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  1. R

    For sale - 91 silver/black, 78k miles, LA/CA

    Sold. She'll be SC'd and get a body kit as I understand it so it should be a nicer home that I provided
  2. R

    For sale - 91 silver/black, 78k miles, LA/CA

    For sale - 91 silver/black, 78k miles, LA/CA The time has come to sell my car. Briefly: 91 silver/black, 78k miles, runs great, mostly maintained by NSX Modified. No abuse, looks great. More info and pictures are here: and it's probably best to just email me for more info. thx...
  3. R

    Wrong place for body work(!)

    Sorry for dup posts guys (and gals?). I foolishly tried to do a spell check the 1st time - which didn't work - but it posted w/o telling me. I then went thru the hassle of reposting only to find out the 1st post made it. Now - of course - I can't delete my own posts as only an admin can. Argh...
  4. R

    Wrong place for body work(!)

    Wrong place for body work - I think an aluminum shop would have been more appropriate Older but always about to be update pics here: http://www.tropo.com/nsx/ .
  5. R

    Wrong place for body work

    I think an aluminum shop is more appropriate. Torrance, CA. Old but about to be updated pictures here: http://www.tropo.com/nsx Enjoy - Dave Spencer
  6. R

    Absolutely no NSX Parking

    The "building" as since been painted so this won't be shot again.