Search results

  1. bruckner

    OEM exhaust; tips?

    Exhaust tips on otherwise stock exhaust is a subject that's not been discussed often. I wish to keep the stock muffler on my 91 and change the tips. I saw these great looking tips on a 2000 NSX-T that has a stock muffler, I assume they are aftermarket? Can anyone recognize these tips?
  2. bruckner

    New Owner 1992 Formula Red JH4NA1159NT800750

    I passed by the dealership to check it out... awesome car and real enthusiast owners. These 2 cars are in great caring hands! Looking forward to a Montreal NSX convoy!
  3. bruckner

    I've been getting pressured by some local NSXer's.....

    Sweet! Are we gonna get a full comparative review NSX v Esprit? Unless I'm mistaken, it's never been done!
  4. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

    New listing of a 2005 in Calgary, I suppose the similarity to the car that was advertised at Sherwood Ford a few weeks ago is purely coincidental? Should any interested buyer wish to check and make sure they aren't the same car, I have a print copy of the carproof report I quoted on post #771 ...
  5. bruckner

    Introducing JH4NA1155MT002266

    Thanks guys! It's good to be a teenager again! :) Oyagi, I heard that something was brewing for the 2016 GP?! More to come! Two more pics I took with my cell when the car arrived at the dealership. My garage is full of other summer toys so I'm still trying to figure out where the NSX is going...
  6. bruckner

    Looking for early coupe, 30-35K$
  7. bruckner

    Introducing JH4NA1155MT002266

    I'd rather have a set of OEM 16/17 in brushed aluminum finish (97-2001?), I'll be looking out for these. The TSW Mondello 18" don't look bad in person and tires are new (and not the cheap stuff!) but in the name of authenticity, OEM would please Mr. Honda better. Aside from the rims, the car is...
  8. bruckner

    Introducing JH4NA1155MT002266

    New owner here in Montréal! After well over 2 years of search, I found the right car, a 1991 with flawless history and mint condition. The car is originally from New Jersey and was imported into Canada in 2004, it's been in the same caring hands since then, with complete service history from the...
  9. bruckner

    Looking for early coupe, 30-35K$

    Well that's it guys... many of you said the average search period is 2 years, I needed a little more since I started this thread in September 2013. JH4NA1155MT002266 is now mine, with great pride! Formal introduction will be made on the correct forum. Many thanks to all members who offered...
  10. bruckner

    Pricing announced

    If I'm not mistaken, the Canadian MSRP for a 2005 NSX-T was 142,000$. 189,900$ doesn't sound out of line.
  11. bruckner

    Glowing review in Evo magazine - UK

    Yes. Tiff Needell said worse (heavy steering, no feedback, etc.), I think this isn't surprising, look at what these guys (Harris and Needell) like to do with cars on their shows: dramatic power slides. The NSX wasn't designed to be husteled rather driven at the pace the steering speed dictates...
  12. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

    2005 MT NSX-T with 35,000kms in Edmonton: According to Carproof, collision damage insurance claim of 45,244.89$ in 2009 when the car had just 18,530kms. No price indicated as of yet, could be in interesting purchase for someone.
  13. bruckner

    New NSX thoughts/experience from those at NSXPO 2015

    Most exciting post in a long time. Does this mean we can expect video reviews anytime soon?
  14. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

  15. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

    Yes, they are asking a USD price in canadian dollars. Yet I don't recall americans asking canadian prices when the loony was trading at 1.10US...
  16. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

    To me, the question is whether or not the demand for 80s and 90s sports cars will continue to strengthen and justify ever increasing prices; I see lot of 150-200,000$ 993TTs on the american and canadian markets and sales seem to be slow, suggesting we may have reached a plateau. Low mileage...
  17. bruckner

    value of Canadian 1997 NSX

    If clutch needs replacing, perhaps even flywheel, it's another variable to take into account. I understand these are sturdy items from the factory but will require replacing sooner or later if never done previously. More knowledgeable participants should be able to make an estimate of the costs.
  18. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

    Now for sale at Autolook for 64,950$.
  19. bruckner

    Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

    Just listed:
  20. bruckner

    "So now this is happeneing..." Jeremy Clarkson suspended?

    Yep, I'm with you. I too like the character he's created for Top Gear but I fail to have any sympathy for a public figure that treats his entourage with contempt. I read some news reports that he "verbally and physically assaulted a member of the production crew"... he's done his time, there are...
  21. bruckner

    Looking for THE BEST Toronto-area family/divorce lawyer

    This is probably no help but since you invited people to speak from experience, let me assure you that lawyers rarely hold the answer as they often have instructions from their respective clients to escalate a challenging yet manageable situation into an epic battle that rips through people's...
  22. bruckner

    Looking for a NSX in the GTA - $35,000 budget

    Quebec's reputation doesn't make all NSX offerings poisonous, any candidate should be properly inspected to reveal stories no matter where it comes from. I highly doubt Luciani Acura would offer a car with serious issues, though again an independent inspection is mandatory. The ad doesn't...
  23. bruckner

    Air cooled 911 prices exploding

    No kidding! If you can find a 993TT under 100,000$, it's 'underpriced'. Sub 20,000 mile 993TT cars have asking prices in the 200,000$! The factory built about 68,000 variants of the type 993 cars for the world market (source Wikipedia), not exactly a low production car even though the...
  24. bruckner

    Air cooled 911 prices exploding

    Not sure I understand your point. I see these are tuners?!? Unless this is some kind of NSXprime inside joke I'm afraid I don't have the brains to make the proper connections. In other words, I don't know what you're talking about!!!
  25. bruckner

    Air cooled 911 prices exploding

    What are your thoughts on the extreme increase in prices of air cooled 911s? For those who haven't followed, we aren't talking 20-30% appreciation, more like 50-100% increase over a 2-3 year period and continuing. Granted some of that must be due to market recovery from the 2008+ slowdown, but...