New owner, ownership Review

3 May 2020
It's been 3 years since I've had my NSX. It was pretty nice looking when i got it, but a bit rough in the underpinnings. I got a late start on my YouTube channel and didn't document everything from the beginning, but a year into ownership i started my channel and basically filmed any maintenance or mod that i did to the car, which is why i have so many DIY videos--i figured if i'm going to do it that i might as well film it and be useful to the community. I've had a lot of ups and downs chasing "perfection"...and although I'm nowhere near perfection, I have something to strive towards and that's what keeps me going with this car, along with the awesome enthusiast community.

From the very beginning of my channel, I sought to give back to the community since there weren't a whole lot of NSX DIY videos on YouTube, so i hope all those videos live long and help others in the future, even long after I'm gone. Anyway, my review video is LONG because it comprises the last 3 years of ownership, but I hope you can come back to it in multiple sittings if you can't finish it in one sitting (understandable). The video is broken out into multiple parts and chapters are in the description: Pros/Cons, Modifications, Technical Review, Street Drive, Build Philosophy and Future Plans.

Thanks for the support and feel free to let me know your thoughts below or in the video comments.

It's been 3 years since I've had my NSX. It was pretty nice looking when i got it, but a bit rough in the underpinnings. I got a late start on my YouTube channel and didn't document everything from the beginning, but a year into ownership i started my channel and basically filmed any maintenance or mod that i did to the car, which is why i have so many DIY videos--i figured if i'm going to do it that i might as well film it and be useful to the community. I've had a lot of ups and downs chasing "perfection"...and although I'm nowhere near perfection, I have something to strive towards and that's what keeps me going with this car, along with the awesome enthusiast community.

From the very beginning of my channel, I sought to give back to the community since there weren't a whole lot of NSX DIY videos on YouTube, so i hope all those videos live long and help others in the future, even long after I'm gone. Anyway, my review video is LONG because it comprises the last 3 years of ownership, but I hope you can come back to it in multiple sittings if you can't finish it in one sitting (understandable). The video is broken out into multiple parts and chapters are in the description: Pros/Cons, Modifications, Technical Review, Street Drive, Build Philosophy and Future Plans.

Thanks for the support and feel free to let me know your thoughts below or in the video comments.

Nice Video and learned a thing or two.
Nice video & great news! I've figured out your next video for you. Both of my NSX's had previous owners who solved the problem of a noisy aspirator fan by unplugging it. Needless to say, that does not lead to your climate control system working very well. Now that I plugged it back in, the climate control worked again but was noisy. I cleaned/rebuilt the fan in my '95, but if we can just drop a new one from a CRV in for <$50, that's what I'm going to do:

It looks like we got our NSX"s around the same time and my experience has been similar. Enjoyable to work on with a few frustrating things that took a bit longer to diagnose the I'd have liked, but were ultimately very satisfying to do. Agree on the wheel, I found the S2000 wheel from the same year as my NSX to be perfect. The seats fit my frame perfectly so I left them. Thanks for making the video!

One note: those aren't pinch welds you're pointing to for jacking. The design is different than other unibody cars and that's a huge extruded beam front to back, not a joint with a pinch weld. If you look closely, you'll see that those are locate points that are welded on. There is an interesting conflict between the SM & the owner's manual for jacking. The SM says you must jack those support points directly, but if you jack it using the factory jack as per the owner's manual, the factory jack has a deeper groove than the locater, so the jack actually actually supports the beam, not the support points. I believe the welded on locater points are to interlock with the jack so it can't slide sideways and drop the car in case you are by the side of the road and not perfectly level, as well as showing you where to jack. I agree that the ability to jack the middle and pop in jack stands is one of the things I love about the NSX.
I sought to give back to the community since there weren't a whole lot of NSX DIY videos on YouTube, so i hope all those videos live long and help others in the future, even long after I'm gone.

Thank you, I have run across some of your DIY videos when searching and they have been helpful!

FWIW, you mentioned your AC being cold on one side and hot on the other - the NSX FAQ section on the climate control mentions this symptom and says the cause is the refrigerant being low:
Nice Video and learned a thing or two.
Nice video & great news! I've figured out your next video for you. Both of my NSX's had previous owners who solved the problem of a noisy aspirator fan by unplugging it. Needless to say, that does not lead to your climate control system working very well. Now that I plugged it back in, the climate control worked again but was noisy. I cleaned/rebuilt the fan in my '95, but if we can just drop a new one from a CRV in for <$50, that's what I'm going to do:

It looks like we got our NSX"s around the same time and my experience has been similar. Enjoyable to work on with a few frustrating things that took a bit longer to diagnose the I'd have liked, but were ultimately very satisfying to do. Agree on the wheel, I found the S2000 wheel from the same year as my NSX to be perfect. The seats fit my frame perfectly so I left them. Thanks for making the video!

One note: those aren't pinch welds you're pointing to for jacking. The design is different than other unibody cars and that's a huge extruded beam front to back, not a joint with a pinch weld. If you look closely, you'll see that those are locate points that are welded on. There is an interesting conflict between the SM & the owner's manual for jacking. The SM says you must jack those support points directly, but if you jack it using the factory jack as per the owner's manual, the factory jack has a deeper groove than the locater, so the jack actually actually supports the beam, not the support points. I believe the welded on locater points are to interlock with the jack so it can't slide sideways and drop the car in case you are by the side of the road and not perfectly level, as well as showing you where to jack. I agree that the ability to jack the middle and pop in jack stands is one of the things I love about the NSX.
Good info thank you. Luckily in SoCal working a/c is not a deal breaker but yeah it’s something I need to look into eventually.

Thank you, I have run across some of your DIY videos when searching and they have been helpful!

FWIW, you mentioned your AC being cold on one side and hot on the other - the NSX FAQ section on the climate control mentions this symptom and says the cause is the refrigerant being low:
Thanks for the link! My a/c problems could be any number of things. I should probably drop the car off to HQ engineering eventually…

While I had my bumper off recently I noticed my condenser fins were in terrible shape. I’m sure my system needs refilling too. And of course I need to plug the aspirator fan in and see if that makes a difference.