Search results

  1. johnny010

    Tax ? I live in my rental propery

    Hello, Quick question. I'm finishing up my taxes tonight, and want to use Schedule E for rental income. I live in my house, and rent out three of the other rooms (did so all of 2009). My rents were fairly low, and I wanted to deduct my mortgage interest etc under schedule E. Is this...
  2. johnny010

    Conversion $ -

    2002 NSX that had an older model clip put on it after the front end was totalled. How much to go back to the 2002 newer front end? Same price as doing a normal conversion I guess? $10K? Thanks, JM
  3. johnny010

    2008 Proposed tax changes OMG!!!!

    Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election: CAPITAL GAINS TAX MCCAIN 15% (no change) OBAMA 28% CLINTON 24% How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and...
  4. johnny010

    Investors- Build our own LIMITED production SPORTS CAR?

    I have been reading on this forum for a couple of years now. We have people here from all walks of life. Engineers, programmers, insurance, blue collar etc..... Would anyone be interested in putting our brains, money, and time together to develop a prototype car, with the intention of...
  5. johnny010

    91 - need advice

    ebay item he wants $47500 with tires and wheels, has all rcpts for work done and service at dealer. Has just over 100K miles. I am thinking more like the $34 ballpark range....mods are nice but over 100k is a huge hit. Any other opinions?
  6. johnny010

    Stuck, Microsoft Word Trivia ~ help

    Have MS WORD XP. I have setup 4 columns with lines in between each. What I want to be able to do is have text in all four columns at once, but when typing and hitting enter in column one, I don't want the text in column two or three or four to move. I want column one info to move down and...
  7. johnny010

    Installing multiple webcams in a large area???

    How would I install approximately 15 to 20 webcams around a shop? The shop is 40,000 sq feet, and I want to be able to come inside and monitor it from 10 different computers. Can anyone help out here? Didn't find a good answer on google. Thanks, JM
  8. johnny010

    Racism and the next President

    Have been thinking of the idea that our next President may be the first 'African American' to win the Presidential nomination. I've been wondering if there may be issues all over America that will cause heated debates, or an even further divide between races after the election has ended. So...
  9. johnny010

    S5, Cayman S, IS-F,M3 the Corvette is old news, and we are going to go with something a little more refined. Opinions please. Anything with more than 300 hp is fine with us, and it will be driven 4 times a week totalling about 20 miles a week. Really like the Audi, but they have a reputation for...
  10. johnny010

    help: locating vin on chevy engine

    I have a 1996 4.3L vortec engine. Is there a vin number on the engine? I am trying to match an ECM to this engine, and I need the vin. Thanks, JM
  11. johnny010

    Interesting chair....anyone have an idea?

    I was at a Chinese restaurant tonight and saw an interesting chair. After spending close to an hour on Google, all I can come up with is that they are sold in China (surprise) and Greece, and are made from the Eucalyptus tree. Any leads?
  12. johnny010

    WOW - FOOTBALL Final Seconds ----

    someone post the video here in the forum <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed...
  13. johnny010

    Just got this ? in an email........funny

    A friend of mine just emailed that after moving into her house, she took a cold shower......she followed that up by asking the below and I just had to share... "How am I supposed to get hot water? It's gas- so, is there some special code word to make it work? wtf?"
  14. johnny010


    wtf....pours another drink. exactly.
  15. johnny010

    NSX slammed in Car&Driver, R8 a favorite

    April 2007 Car & Driver By Barry Winfield, p.51 in an article about the new Audi R8 -------------- "...but none of us really needed Ickx behind the wheel to see that this new-generation, mid-engined sports car has dynamic qualities that make the once-supreme Acura NSX feel downright unstable in...
  16. johnny010

    Sworded man to save rape victim, turns out it's just porn!

    WOW - from --------- OCONOMOWOC, Wisconsin (AP) -- A man says he broke into an apartment with a cavalry sword because he thought he heard a woman being raped, but the sound actually was from a pornographic movie his upstairs neighbor was watching. "Now I feel stupid," said James Van...
  17. johnny010

    Robomow - Automated lawn mower???

    Has anyone tried the Friendly Robotics mower out? I've read great reviews about this thing. Cuts the grass better, mulches better, and is only about $1100 shipped for the 850, and $1800 for the RL 1000. I'm really thinking about getting one since global warming:rolleyes: has made it so hot...
  18. johnny010

    Investment Property Woes

    Okay, so I found a property that I wanted to purchase, do some repairs to, and spin for a profit. The property/house sold in 2003 for $102,000 in great shape. The new owners tore the house up, and eventually defaulted on their loan. I see the house has been on the market for 170 days (fairly...
  19. johnny010

    Porsche Cayman and Audi R8

    I've been reading about these two here on Prime. Can someone tell me why the Cayman has what seems like a bad rep? It seems people aren't really into the car. Ski_ Banker even said something to the effect that it is basically someone wanting a Porsche that can't afford a 911 (don't we...
  20. johnny010

    Death of the NSX *****

    Well, I just put down the March issue of Car & Driver.... It looks like we can officially say goodbye. The planned *new NSX looks horrible. Magazine says it was designed by a kid just 2 years out of college. Shakes head.........what a pitty.
  21. johnny010

    Photoshop help plz...

    Can someone photoshop the word BRUTE where i have indicated. Use a few diff. fonts/ideas to see what looks best. Thanks ahead of time.
  22. johnny010

    Cool VTEC light ...

    ebay item: 160073392499 not sure if it will fit in the nsx, but i like it. jm
  23. johnny010

    host test

    okay, didn't work. how do i post full size images? i used tag with no spaces. Anyone???
  24. johnny010

    Need help with Forum rules

    I've searched, but after having a response to a 'Wanted' ad deleted, I'm not feeling too motivated to spend an hour finding the answer. Why can one not 'do the deal' so to speak in the 'Wanted' section. ie: negotiate, post pics, have general communication until the deal is closed? What is...
  25. johnny010

    1993 NSX Red/Black ~30K miles Vin: JH4NA1158PT000175

    sold, thanks Henry.