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  1. Jfowler

    new michelin ?

    Sorry Arnon, that was last year. Maybe you should join the Prius forum instead:eek:
  2. Jfowler

    Caravan from Seattle to Vegas NSXPO!!!

    Unfortuneatly this is a trip of survival. I can only be responsible for myself, and sometimes that can be difficult. Solo brother, everyone should go Solo.:biggrin:
  3. Jfowler

    Test and Tune open drag racing Sunday April 18th!!

    Apparently the DR. has turned into a Puddle Cup. I can't drink beer until 2am and drive 10hrs later. Dude, Really. Now if you were blowin ya and hangin with the ladies of the evening, then I would understand.:biggrin::eek:
  4. Jfowler

    Caravan from Seattle to Vegas NSXPO!!!

    Heading to Myrons on Tuesday, have 1-35 beverages tuesday night with the Boise boys, head out wed. morning be in vegas by 4-5pm.:biggrin:
  5. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    I will be attending as usual:biggrin:
  6. Jfowler

    Caravan from Seattle to Vegas NSXPO!!!

    I will be leaving early am. BUt I am going to Boise to pick up Myron and Brad, and heading down from there. I would inform you all that our drive will be fast and hella fun. I am definately in, but Boise is the first destination for me.:biggrin:
  7. Jfowler

    Caravan to NSXPO - Wednesday, 10/27/10

    I will be making two non-stop trips from Seattle to MOnterey (984 miles one way) in the next couple of months to see you guys, I do it in 14hrs and have done it 4 times already to see you all last summer. Now for those of you with meatier sacks, a couple of us are leaving seattle, then going...
  8. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    Its on for tomorrow. Roy is bring some new toys from Cats Exotics, and they just got a 3rd lot reserved after last weekends record showing. Tons of cool cars and people, you all should come on out, lets represent:wink:
  9. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    We should be on for this sat. stay tuned LADIES:eek:
  10. Jfowler

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    $3K, you must have put them in the luggage compartment:eek: High rollers such as yourself, $10k min.
  11. Jfowler

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    I like your style, ship them as far away as possible, that way the 100mile rule applies right at home. Well done my Home Skillet:wink:
  12. Jfowler

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    Huhhh, Always something, Hopefully your shopping for a Nu**sack. LOL. I found mine at the Woodburn outlet Mall.:eek:
  13. Jfowler

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    Get your permission slip signed cup cake. Lets roll:wink:
  14. Jfowler

    Italiano Concorso is back for next year

    I just registered my car for the event:biggrin: Check out site for details
  15. Jfowler

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    Charity event at U.W Red Square, 75 cars max. $25 entry fee. Its the 3rd annual check out the link and sign up.
  16. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    This was the best one yet, you all missed out except Coz, Arnon, and Mike come on ladies where you all at:confused:
  17. Jfowler

    Are there any detailers you would use in the Portland area?

    I have used Acura of Lynnwood for my details, and they are by far the best results I have had, and I have tried many. I would contact you local Acura dealership and see how they do.
  18. Jfowler

    Snoqualmie Falls sunday 14th

    Weather is supposed to be hot and dusty next weekend. Here is your 48 hour notice Doc. Would you like me to write the hall pass and mail it to you also?:eek: Arnon just mentioned he would personally deliver it to the Warden if that helps:biggrin: Don't worry haven't got mine signed yet...
  19. Jfowler

    Snoqualmie Falls sunday 14th

    If you guys meet at Arnons, you need to come down Woodinville/Duvall rd to the 203, then up to the falls from here, much better drive than I-90. Let me know ladies:wink:
  20. Jfowler

    Concorso Italiano

    the spot was perfect, any farther west from that location seems as if you are in a different event. How about putting us where the De Tomaso's where:biggrin:
  21. Jfowler

    Concorso Italiano

    One of them is me, I signed up Feb 26th before they raised the price. I was there last year and we had a blast. We took a week and one fantastic road trip from Seattle, See you Aug. 13th:biggrin:
  22. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    you all missed a good one, the only Ithaca LP670-4sv in the U.S was here along with the only Monterey Blue LP670-4sv in the world was here today. check out these pics.
  23. Jfowler

    ALMS UPDATE-May 21-May 23, 2010 - Monterey, CA

    Hi Yolanda I sent my money on friday, you should have it this week hopefully monday. It will be Mikeala and myself for another fantastic road trip. We will be rolling in thursday around 5pm. and leaving Early Monday morning. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Thank you for setting up...
  24. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    Cars and Coffee is on for March 6th. See you ladies there:biggrin:
  25. Jfowler

    ALMS May 21-23 Laguna Seca

    No problem ladies, you are missing the single best Car event next to Concorso Italiano, which is August 13th on Monterey, Laguna Seca golf and country club. [/url]