You're right. We've all seen the factory videos and what they go through to build the cars. They even patented new ways to perform alignments at the factory. Seems silly to miss something like tire pressures.
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The guy getting the first one at the dealership that I used to work for also has a 918. Not sure if he's on here, but if he is, maybe he'll chime in.
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Agreed. I've been a member here for a very long time. It's fine to disagree, but your responses came across a bit childish towards the messenger.
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Honda has been doing this awhile. They know how to set up a factory and have it run smoothly. There are lots of videos of tours being given before production was even up and running. A few guys a day, that are actual buyers, coming through shouldn't bother anything.
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That sounds amazing, but they did this just for the lowly sales staff from the dealership to learn about the new car. I wish they did they for customers or even offered factory delivery with a track experience in Ohio. Why they didn't, I have no idea. I think they missed out on a special...
The owner of the dealership that I worked for would do this with the MDX. It's a very hot seller in this market and in 07 when that design came out, it was an order only basis at our dealer that lasted about 6 months. Our first shipment had 4 cars and he took one for himself as a demo. We were...
Those cars didn't show up there because that is the 2017 pricing. The 2017 models of the TLX and RLX are not out yet. Simple as that.
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Seems about right. Vegas is a half day drive from SLC. I wonder what they'll be doing here during that time? If only there were a large track to spend a few days at...
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