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  1. redshift

    The Joy of the Ride, a rally review

    What is that baby blue car behind the SLR in the carnival pic?
  2. redshift

    I have yet to see another NSX on the road since owning my car.

    I see maybe 3 NSXs a month and realistically around 30 F-cars and Lambos (combined sightings) during that same time frame. The NSX is a very rare breed.
  3. redshift

    What's your favorite energy drink?

    Dude, I wish I could. Unfortunately the only thing they gave shareholders last year was a strong ROI. :biggrin: $12/case... maybe you mean GBP instead of USD... or more likely my costco is just ripping me off at $25/case!
  4. redshift

    What's your favorite energy drink?

    Hansen Natural makes monster - I had a very large long position with them all through 2007. :biggrin: EDIT: I guess you were asking for a distributor, not the manufacture... oops. They sell the low carb (blue) Monster's at Costco... they also have a new "juice" monster and Jones soda (my new...
  5. redshift

    Fed Day!

    I've read them both, good reads indeed (one part in tulip mania had me laughing out loud), though I trailed off in the witchcraft and alchemy stories. Soro's book was simply phenomenal - one of my favorites. That man is truly a philosopher who happens to also invest :biggrin:. I'm a fan of...
  6. redshift

    Fed Day!

    Well, you never know with all the bad housing news... it could be near the edge of a cliff. Scottsdale is great, it continues to see tremendous growth in boutique and luxury retail and custom luxury housing in the $2M+ range. It continues to sell its posh "place to be in AZ" image which does...
  7. redshift

    Fed Day!

    Yes, I understand the simplicity of value investing. I've been doing it for 8 years and absolutely crushing the market's returns. I've read Graham, Buffet, Soros, Lynch, Rogers, et al. and I've put their words in action in several investment vehicles. Though I have found high probability...
  8. redshift

    Fed Day!

    2000-2001 was supposed to be our post war recessionary time period - America should have been tightening ship. The only problem was that it never really happened, at least not to historical standards because the Fed encouraged borrowing and spending during that time frame. It can be argued...
  9. redshift

    Fed Day!

    I think you're right for the most part, but I think you also may be missing my point. There is always a catalyst that sparks this type of event. So you're saying that appreciation is the catalyst... then where did the appreciation come from? What was it that caused investors/speculators to...
  10. redshift

    Fed Day!

    Appreciation or speculation? In our case, speculation begot appreciation so the question comes down to "what came first, the speculator or the Fed." My argument was against the Fed, I pointed out that rallies start when the cost of capital is low and there is a constant injection of new cash...
  11. redshift

    Fed Day!

    sahtt, I totally agree with your analogy of the economy as a raging beast; it is always in front of the Fed and they're trying to guide it from the rear by throwing peanuts with their off hand on either side of it. That begs the question, why do we even need a central bank? The same question...
  12. redshift

    Fed Day!

    Sure, I agree. But high liquidity in the markets is a gift from the Fed... it seems to me that it can easily fuel a bubble. Economics, being a social science and the Fed being an arbitrator of economies, it would seem that they knowingly squirt lighter fluid on the charcoal. In doing so, they...
  13. redshift

    Fed Day!

    ah yes, very good read. I suppose the tendency to blame the Fed for all aliments comes from their inability to fix all problems... which is understandable since it is certainly a balancing act. Though it does hurt to see them always side on the short-run. Just curious, but do you really...
  14. redshift

    Fed Day!

    Cool, I'd actually love to hear your point of view on the matter since I always enjoy reading your well informed economic insight. :smile: Anyway, here is my take on the chain of causality... The Fed makes the cost of capital very inexpensive and pumps a metric butt load of money into the...
  15. redshift

    Fed Day!

    You might see Big Ben exercise the old Greenspan put in the second half if the housing bubble they created continues to lose air. After all, Ben is made out of the same stuff as Greeny Weeny, and the Fed NEVER does the right thing.
  16. redshift

    Financial consultants?

    I totally agree. I really believe that good health amplifies every nuance of personal success. Without health and happiness, monetary wealth is nearly meaningless (cliche but true). I most certainly do have a 3-5 year plan - I still have a lot of work to do and a lot of life to live :smile...
  17. redshift

    AZ NSXers May Drive

    This is Erin from the year 2008, that drive on May 19th last year was awesome! :tongue: :biggrin:
  18. redshift

    Financial consultants?

    I completely agree that everybody needs to do what makes them happy - though I think that "happiness" is relative - many people would be happier with more means available to them... others might not be. No matter what 95NSXT does, he will undoubtably feel the "what if" urge at some point in his...
  19. redshift

    AZ NSXers May Drive

    Crap, I missed another drive! You guys are supposed to call me. :biggrin:
  20. redshift

    life decision: I got in UCLA, UCB, UCSD.... which?

    :rolleyes: Nice way to spin some bitterness into the poster's question Chops... so when did it become a faux pas to seek advice? A wise man should use all resources at his disposal to make informed decisions. On topic - All great schools. I love UCB's campus. I did my undergrads in...
  21. redshift

    Financial consultants?

    Hehe, thanks Frank! I just turned the ripe old age of 28 in April... so it must be true that age begets wisdom. :biggrin:
  22. redshift

    Purchasing NSX Credit Card

    I know, I was just being silly. Even the Centurion card has a limit. :smile:
  23. redshift

    Financial consultants?

    IMO, not taking risks is the riskiest route of all. You'll have a really hard time getting rich by playing it safe. That said, it is absolutely no sin to take a salaried job - you'll probably cut out a huge part of the learning curve if a strong mentor is part of the package. Just keep it in...
  24. redshift

    Purchasing NSX Credit Card

    Unlimited... :wink: :biggrin: