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  1. Twindragon

    DRIVE : Devil's Mission May 2-3 2015

    Sexy....can I just go and look and drool? ha ha
  2. Twindragon

    In Shape, Out of Shape....

    Wow looks like fun. You're already doing tons of cardio, I'd skip the Plyo, Kempo, and maybe the YogaX (if you want to focus on upper body endurance) if you're going to be doing P90X.
  3. Twindragon

    Spartacus: vengeance .

    I usually wait till they release them on DVD. I like to watch the full season in a row.
  4. Twindragon

    Overeem > all that are human

    It depends on how you go about it. Look at professional body builders...those guys are on them for a while. 12lbs of consistent muscle gain a year (for 5 years) is hard do.
  5. Twindragon

    Overeem > all that are human

    MOST people should have known Overeem was going to win. He was way more explosive, as strong (or stronger), had the experience, and the technique over Bock. I've wondered this as well ^.
  6. Twindragon

    WiFi Network Names

    2nd^ After reading this thread....I'll be changing mine soon lol
  7. Twindragon

    Which car maufacturer has the best paint job

  8. Twindragon

    Cops new tool

    A lot of cars don't have a frame support that is easily accessible. I see a lot of rear bumpers being ripped off using this.
  9. Twindragon

    Format67 has new video/no nsx though.

    Great video! Also, impressive technology being used now.
  10. Twindragon


    Damn... I wish I had that much time to play games ^. :smile:
  11. Twindragon

    The hottest women in sports (semi-NWS in this economy)

    ^Interesting. When I first came across those trailers I instantly googled her ;). Pole vault girl - She looks DAMN good in the Olympics pic, but the others don't impress me. Big boob girls- I don't know maybe I'm not that big of a "boob guy" but I’m not impressed. Probably because most women...
  12. Twindragon

    what is this bug and why is it still alive?

    Be careful Frank this could lead to a Starship Troopers situation...
  13. Twindragon

    Arizona Emissions Test Exemption for Collector Cars

    I would but I have a turbo addiction Frank.....and building an NSX takes plenty of disposable income. lol I was gong to go but I something came up last minute. I keep a very close eye on this section of the forum. I'm sure I'll see you guys soon.
  14. Twindragon

    Arizona Emissions Test Exemption for Collector Cars

    :) No not yet. I needed it for the twinturbo toy (it's a pain passing emissions). I've considered letting it go to pick up an NSX in the past...:rolleyes: Haven't seen you guys in a while :(
  15. Twindragon

    Is this true about Sweden?

    Although I love me all kinds of girls....I gotta say so far Latin girls are choice! There is a Spanish saying that Latin women, specially Puerto Rican girls are "warm blooded" (crudely translated). :)!
  16. Twindragon

    GoPro, Flip, Heart Rate Monitor

    GoPro SOLDGopro Helmet Hero HD, Complete kit with all the attachments- 200 +shipping (if need to ship) Flip HD - 40 + shipping Mio Heart rate motitor - 55 + shipping
  17. Twindragon

    RWB/ RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF (Japanese Porsche Tuner)

    Great looking cars. Reminds me of the "Black bird" car from the Midnight Club cartoon.
  18. Twindragon

    Cop pulls over a COP for speeding and arrests them!!!

    Wow...I'm surprised that was released. I've never heard of something like this.
  19. Twindragon

    Steven Seagal training Aikido with Anderson Silva

    Ever since he started playing "cop" out here, I've lost a ton of respect for him.
  20. Twindragon

    Arizona Emissions Test Exemption for Collector Cars

    I can't remember If my buddy has Hagerdy or Grundy (I want to say Grundy). He put in a claim because of some paint issues after tuning (fire coming out of an exhaust will bubble your paint). They just wrote him a check. No issues what so ever.
  21. Twindragon

    Pole Vault Girl

    Someone moved up in the rankings
  22. Twindragon

    Am I going to be in trouble when I get home?

    I'd just tell her that you were drunk and she offered to take you home...nothing else happened.
  23. Twindragon

    Pole Vault Girl

  24. Twindragon

    Arizona Emissions Test Exemption for Collector Cars

    Just waiting for October to insure mine :)!