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  • Hi John, sorry I missed your message... I never knew of this visitor message thing. The wheels are hyper black, which is more like a gunmetsl grey really. I never had stock wheels myself and i'm going to a set of Work Emotions. I've since lowered the price to only $1150 shipped even to the west coast after 25% cashback from Microsoft. It's unfortunate for me, the other guy interested is also from Cali! Anyway, please let me know if you're still interested..

    Hey John,

    The wheels are the hyper black version, though I'd call it "gunmetal" more than anything. The car came with the wheels when I bought it 2 years ago, but I chose them and they were brand new at the time because the old wheels on the car were found to be bent/cracked during the PPI. Physics dictate that larger wheels will slow down cars, though I don't have the stock wheel experience to be able to tell you how much. My somewhat educated guess is that the shipping would probably be $200 or so, though I'm sure we can work something out if you do decide you are interested in purchasing the set.

    Thanks for your interest,
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