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Search results

  1. Carguy!

    Fastest Six Cylinder Production Cars

    Maybe they were splitting the difference between the 3.0 L and the 3.2 L :)
  2. Carguy!

    Fastest Six Cylinder Production Cars

    Found this article and haven't seen it posted here yet: http://wallstcheatsheet.com/automobiles/the-10-fastest-six-cylinder-cars-in-the-world.html/?a=viewall&ref=OB
  3. Carguy!

    Road rage Karma.

    As soon as he cut her off, in my opinion he deserved everything that happened to him. I wouldn't want him to be injured, but it would of been his own fault. The guy lost control of his vehicle with no one else doing anything, this also shows that he is a bad driver also in my opinion. He...
  4. Carguy!

    Looking to track my car via GPS on my iPhone, what's the most cost effective simple?

    Try this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BJ1BNBO/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. Carguy!

    Best Coffee

    We have a bunch of them in Michigan also.
  6. Carguy!

    ? for you married guys

    Yes I am 46 years old, 23 is young for some but I feel I was mature enough to know what I wanted and had previous relationships that let me know what I didn't want. If you find the right girl hopefully you will know and if you don't find that girl you won't settle for less. Good Luck!
  7. Carguy!

    ? for you married guys

    I am coming up on my 23 year anniversary and I couldn't imagine not being married, I now have been married for half of my life. I Love her more now than I did then. When we were first married I lost my job and she supported me for almost a year. When things turned around she was able to quit...
  8. Carguy!

    Jaguar XJ220 on the block

    There was a company in Canada that had bought the stock of cars that were left over from Jaguar and they were selling them at 180K about 10 years ago. I went out to take a look and was extremely disappointed in every aspect of the car. The fit and finish of the car made most kit cars look...
  9. Carguy!

    Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport

    It sounds like you got a pretty good deal compared to prices I have been hearing lately. I recently bought the M&P 15 TS with five 30 round mags, Aimpoint Pro, Laser and Light for $2,150. Hopefully there will not be an Executive Order to take these away from us!
  10. Carguy!

    F35-B Flight tests

    This plane is amazing! I would love to see one in person. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Ki86x1WKPmE&feature=colike
  11. Carguy!

    We're going to run a new project, asking our community to evaluate, please;)

    IMHO this is a horrible idea.
  12. Carguy!

    1989 Legend

    With that logic there is no price that is too high. Just because something is a one of a kind doesn't mean that you can't set a reasonable price on a car. After looking at the pictures the car looks to be in really good shape for a car that is that old. I don't think 17K is too bad as long as...
  13. Carguy!

    more math

    I read their explanation and I still don't understand why simply mentioning that you have the Ace of Spades increases the chances of a second ace. In the first explanation they stated that they had at least one ace, if they would of mentioned its suit how would that increase the chances of...
  14. Carguy!

    Recommend me another handgun!!!

    I am thinking about getting the FNH 5.7 as a target gun, I love that it can hold 21 rounds! The bullet only drops 1" at 100 yards, make target shooting very accurate.
  15. Carguy!

    Bionic hand

    That is really cool, it is amazing how well it works at picking up eggs and even holding the shells. I believe in our lifetime they will be able to tie into the signals from our brain and allow even more precise movement. Just thinking about moving your hand would have the same effect...
  16. Carguy!

    How about some math

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_gas Most gases behave like ideal gases, there are some that behave differently though. In the formula I mentioned before you are looking to solve for volume which in turn would provide the density.
  17. Carguy!

    How about some math

    Looks to be about 10% denser, here is a calculator that you can use to calculate the figures: http://www.webqc.org/ideal_gas_law.html
  18. Carguy!

    Owning a supercar...

    I drive my CGT all over, as long as the driveway into wherever I am going isn't too steep I don't have a problem taking it. I do normally park farther out so that I won't have door dings (hopefully). I have taken my CGT on weekend trips, picked up my daughters at school many times, went...
  19. Carguy!

    Best sounding production car

  20. Carguy!

    Millionaires Parking Super Cars In Their Living Room

    Just think if you came in with a few cars ahead of you, you could be waiting for a while while it places the other cars. It is pretty cool though!
  21. Carguy!

    Just when you thought your password was safe...

    So if they go after the password file for the website once they crack that file they have all of the usernames and passwords. So it really doesn't matter whether or not you use a long or short password. I guess the moral of the story is to use a different password for websites so that if one...
  22. Carguy!

    Just when you thought your password was safe...

    What I don't understand is how they can use brute force attacks on websites. It is pretty easy for a site to lock an account if too many failed login attempts are made. Even if a website allowed an unlimited amount of attempts the lag of sending each request through the internet would stop...
  23. Carguy!

    Negotiating a salary when offered job

    I believe in a situation like this that being honest is your best policy. I assume they are offering you less than the original number that you told them. Most companies are willing to adjust the salary for an employee that they feel is good. I would let them know what you are making now and...
  24. Carguy!

    Am I the longest running member without an NSX?

    I owned a '91 before joining the forum and bought a '00 shortly after joining. I sold it a number of years ago and miss the car quite a bit.
  25. Carguy!

    etrade...,.. work damit

    My guess is a year from now the stock will be under 20 and ten years from now will be basically worthless. These types of sites come and go and facebook is already on its way out talking to most high school kids. How is MySpace doing lately? A lot of hype and very little worth. As soon as...