Recent content by MashimaroNSX

  1. MashimaroNSX

    WTB SRS Reel / Clockspring

    Looking for an SRS reel / Clockspring Part number 77900-SL0-A81
  2. MashimaroNSX

    Quirky code 44

    Hi, looking for some input. So just a backstory before I get into the symptoms. I recently changed my o2 sensors and was driving it for approximately 1 month until I realized it was driving funny. So a little search on prime told me that the wires might have been crossed and when I went under...
  3. MashimaroNSX

    Tubi Exhaust

    Thanks for the tip, seems to be a private group so i'm pending at the moment.
  4. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Will most definitely check the other connections but as of now a new ground wire has been replaced and the car fires right up like nothing happened.
  5. MashimaroNSX

    Tubi Exhaust

    Haven't seen one for a while but i'm looking for a used Tubi exhaust.
  6. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Understood, I had a mechanic friend come by finally after a busy work schedule and he tested the starter and it seems to work fine. Upon further inspection he took out his volt meter and found that the ground is all wonky and not at 0 at all. So it turns out Drew was right all along initially...
  7. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Really appreciate the help. It seems to be the starter since I've tested and confirmed there is electricity going into it but its just not doing anything.
  8. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Didn't jump from the engine compartment, i'll try that and let you know. I'm suspecting the starter, is there an easy way to know if it went bad? I've tried tapping it and then trying to start the car but nothing. Does someone need to tap it at the same time while I try and start the engine?
  9. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Ok, I can comfortably rule out the battery since I just tried jumpstarting it and the symptoms are still the same.
  10. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Lights seem to dim extremely minimaly, almost to the point of not being able to notice. My battery is a larger optima drycell approximately 2 years old. Maybe its on its way out? also I noticed that the voltmeter on the dash says 11 and most people say that it should be 12?
  11. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Thanks, the ABS was going on and off intermittently so I wasn't getting a light but rather the annoying pump going on every 5 seconds I'm driving. I cleaned all the terminals and still no luck. Funny thing is about a month ago it has happened at a parking lot when I was going to the bank but...
  12. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Thanks, I'm suspecting you're right. It just feels like something is loose. Oh and I forgot to mention that before that I was hard locking my ABS to exercise the solinoids because my ABS pump was going off and not stopping. My battery is just tied down with bungee cords and doesn't have a tray.
  13. MashimaroNSX

    1991 NSX doesn't crank, 1 click and then dead silence

    Weird thing happened today. I drove my car in the morning and then parked it sort of halfway out of my garage because my wife was painting something in there. When she was done and I was ready to back my car up it just wouldn't start. All the lights go on perfectly fine but when I turn the key...
  14. MashimaroNSX

    ABS/ALB modulator rebuild write up

    Put me down for one as well please :smile: