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    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    That's odd now that you mention it, he didn't get out of his car and say anything until the cops and tow truck arrived. Then he never actually came over to me until he gave me his insurance card. I don't think there was ever an apology. The only thing I really remember him saying was 'nice...

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    The car will be moved somewhere today, not sure where but I'll get a location from the ins company and see if they will salavge works. Seondly, yes there are tons of parts available on the car, all the front suspension is gone though, you can't tell it's bent by looking at it, but based on the...

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    I don't have any solid numbers from the ins company yet, once everything is all worked out I'll probably post how it went, and where the car ends up for everyone wanting to salvage parts off of it.

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    yeah it's kind of the "really, did that just happen, really?"

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    3 lanes each direction. I was headed north bound the other person was headed south bound making a left turn. I was in the far right lane doing approx 40mph because of a little heavier than normal traffic. The gentleman in the other car pulled out right in front of me, we were literally making...

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    You know I thought the same thing when the car was in the body shop. I was thinking if they fix this, I'll feel bad selling it to someone knowing the shape the car is in. So I'm glad for the total, but I feel sorry for whoever gets it after this if it's salvaged and restored. Hence the post of...

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    That's probably it then because I have no clue why it was sitting that low on the backend. Here's another part I really wanted to get a picture of but didn't have a camera at the time. When the car was put on the frame machine, only 3 of the 4 mounting points could be attached. The front...

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    It wasn't a woman on a cell phone oddly enough, as that's very much the norm in Plano.. imagine that. The other gentleman was okay, his car was pretty brutalized as I caught him with the NSX drivers side right into the passengers side axle of his car. The spyder was dead as could be, wouldn't...

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    The front of the car is bent up a bit, the dealer believes there is probably some serious pan damage on the car which may be leading to the back being as off as it is. But without really tearing it all apart it's hard to tell.
  10. JBLACK

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    We were all a little confused about the rear of the car being bent down as much as it was. My first clue that something was not right was that none of the panels on the rear of the car aligned at all. As for the total value it's 70%. I'm not sure what the second estimate came in at when they...
  11. JBLACK

    Totaled 2004 - JH4NA21644T000023

    Back on 4/5/07 I had arrived from being out of town for almost a month solid and was planning a road trip. I went to have the oil changed at the dealer and less than 2 blocks later a Mitsubishi Spyder turned right in front of me as I was going through the intersection. Both airbags deployed...
  12. JBLACK

    Anyone in Dallas to look at an NSX?

    Pre-Purchase Inspection
  13. JBLACK

    Acura All Texas (and anyone else) Meet/Drive

    Go figure, when NSXPO was going on I had to go to the UK on business, now this is getting setup for mid Jan, and I'm scheduled to go out again the first couple weeks in Jan. Why must work always interfere with play. :frown:
  14. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    What do you think the odds of that opening back up would be. Slim to none? or is it something that should definitely have an eye kept on it?
  15. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    I'm going to say no to this as I'm not sure what you are referring to as FI? You'll have to educate me on that one.
  16. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    Unfortunately, by the time I got there the welding was done so I have no before pictures to go by. They said that it was seam welded with a TIG, but that's about all the info I have on it. One of those too little too late type deals.
  17. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    Okay, here's some pics. Unfortunately by the time I got there the work was all done. So this is what I could get of it.
  18. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    That's where the curb hit I'm guessing, the bottom portion of the tranny casing, I'm not really sure as I havn't see it up on the lift, or the crack.
  19. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    I'm not sure where the crack is as I havn't seen it yet, so I don't have pics, I'm going to run out to the dealer here in a bit and see if they have already welded it back together. I'll get pics then and post my findings. I was told that Curtis @ Goodson was the one working on it, and I've...
  20. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    Yeah I was a little concerned with if down the line somewhere the tranny is damaged because of the weld will that be covered. My guess is much like what you said, chicken or egg.
  21. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    Mostly because all the suspension is being replaced at the same time, and a front and back bumper being repainted. I was rounding a blind corner about a month ago, and there was a semi-truck that had decided to park in the 1 lane turn lane that couldn't be seen until you were right there on...
  22. JBLACK

    Cracked Tranny Case - Repairable?

    So long story short, cracked tranny case, non leaking. My insurance company was originally going pay to have it replaced, but now they are just wanting it to be repaired. The crack goes all the way through the case to the interior, but it is non-leaking. The case was pulled and sent to a...
  23. JBLACK

    Making my NSX payment makes me Happy!

    Oddly enough, I totally agree. We had an 04 TL, and I did like that car, but I also hated the payments on it. The NSX which is double the payment, I have no issues paying for. I think it's the enjoyment factor, oh and the fact that the NSX is freaking awesome.
  24. JBLACK

    Where do you keep your mobile phone when driving ??

    In the little felt coin holder right below the shifter, or in the ashtray. I had to take the little plastic thing out of the ashtray that one would normally put the cigarette out on, but my phone slides right in there now and doesn't go flying around the cabin which is a bonus.
  25. JBLACK

    Lubbock, TX - help inspecting an nsx (PPI)

    Sonny Rivera at Frank Brown Honda is a really good tech, I'm not sure how much he knows about the NSX, but he's been around Honda's quite a while. I've had him rebuild 2 trannys on a civic and accord, and do all sorts of other engine work. ppi etc. He's a good guy and will give the car a good...