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  1. tbNSX

    NSXCA NSX Holiday Party - CalCoastalNSX - Jan 24th - BE THERE!

    Adding member Steven... THE LIST! 40 peeps is the limit 1. coolnsx + guest - 1 karting, 2 dinner 2. FuryNSX - karting and dinner 3. tbNSX - karting and dinner 4. ANYTIME + guest - 1 karting, 2 dinner 6. YellowHaze + guest - 2 karting, 2 dinner 7. nsxtf#256 + Wifey & Son -3 Karting -2 Din-Din 8...
  2. tbNSX

    SoCal NSX Holiday Party

    Yes, me too. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  3. tbNSX

    Hi Gil, I donated the hot pit visit to Tom Mortenson because: 1) he missed both the parade lap...

    Hi Gil, I donated the hot pit visit to Tom Mortenson because: 1) he missed both the parade lap drive and ride option. 2) he is a pretty serious race fan and would get a lot more out of the hot pit tour than me. He said it was great and got lots of pics. He's supposed to send me some when...
  4. tbNSX

    NSX Bose Speaker/Amps and Climate Control Units

    My '98 (42k miles) had the fan on high only issue and Brian's repair worked great. And yes, the removal write-up helped a lot and went pretty fast. Brian's repair was quick turnaround and payment ez using paypal. Thank you!
  5. tbNSX

    Calcoastal drive 2008

    This was another fantastic cal coastal NSX drive put together by a great team. Thank you John, Tina, Scott, Gil and others that helped make my 6th attendance another memorable event. And many thanks to the sponsors that provided very generous raffle prizes. :biggrin: Great pics everyone...
  6. tbNSX

    A Short Memorial Video for Jerry Balcer

    Very nice and very thoughtful to take the time to make the video.
  7. tbNSX

    NSX BBQ "2" Sunday, June 1st, 2008

    Gil, thank you for opening up your beautiful home for us! What a nice and relaxing Sunday afternoon. Food, drink and meeting new and old friends was great! Thanks to those for posting up some pics too. See most of you on the canyon drive in 6 weeks. :smile: Troy
  8. tbNSX

    July 12th -CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive 8

    Cool!!!! 1. akira3d + guest 2. FuryNSX 3. POWERED by HONDA + guest 4. nsxtf#256 + guest 5. rqnsx 6. scorp965 7. tbNSX 8. screen name + guest 9. screen name + guest 10. screen name + guest 11. screen name + guest 12. screen name + guest 13. screen name + guest 14. screen name + guest 15. screen...
  9. tbNSX

    2007 NSX Canyon Drive - VIDEO

    Wow just saw this! Great video and editing Mike! :biggrin:
  10. tbNSX

    NSX BBQ "2" Sunday, June 1st, 2008

    Gil, looking forward to it since I missed last year and have been kicking myself since.... anyway, see you then. I'll bring carne asada for the grill, tortillas & salsa. -Troy 1) Gil (CoolNSX) host 2) Mike (Mike-san) Salad/Drinks 3) Calvin --hot dog or something edible 4) tom (socalx)...
  11. tbNSX

    4th Annual Tax Relief Drive - May 3rd, 2008

    Many thanks to Scott, John, Gil, and others that helped organize and make this a great event. For a Saturday outing on the roads, we lucked out and overall had mostly open roads. I took the scenic way home from Banning to San Diego via Ramona and enjoyed more mountain driving and accumulated...
  12. tbNSX

    4th Annual Tax Relief Drive - May 3rd, 2008

    Re: 4th Annual Tax Relief Drive James, hope you make the next one! Scott, I'm paid, thanks for organizing! :smile:
  13. tbNSX

    Home gyms...Let's see them

    To the OP.... Nice! Two things come to mind; 1. the photo of the dog in front of the treadmill; could be a little more inspiring, (see the hottest girl thread for ideas...) :biggrin: 2. the room looks nice and sheet-rocked, throw some paint on the taped walls and it will really look nice!
  14. tbNSX

    Palomar Run --Sat. Oct 6th!!!

    Hehe, yah it was a good drive Mark. It's ok to drive alone too. :biggrin: First half of my drive was solo and just as fun! Hope to see you next time. It was nice to meet some new faces from SD. And yah, those nessy burgers are pretty good. Great pics everyone! Here's one pic just to show...
  15. tbNSX

    Palomar Run --Sat. Oct 6th!!!

    I'm in, barring fog, rain, sleet or worse. :smile:
  16. tbNSX

    Does the OEM car cover come with a carry bag?

    My sealed box came with a cable/lock, but no carry bag. QA was out that day!?
  17. tbNSX

    End of Summer Run: Sun, Aug 26th 2007 - Temecula, CA

    The entire area from oceanside to temecula and parts inbetween are getting pounded right now. I've got thunder and lightning 5 miles from here. :eek: See attached. I'll do this drive another day. :mad:
  18. tbNSX

    End of Summer Run: Sun, Aug 26th 2007 - Temecula, CA

    Me too, its on my calendar. :smile:
  19. tbNSX

    20 October ALMS - Laguna Seca

    Signed up via email and paid via paypal. :biggrin: I'm traveling up Friday, staying Saturday and traveling home Sunday sometime. Looking forward to the HWY 1 coastal drives as much as the Saturday event itself.
  20. tbNSX

    Surprise! It's a WALLPAPER for July 2007

    Very Nice!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  21. tbNSX

    7th Annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!!! July 1st 2007

    Yes, thank you John, Tina, Scott, Si, Kenny and others involved for a great event! The route was nice and we had some long sections of open road to drive. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: It was terrific to see Mike (Neo) again too!
  22. tbNSX

    7th Annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!!! July 1st 2007

    In case anyone missed the San Diego/Orange County caravan thread here: MCM, I should be going north through San Clemente at 5:35ish :eek: with another SD driver.
  23. tbNSX

    Bring NEO to the 7th Annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive Fund!

    Please add my $50 contribution to the tally. Thanks John for organizing the effort!
  24. tbNSX

    Help Buying a 2008 Honda Odyssey

    Many of us NSX'rs have an Odyssey as our 'practical' family mover. My wife loves our 2002. Only 2 minor warranty issues in 70k miles, otherwise running great. A good website for all things Odysssey is Perhaps you'll find more info there to help you.
  25. tbNSX

    SD/OC Caravan to Prime Drive 7/1/2007

    OC Caravan 1. ??? 2. ??? 3. ??? . . . SD Caravan 1. tbNSX 2. ??? . . Along the route 1. FuryNSX (Randy) 2. ??? . .