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  1. White92

    Gymkhana 5 released - One of my favorites!

    The turn at 5:40 is pretty sick!
  2. White92

    Hit by suspected drunk or drugged driver

    I'm glad you guys are ok. This could have ended much differently. Just last week I buried a guy after he was hit by a 23 year old that was drunk and high. He got a call from a friend asking for a ride home because he was drunk. This is something that he has done many times and is well known for...
  3. White92

    Acura ILX commercial

    Better do it quick. Strong rumers suggest the TSX is going away and the next gen TL that is due soon will be a bit smaller in size. The current TSX is nearly the same size as the 04-08 TL and is the exact same height. No need for 4 sedans.
  4. White92

    Acura ILX commercial

    Congrats Tyson. We've met before, but I'm sure you won't remember. I worked at Jody Wilkinson Acura for years. I missed the Legend meet however. One thing I'm sure you'll love is the timing chain on the ILX. You saved yourself 6 timing belt services right there! :biggrin:
  5. White92

    Ancient Aliens

    Entirely possible. If you've only seen episode 1, most of the points that you bring up as well as possible answers are discussed in later episodes. There are huge structures all over the world that exist. Some underwater.
  6. White92

    Acura ILX commercial

    The car is pretty bad ass. Go check one out in person before you pass judgment. Everyone liked the 04-08 TSX. (I have an 08) Then the current TSX came out for 09 and everyone complained that a near perfect car was now ruined by becoming too big. The current TSX is almost the same size as the...
  7. White92

    10-time cancer survivor becomes triathlete in memory of daughter

    In a world of depressing news, here is a story that is very sad, but is also uplifting. It makes my problems seem a little less serious. There is also a link here to watch the video he made to try and win the Ironman spot. I don't know the guy, but I don't think it would hurt to watch it and...
  8. White92

    Frustrated Sheriff Arrests Motorcyclist For Wearing A Helmet Camera

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> From While on a Memorial Day Weekend highway cruise, sportbike rider Chris Moore was arrested. He was not speeding. He does not appear to have been breaking...
  9. White92

    Coming to terms with your own moratality

    I've thought about this topic alot too. Last year I made a complete carreer change into the funeral/cemetery industry. It's been eye opening to say the least. On a daily basis I see what families go through once they've lost a loved one either expectedly or very sudden. Very old and very young...
  10. White92

    I got the Acura dealer - $93 for 4 gals of coolant

    This reminds me of all of the people that would spend $40k -50k on a new Acura and then pitch a fit when they realize the car requires premium fuel. There's usually a .10 difference from mid grade to premium. That's maybe $2 more per tank. The Honda engineers are pretty smart. You're paying for...
  11. White92

    Anyone Use A Cordless Weedeater?

    Hal! My long lost friend! How are you? Where have you been? :biggrin:
  12. White92

    Anyone Use A Cordless Weedeater?

    Toro was my 2nd choice. They have a 24 volt version that got alot of good reviews. I read alot of reviews during my research of these about poor battery life, etc... So I would go back to gas and read just as many, if not more, stories of hard starting, rough idle, engine going bad, etc...
  13. White92

    NSX Sequential T..T-a..T-a-i..T-a-i-l..TAILS!!

    Maybe they will treat it differently because it is oem.
  14. White92

    NSX Sequential T..T-a..T-a-i..T-a-i-l..TAILS!!

    Same here. I watched the video and wondered if that was even legal. They look like police lights to me. They won't even allow a flashing blue or red light on a business sign near the road here.
  15. White92

    05 NSX @ Niello Acura/Sacramento

    It seems everyone thinks the price is too high. What is it worth with new tires and maintenance done? $62 to 64k?
  16. White92

    Anyone Use A Cordless Weedeater?

    Alright, I ran by Home Depot last night and picked up the Ryobi 40 volt previously mentioned above. It came partially charged, but I let it charge for about an hour before using it. Installation was a breeze. 3 screws to attach the shield and 2 other pieces for the shaft that snapped together...
  17. White92

    Anyone Use A Cordless Weedeater?

    Would conditioning still need to be done with the newer Lithium Ion batteries? The manufacturer says you can leave it plugged in until ready for use without harming it and there aren't supposed to be self discharge issues when not being used.
  18. White92

    Anyone Use A Cordless Weedeater?

    Most are 18-20 volt and a few are now 24 volt. I did find a new one from Ryobi that is 40 volts, seems to have the power and people are reporting use of about an hour before the battery going dead and recharge is only 90 minutes. If I did get one, this is the front runner right now. Plus it has...
  19. White92

    Anyone Use A Cordless Weedeater?

    My gas weedeater gave up the ghost last week and I need to buy a replacement. My lot is small, .11 acre and I also take care of a yard for a relative that isn't much bigger. I don't have big brush to take down, so I dont' need anything massive. I mostly use it for along the fences and garden...
  20. White92

    What to do in Aspen and Durango

    I have not rafted there, but the train travels along the river and crosses it multiple times. I did see lots or people rafting and kayaking along the way so it's obviously doable there. I didn't eat in Durango, but there are several little places in Silverton. It was just a day trip before...
  21. White92

    Jon Ikeda --new NSX talk

    Good vid! Although I mostly noticed the beeping going off every 10 seconds in the background from keyless access of the cars as people are getting in and out of the cars. That sound will haunt me until the day I die. :biggrin:
  22. White92

    Diablo 3 servers

    I can't believe this guy! NSFW for language. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> and it continues...... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"...
  23. White92

    What to do in Aspen and Durango

    You should take out the train from Durango to Silverton. It's an amazing trip. I rode it 15+years ago and will remember it for the rest of my life. If you go, I suggest an open car instead of a closed car. You get alot closer to everything and the air is amazing up there...
  24. White92

    Android phones GURU

    I looked at unlocking my EVO with Sprint awhile back. It's my understanding that Rooting simply means unlocking the features on the phone to use it to it's full capacity. Kind of like giving you administration rights to your own phone. It doesn't have anything to do with unlocking it to use on a...
  25. White92

    2013 Acura RLX | 2013 Honda Legend

    I've been telling the factory guys from Acura for years to bring back the name. I've told them bluntley that it doesn't matter that every luxury brand in the U.S. uses an alpha-numeric name on their cars. Everyone knows the name "Legend" and they should bring it back. I've told them to use a...