
  1. 8kallday

    OEM Right Rear Driveshaft & Intermediate Shaft Set - 90k miles

    Selling the set for $700 + shipping. Both articles are in very good condition. Right Rear Outer Driveshaft - $450 + shipping Right Rear Intermediate Shaft - $250 + shipping
  2. ntenseone

    Powertrain WTB: Passenger side axle shaft

    In search of a passenger side axle shaft in good condition with no rips/tears/leaks from boots. If you have a spare that you can let go of, please let me know. You can respond via PM or email me at [email protected] Thank you for looking!
  3. chussey

    Axle rebuild

    Just wanted to share some pictures of the recent rebuild I did on my axles. Disassembled, degreased and measured all parts. Three of the four joints were still well lubricated and measured good, besides three bearing inner races that had begun to spall, and were replaced. Passenger side inner...
  4. chussey

    WANTED: CV Joint / Axle / Half Shaft - for parts

    Looking for a used axle for parts. Ok if it has problems, as long as at least one of the joints has not failed. Also interested if you have axle tripod bearings already removed from the joint. Thanks! Chris
  5. vf2ss

    Help - front axle or suspension off by 1/4"

    Awhile back I had noticed that my driver side front tire looked like it was sticking out just a tiny bit more than my passenger side front with respect to the fender. It was so tiny I thought it was just an illusion but I finally decided to take off the wheels and take some measurements and sure...