Recent content by polar

  1. polar

    Shipping my nsx to Japan!

    Gonna bring this post back from death. I just moved to Nagoya last month and expect to stay here for 2 years+. I'm wondering if any of you can give me a ball park figure of the cost for bringing the car in and get it all tested for road legal.
  2. polar

    random stuff

    wow that was fast, congrat Chris, I want to join the party for some really good Thai food.. hmmm......
  3. polar

    Where to find 250cc sportbikes?

    NSR250 is hella cool if you can get your hand on one of those that is street legal. But it's gonna be hell when it comes to service and getting parts.
  4. polar

    From our gathering this sat at Cars and Coffee

    if we combine all meetings out of 2 years then we may actually achieve a total of 99 nsx ....... :biggrin:
  5. polar meet. Jan 19th. Alki Boat Launch.

    hey Ferrand I heard the girl you took out with my car this time is hotter than the previous ones. :biggrin:
  6. polar

    Wheel Refurbishing in Seattle?

    I think foster don't do modern wheels anymore? At least that was the case a year ago, they wanted to focus on the antique wire wheel business. Check dependable wheel service: In Renton, it is run by one of the family member of Foster's.
  7. polar

    I love my NSX-R suspension, but...

    I hate you :mad: :tongue:
  8. polar

    looking for a NSX in the NW

    dude, forget about cars, when will your neighbor sell their house?
  9. polar

    Stereo install problems

    wow! just wow! :eek: wanna come by sunday morning for the 6 speed coffee meet and tell us the story?
  10. polar

    Honda-Tech Meeting

    There's no house work when Gary is in town ! :biggrin:
  11. polar

    PIR track day 6/27 - 8hrs of track time!!

    :biggrin: oh snap. I might be interested! Ferrand? Arnon? Brian? John H.?
  12. polar

    Proformance track day

    June? when?
  13. polar

    April snow

    I dare you to jump into the pool :biggrin:
  14. polar

    Sunday April 13th Monthly Meet Event

  15. polar

    Best place to get a corner balance/alignment in Seattle?

    I take my NSX to Truline in Bellevue, they cost more than others, but I rather spending more for peace of mind.