wide fenders

  1. 8kallday

    Exterior DOWNFORCE - FRP Front Fenders (+8mm Version)

    $800 + Shipping. Local pickup in NorCal available. [Box will not fit in your NSX though :tongue:] Ordered in July 2015, these Downforce Front Fenders have sat in my garage since. These are listed as 1/4" or 8mm wider than stock (depending on your reference, Downforce site says 8mm). You DO NOT...
  2. jones83

    17/18 with wide fenders: Is anyone running a 245/40/17 in the front?

    I'm very familiar with the 'proper sizing' of tires for the NSX and how that affects TCS. I am here to talk about running a 245/40 in the front of an NSX. Specifically with widened fenders by metal work, downforce fenders, SOS fenders, Dali fenders, Kite fenders, etc. I know a 235/40 works with...
  3. MadtownNSX

    WTB - Downforce Wide Front Fenders & Stacy Side Skirts

    Wanted 1. Downforce or other wide front fenders (not widebody, but stock looking) 2. Downforce Stacy sideskirts with door caps Prefer black but will take anything in good shape.