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  1. TonyD

    Need help with Car Show on 5/17/14

    My registration form is filled out and on its way to the post office. My May 17th trip to Oklahoma is cancelled:biggrin:
  2. TonyD

    NE Annual (Holiday) Dinner

    Carla, I will try to keep 4/18/15 open as I am already booked for April 26th. I think Lisa was ok with that date:smile: Just curious, will non-members get better pricing next year too? $75 including 1 yr membership is way better than $55!
  3. TonyD

    Need help with Car Show on 5/17/14

    I hope to be able to make it on May 17th. There is a potential conflict with a family event but just found out yesterday that it may be canceled.... Hopefully it will stay cancelled and I may even be able to drag Bags along to cheer up Roger :-)
  4. TonyD

    Happy Birthday TonyD

    Merry belated Christmas to you too...
  5. TonyD

    Happy Birthday TonyD

    Belated thanks for the Birthday wishes.... Been stuck in the great state of Oklahoma. Exodus in the morning... Hey Tytus - Happy belated Bday to you to...
  6. TonyD

    NSXPO 2013 VIR Photos & Video

    Somewhat late on posting this link for the alternate trip to the Doris Duke Farms on Oct 13th
  7. TonyD

    NSXPO 2013 Photos

    A group went to Sarah Duke Gardens and there were some behind the scenes activities... Ron, take a closer look :smile: Perhaps you need a little help with a closeup!
  8. TonyD

    NSXPO 2013 Photos

    Here is a 6:30am Sunday morning shot after a night of rain...
  9. TonyD

    NSXPO Caravans

    Miléd and I are leaving the Easton area around 5-5:30am Thursday morning and probably taking the westerly route via I-78/I-81
  10. TonyD

    New Jersey - 39:3-74 Obstruction of Windshield for Vision

    Just thought I close this out. The DA dismissed the obstruction of windshield ticket, reduced the speed on the ticket. I didn't really care much about the speeding ticket as there is a fine which doesn't change much and currently out of state tickets don't get recorded in PA - Someday that may...
  11. TonyD

    New Jersey - 39:3-74 Obstruction of Windshield for Vision

    With regard to speed gun, it was laser. - - - Updated - - - Ken, both tickets are listed as court appearance required and are set for the same court date.
  12. TonyD

    New Jersey - 39:3-74 Obstruction of Windshield for Vision

    So today in North Brunswick I get a speeding ticket - so be it.... But, I suppose just to be a prick, the officer(not sure if he deserves that rank) gives me an add-on ticket for having my GPS sitting on the dashboard! Court date is in about a week... Will plead not guilty to this but from...
  13. TonyD

    Happy Birthday RSO34

    Bob, Happy belated bday. Just wanted to mention that I also celebrated your birthday with some icecream topped with chocolate syrup followed by a rootbeer float! It was great treat. THANKS! Happy Birthday
  14. TonyD

    River Run 2013 Photos

    A few more...
  15. TonyD

    River Run 2013 Photos

    Here is one of my photos from the River Run Something in infrared...
  16. TonyD

    6/23 River Run Caravan TZ Bridge/NJ Sheraton

    [/SIZE][/h] Hey Roger, it looks like you won't get to see Bags at the River Run this year since you plan on arriving a day late...:eek:
  17. TonyD

    Thank you to all the Michelle Offsie Memorial walkers - Photos

    Did you really look? June 2nd 2013 Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this year :frown: I can virtually do the walk, but in another country...
  18. TonyD

    Northeast Annual Dinner April 6, 2013

    Bob, I see you posted your best picture. BTW, Larry is standing, that's why he looks a tad taller than me.
  19. TonyD

    Northeast Annual Dinner April 6, 2013

    It seems there is some unwritten rule that I was supposed to post in this thread that I am going to the party on the 6th so I get on the official list! :smile: I will also clarify, since the secretary and treasurer don't communicate with each other, that I only paid for myself. If I recall...
  20. TonyD

    Happy 70th Roger!

    Happy Birthday Roger! At least Bob didn't try to reduce your age by 10 years - that wouldn't be nearly as believable :eek:
  21. TonyD

    Larry G???

    LarryG is doing fine and has actually more space to the garage that Bob posted photos of. Larry and I with our better halfs went out to dinner yesterday evening. Miled was last seen hiking Pikes Peak while attending NSXPO this year:
  22. TonyD

    Happy Birthday to TonyD, you Turkey!!!

    Thanks for the B'day wishes everyone. After birthday and turkey day combined, I don't think I gained as much as that fat spidey! :smile:
  23. TonyD

    Frank Lloyd Wright - Take 2

    I would be interested in the last weekend of October
  24. TonyD

    Caravan to Buffalo

    Are you referring to the shopping center where Panera Bread and TGIF are located (off Freemansburg Rd)? I would assume that we would need to depart that area around 10:15am since we have 50 mi less to drive to the Truck stop.
  25. TonyD

    Caravan to Buffalo

    Not telling....