)
