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  1. johnny010

    Another melted lambo...

    Hope you have paid for comprehensive insurance coverage?
  2. johnny010

    this just might bring peace to the middle east

    Based on the subject of this thread, I was betting you had posted a picture of this.......
  3. johnny010

    New 9/11 home video just released

    Re: **VID** New 9/11 home video just released Wow......looks like the government got to this video too.......all the main events have been edited. What a shame. They fail to show the 'second' mystery plane hit *how convenient*, the first tower falling is edited so you can't see the...
  4. johnny010

    Arnold Classic Weekend with pics

    Zman- I like to workout myself, but have a hard time enjoying life when I take my diet half as serious as she must. Is she able to stay consistently happy with her life considering the diet she has to maintain?
  5. johnny010

    Car cover advice

    I second Chris on this one. I have the original NSX cover, and when I put it on outside, the car builds up lots of condensation on it, and when I pull the cover off, there is an accumulation of dirt that has soaked through the cover with the condensation. NOT RECOMMENDED. JM
  6. johnny010

    dull finish on one fender HELP

    repaint is your solution. sucks.
  7. johnny010

    What Wheels are these?

    Awh, isn't that endearing?!!!
  8. johnny010

    Wheel Repair ? -- BBS RSII

    Shop still has the wheels. He is trying to get a stainless lip from another wheel that was damaged. He only needs a portion of the lip to weld in and then polish out. The shop is trying to convince me to take the stainless lip off and just have the wheels polished. I am sure it will look...
  9. johnny010

    E-Ticket it an obligation when giving someone a ride???

    I have only done it once. There is just too much liability when taking someone out for this type of ride. The last thing any member here needs is to end up in a lawsuit b/c he/she was trying to make a stranger happy.
  10. johnny010

    Anyone save this gif file and email it to me?

    Can you get it to 150 by 150 pixels or 14.6 KB ? If you have to shorten the lenght, that is fine, just capture the best part please. Thanks, JM
  11. johnny010

    Anyone save this gif file and email it to me?

    K, I have saved there anyway to compress it? And who is the chick?
  12. johnny010

    No mail for two weeks? Fraud? Help

    I think maybe the package has been opened? I will have to see tomorrow???
  13. johnny010

    Anyone save this gif file and email it to me? Can you also do a second copy and compress the file to use as my avatar? JM [email protected] also, anyone know who she is? from the movie click right?
  14. johnny010

    cool video

    REPOST....j/k, I know everyone here holds his/her a(( when posting something like this, hoping not to get flamed. Really nice, short video....and I'm not surprised at all. The SLR pretty much smokes everything out there.
  15. johnny010

    DonWon !!!

    I got all confused at the title to the post. I thought you were talking to me. By the way, that is a super sweet looking X.
  16. johnny010

    No mail for two weeks? Fraud? Help

    Well, I raised holy hell today in about nine different phone calls. The manager at the post office called and left a msg that he didn't realize I was waiting to hear from him (I told someone in some department he wasn't doing his job). Anyway, I called him back, and what do you know? He...
  17. johnny010

    NSX, Viper, or Cobra?

    Bat, do you own the building you are parked in front of in the above photos? I noticed both veh's are parked in front of the same building.
  18. johnny010

    Tiger Wins Again!

    Busting their butts:confused: lol :biggrin:
  19. johnny010

    what's your favorite movie quote?

    "He who laughs last, thinks slowest." - unknown "Every second that you live, is one second closer to death." - me "I'm a people person, if you and all the other people don't like it, f*** em'." - me
  20. johnny010

    Daily Driver: '07 Volvo C70 vs. '07 Jag X-Type

    If they break both cars are expensive to fix, but the Volvo's break much less often.
  21. johnny010

    NSX, Viper, or Cobra?

    You will actually have a harder time with the Viper when it comes to repairs. For $40K, you aren't getting a Viper under warranty, and I have a friend that has blown two motors. With the Cobra, just about any mechanic should be able to work on the car, and it is much more basic than the Viper...
  22. johnny010

    NSX, Viper, or Cobra?

    Sounds like you are kinda burned out on the X. I would go for the Cobra. More unique, and a different kind of fun, which is what it sounds like you are after to me. JM
  23. johnny010


    Aren't you concerned about the depreciation on this car?
  24. johnny010

    No mail for two weeks? Fraud? Help

    I checked the mail every three days or so, until I noticed it missing, then every day, just after the delivery. Nothing ever shows. I'll be back to working on this tomorrow. JM PS - You guys may not hear from Hugh for a few days...I just found him under my bed:eek: ??? Had to kick him out...
  25. johnny010


    I wouldn't do it!