rays engineering

  1. Z

    Rays manufacturing process video

    It's an "infomercial" of course but quite amazing. Shows the difference with some manufacturers who will just CNC the whole billet block, Rays actually form the whole wheel by forging processes before cutting excess material.
  2. MexiRicer

    ***$0LD*** Volk Racing Ce28n 17/18

    F/S: Volk Racing Ce28n 17/18 Up for sale is a freshly refinished set of Ce28n in perfect specs for oem body NSX spec with or without a drop. Had them powdercoated in an anodized matte silver finish to try and replicate volk racing titanium silver. The outcome is not spot on but damn close and...
  3. MexiRicer

    Volk Racing Ce28n 17/18 OG Bronze

    F/S: Ce28n NSX spec 17/18 MINTY OG bronze. Up for sale is a set of Ce28n from production dates 2013 and 2012. The wheel set retains its original highly coveted original bronze luster with anodized lips and textured faces. Both of the 18” are 9.5/10 and the 17” pair are 8.5/10 due to nicks from...