02+ Kaiser Silver pic?

26 January 2002
In the middle
I'm looking for a picture of a pre-'02 Kaiser Silver with an '02+ front end conversion, or perhaps less likely, an '02+ repainted Kaiser Silver. I don't recall ever seeing that combo and am curious to see how that would look. Any out there?
thats going to be tough. 02+ were only painted silverstone, so as you stated it would have to either be a kaiser silver which is 97-99 with 02 conversion (not sure that has been done) or an 02+ repainted kaiser which i'm almost positive hasn't been done.

i think you best bet is to picture an 02+ silverstone, but only slightly darker. Here is my 05 in silverstone. please double click on the pic for a larger version


  • 05 silver.jpg
    05 silver.jpg
    39 KB · Views: 114
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