Recent content by teamu

  1. T

    Buy NSX, live with rents, or buy house, drive beater

    I vote for living with parents & also buying a beater. Okay it doesn't have to be a beater, but for under 10k you can get a decent used car. I asked a similar question a month ago -- and I decided to put off my nsx desires (atleast for...
  2. T

    Boston to Seattle, driving advice

    easiest route is probably i-90 all the way (since it starts in boston & ends in seattle).
  3. T

    Should I get an nsx?

    I completely agree with this. almost my entire portfolio is in high risk/high reward stocks (either large cap growth or small/ultra small caps). Give it a shot to go big. If it goes bust, I have the rest of my life to regain what I lose... Anyways, I think I'm going to hold for now. Winter...
  4. T

    Should I get an nsx?

    just want to correct that 2m then = ~250k now is true for a 7 percent inflation rate (which is a very high expectation). If the inflation rate is closer to 3 percent, then 2m then = ~800k now. Other than that, I agree with your financing/keeping loans advice is probably a more cost effective...
  5. T

    Should I get an nsx?

    actually i miscalculated earlier, i've actually contributed about 49k, so its about 16k in interest. Not sure what the IRR is on that (too lazy to entry in all the contributions into a program). I've actually seen some wild swings in my accts (Earlier in the summer I had about 20k more in net...
  6. T

    Should I get an nsx?

    good advice/comments here...thanks... eh, as long as no one i know is reading this i don't mind my financial situation being in the open... don't own a house, but do have access to a garage no gf/wife. if i had one i doubt this would even be a possibility (unless she was rich). This is...
  7. T

    Should I get an nsx?

    Perhaps this post doesn't belong here, but I'd like some feedback as to what some of you would do if you were me, and def. from others ppl who may have been in similar situations prior to purchasing (or not purchasing) the nsx. I absolutely love the nsx & would love to own one. Think its the...