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  1. SENNAF1

    I would buy this..

    This is what Honda should work towards..
  2. SENNAF1

    Anyone In Idaho

    Wrong part of Idaho for me sorry..
  3. SENNAF1

    I'm really getting sick of thuggery in sports

    I was at the game they got that guy out of there fast.He was back in Oregon in a matter of hours..
  4. SENNAF1

    Snaps for nose bra

    Got mine from Honda...
  5. SENNAF1

    New Movie

    There is a new movie coming out looks like it could be good...Zombie Land..Look up the trailer...:smile:
  6. SENNAF1

    Joke of the Day

    If you havent seen them go to Youtube...Eli's dirty jokes there are 36 of them
  7. SENNAF1

    Cops ....BUSTED!!!

    Cops lie all the time..Last time I gat pulled over the cop totally lied as to why he was pulling me over.Its your word against his.And they usually win.
  8. SENNAF1

    Joke of the Day

    Whats Mary short for? She had no legs....
  9. SENNAF1

    Joke of the Day

    Whats the difference between a hippy girl and a hockey player? The hocky player showers after the 3rd period....
  10. SENNAF1

    NSXPO 2010 Las Vegas Survey

    Wouldnt miss it.driving in from Idaho NSX
  11. SENNAF1

    Bone crushing pleasure!

    She should have gone with a concrete stinger.
  12. SENNAF1

    Shifter Kart Racing

    I used to race.shifters.It started getting costly so I got out of it.Way fun though.
  13. SENNAF1

    91 nsx 82,888.00 WOW!!

  14. SENNAF1

    Salvia divinorum

    In tried it it was 20x consintrate.dropped me to the floor.lost all body control last about 10 sec.not fun.
  15. SENNAF1

    post a pic of your garage!

    Its not so clean now.
  16. SENNAF1

    Front bumper / lip : inches off the ground

    Im closer to the 3" mark I scrape all the time.The front lip is a disposable item.1 a year.
  17. SENNAF1

    no honor among thieves

    Im not a religious man but I do believe in karma.It always comes back at you..
  18. SENNAF1

    What do you guys think of the Gumpert?

    It looks to hard to get in and out of..I do like the variable tcs
  19. SENNAF1

    Addicting game

    Another great game is portal 2 or blox both fun get paid for games.
  20. SENNAF1


    That is a very nice amp.I cant believe your not using it.You should look into a set of Lowther horns for that baby.
  21. SENNAF1


    Do we have any stereo nuts on here.Im working on a set of full range driver speakers.Then its going to be a tube amp kit next.I have built all the speakers so far in my system and they really sound good.You get alot for your $ when you build it.
  22. SENNAF1

    R/C boat guys here?

    I have been building a R/C boat should do around 50mph with brushless motor any other R/C boat guys here .Im new to this hobby.
  23. SENNAF1

    Ya Im single now

    Its only 480 minutes away.
  24. SENNAF1

    Winter in Minnesota

    I think he is mounting a snow angel.:eek:
  25. SENNAF1

    A little northwest snow!

    We got 2' last night at my work.Bogus Basin mountain resort.Its always fun digging out to get open on a morning like this.