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  1. H

    NSX Video findings

    I dusted off an old project and finished it today. This is my memory well for my 12 years and 130,000 miles of NSX ownership. I was living the life. Yeah, it's a lot of pics, but that's how I roll. There's a non-zero chance some of the old-timers would see their cars in the vid. Cheers!
  2. H

    Trove of NSX Pics Online Going Away Soon

    That makes me happy. I used to be able to do that, but have lost whatever site or program I did it with over the years. Feel free to get what you can.
  3. H

    Trove of NSX Pics Online Going Away Soon

    So I went to my GoDaddy account page and this domain is now scheduled to die Apr 1, 2024 --- but --- I'm going to put the name up for sale so if someone wants to buy it, it could be considerably sooner. It was great. Sorry about all the dead links in old threads after the domain dies/moves.
  4. H

    Trove of NSX Pics Online Going Away Soon

    I'm giving up some internet domains and on the chopping block is the gallery where I've long kept all my car show pics. I was an owner for 12 years, went to plenty of shows and events, and took hundreds and thousands of pictures, many of which ended up here...
  5. H

    NSX Video findings

    Here's something I put together a decade ago. I always intended to make a Part 2, but never got around to it. Maybe someday.
  6. H

    Random NSX pictures that don't each deserve their own thread

    My poor thread, sinking into obscurity... One day some brilliant forensic archeologist will unearth the remains of my garage and examine the concrete slab and conclude that an NSX parked on this very spot for at least a dozen years. Saw this today and had to snap a pic. The car's been gone...
  7. H

    Official Prime "Where are they now" thread....

    Heh, yeah 12 years worth of NSX rear tires (at a rate of 1 set per year) piled around my house growing pineapples and peppers! Those were the days.
  8. H

    Official Prime "Where are they now" thread....

    Say what now?
  9. H

    Sold your NSX to Get What?????

    When I sold my NSX, I determined to go in as opposite a direction as possible. It's been almost a year and I don't think I'll ever love this Mustang the way I loved my NSX. Nonetheless, it's a badass car in its own right and I do love driving it around town.
  10. H

    NSX Has A New Competitor ~ Tesla

    Not the beginning of the end, but certainly a harbinger of same. This, right now, is the real golden age of performance but petrol power is going to fall off a cliff faster than many realize.
  11. H

    NSX Mechanic Sarasota - Fort Meyers areas Florida

    Jason Patton did all the wrenching on my NSX for 12 years. 941-371-4040
  12. H

    Source for new CTSC bearing?

    Contact one of CT-Engineering's authorized dealers. That worked for me a couple times.
  13. H

    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    Not to mention Home Depot lumber runs.
  14. H

    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    That was a fun day! I'm open to the idea of doing something similar with the Mustang.
  15. H

    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    I found a couple from this run in Jan 2007.
  16. H

    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    After 12 awesome years, I am no longer an NSX owner. Since January 2005 I have started 124 threads at this site. This one, my 125th, is the last. Wow, that was dramatic. Anyway, I sold my awesome 1995 NSX. Me, a self-professed True Believer. And I am. A True Believer, that is. There's nothing...
  17. H

    Can't post For Sale

    I am happy with it. It's been an awesome 12 years. There were several little reasons that added up to time for a change. I will say this, my next car will be easier to get out of. Getting old sucks. I'm shocked it sold sight unseen and that I apparently left a nice bit of money on the table. I...
  18. H

    Turn your NSX into a snow plow.

    Yeah, I was ready to buy until I saw the crab free requirement. Well, that and I live in Florida. :D
  19. H

    Can't post For Sale

    Never mind. Sold elsewhere.
  20. H

    Can't post For Sale

    I'm trying to list my NSX, but after filling in the form, I get this when I try to Submit. I can't see anything I've left out. The Maintenance and Details text boxes have text. Any clues?
  21. H

    Too good to be true?

    The answer is always yes. Always.
  22. H

    theNSX Shop

    Hi! Any chance you'll come across a good deal on targa seals?
  23. H

    NSX mesh engine cover
