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WTB: '97-'99 NSX-T

29 August 2022
Hi, Primates -
I'm looking for a '97-'99 NSX-T, under 30K miles, anything but a red car - yellow, silver preferred. Like another poster, the best car for me has a conscientious owner along with all receipts from day 1, hopefully. I will travel anywhere in the CONUS to look at the car, preferably including an undercarriage inspection on a lift. I like cars that haven't lived in humid or wet climates. Have cash, and will pay up for the right car. Let me know what you have, thanks!
- Rob
Any specific reason why only those years? what did you not like about the 2000 and 01s? I am just curious as I thought the 00-01 are the best of na2 pop ups.

best of luck on finding your perfect car!
JC - Now there's a great question. A local long-term mechanic around here touts them as "peak" NSX, with the 6-speed, T-top and the 3.2. He says after '99, things got just a bit more complicated with emissions and some other ECU-related things. I can always learn more about NSXs, so please chime in if you know more pertinent facts about the development of the NSX.
Oh I can understand where hes coming from, the older cars are more simple.

I am no guru myself but upon my research for mine I saw this changes by year:

So basically better shifting manual transmission and ABS, plus vin stickers on most of the panels making it easier if buying remote to determine if car has been in accident or not. (00 does not have vin sticker on front bumper and 01 does.)
JC - With any car these days, "simple" is relative, like compared to a '72 911. That's a simple car. In the NSX world, there is a continuum of simple/complex. Being a simple-loving kind of car owner, I hope the tech is right with his call to the '97-'99 as being the best/simplest of production. I already know where to send the circuit boards to get the capacitors fixed!
JC -
Thanks for that link - I have reviewed that closely several times. The "new for '97" is a full page of cool stuff. This is why I am cruising for a '97-'99!
Except the first couple years, production numbers were pretty low for the NSX. And if you need a low mile car in a specific color, there aren’t many to choose from. I’d certainly open your search to 1997-2001. (And besides, 2000-2001 are the best!)

See my chart with production numbers and major differences by year here:

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Centerpunch -
Your chart is dynamite, thanks! It explains why we see so many '91s coming up for sale, heck they made 3163! In the '97-'99 period, it was a total of 804. If you take out the automatics (50), you are left with 754. Take out the 51 Zanardis and you get a pool of prospective cars for me that totals 703 cars. The yellow car I am after is one of 169, not great odds. The silver one I could also love is worse, one of 131 for the '97-'99 period, even less that the yellows! Third choice is the white one, one of 29 for the period. No wonder this is so difficult! It's amazing that NSX sales dropped off so badly for this period when the car was established and better (arguably) than the earlier cars.
I was initially looking for a low mile silver 1997-2001, but a very knowledgable member convinced me 2000-2001 was preferable.

However, right at that moment, one of the best silver 2005’s in the world, with only 15k miles, showed up at a very fair price, and I jumped on it.


A bit later I, uh, remembered that, uh, I really don’t like the looks of the 2002-2005 fixed headlight cars!


I sold it on bringatrailer for a big number, and then started looking for a low mile silver 2000-2001.

Then magically, only a couple weeks later, the perfect 30k mile silver 2001 appeared on BaT.

Bottom line, the cars are out there! Just keep looking ‘til you find the one you want.

(But truth is, I don’t think many folks here prefer 97-99 to 00-01!)
Centerpunch -
Can you explain the advantages of hunting for a '00-'01? From your wonderful chart, they were the same as the '97-'99, other than the improved ABS and perforated leather interior. Should that be enough to sway me?
I don’t think the changes for 2000-2001 are a big deal, but interior is nicer to me.

I just think there’s no rational reason to eliminate those years from your search. I’d look for the best 1997-2001 you can find in your spec.
I am still on this search, and can/will visit anyone, coast-to-coast.

A couple of folks have contacted me with their very nice cars, one was modded too much for me, the other one had too many miles for my preference. Once again, I'm looking for a '97-'99 NSX-T, under 30K miles, anything but a red car - yellow, silver preferred. I hope we can chat, thanks! - Rob
Hi, Centerpunch -
You are my most ardent follower and cheerleader - thanks a bunch! Beyond what I stated two posts back, nothing from the Primates. I am upping my mileage requirement to "under 40K", let's see what that does. A bit of research shows that for '97-00, in T-top, there were 227 US cars in silver, 200 in yellow, and 88 in blue, giving me a pool of 515 cars to pick from. Not really sure why I haven't seen any for sale in the past 18 months or so. Patience is a virtue, I am told!
- Rob
Hi, Centerpunch -
You are my most ardent follower and cheerleader - thanks a bunch! Beyond what I stated two posts back, nothing from the Primates. I am upping my mileage requirement to "under 40K", let's see what that does. A bit of research shows that for '97-00, in T-top, there were 227 US cars in silver, 200 in yellow, and 88 in blue, giving me a pool of 515 cars to pick from. Not really sure why I haven't seen any for sale in the past 18 months or so. Patience is a virtue, I am told!
- Rob
a 97-01 NA2 NSX-T w/ popups is probably the most desirable of all NSXs in the US. People are holding onto them. ;)
Honcho -
Evidently, I would say you are right! In the '70's 911 world where I came from, there were "most desirable" models there, as well. However, they come up for sale with some regularity. It depends on one's own personal circumstances. I wouldn't wish a "change of circumstances" on anyone, though I hope I see a car for sale soon! I have found more that a few with A/T, I just can't get past sourcing and dealing with a M/T instrument panel. I would think everything else would be relatively doable. But, then you have an "altered car". :( Who wants one of those, anyway?
- Rob
Hi, Centerpunch -
You are my most ardent follower and cheerleader - thanks a bunch! Beyond what I stated two posts back, nothing from the Primates. I am upping my mileage requirement to "under 40K", let's see what that does. A bit of research shows that for '97-00, in T-top, there were 227 US cars in silver, 200 in yellow, and 88 in blue, giving me a pool of 515 cars to pick from. Not really sure why I haven't seen any for sale in the past 18 months or so. Patience is a virtue, I am told!
- Rob
Patience is indeed a virtue, but upping your limit to 40k?!? :) The reason you can't find one is the same reason you're looking for one - the cars are amazing to drive, and if you drive, those pesky odometer wheels turn! (If you're now considering 2000, as above, 2001 is pretty much the same, and @Old Guy , @centerpunch , and I all endorse them.)

Seriously though, <40k since 1997 is <1500/year. Few of those 515 will have been driven so rarely, unless they've got 1800 and were sitting in a garage because insurance got expensive. @RacerXwing 's sale evaluation histograms suggests that 1/4 to 1/3 of the NA2 Pop-ups would have that kind of mileage - if 1/2 of them are drivers, and 1/3 of the cars have been either wrecked, converted to race use, or exported to Canada (Lots, because Acura Canada priced them so high - I don't know anyone with an original Canadian car.) you're looking for one of 50 cars or less, cars that owners tend to like and that's before you eliminate the humid climate cars. This will be an epic quest.

What worked out great for me (after years of stupidity) was just grabbing what was close enough to what I wanted. I drove it for 4 years, enjoyed it a lot, and confirmed my desire for the 1/10 albatross when it finally popped last year. It's a good thing I enjoyed the '95 so much, or I might have balked at the price and missed it.

yemv, but yolo.
btw, if you want to reference other primer's, type the @ and the first 3 letters of their username, which will allow you to reference them and they will be notified of your posting.
@centerpunch, @wildturkey, @Old Guy, @RacerXwing -
Wow, that spreadsheet, if I can call it that, is quite the piece of work! Thank you for sending it over. I already knew I was looking for an unicorn, this puts lots of things into perspective. I will need some time to fully digest this compendium of information. Meanwhile, I am still looking . . . :)
- Rob
Less than 40,000 miles is a pretty tight requirement. If you really want a car, I would be more inclined to completely drop or at least open the mileage limit up to around 100,000 miles and then evaluate on the basis of condition and maintenance history. Right now you are fishing in a small pond with not very many / no fish.
Old Guy -
Thank you for the wisdom of experience. I have done the "small pond" thing before, and it isn't all that fun. Than again, it's all about getting the word out. Prime isn't everything, but it is something, and everyone knows what I am after here, so hoping. Also, I have found that hoping doesn't do anything, actions get something done.
- Rob
@MexiRicer - I thought I would add you to this thread, maybe you can help me!