Recent content by DAYTA

  1. DAYTA

    Alternator started whirring...

    Coordinated with Chris @ SOS and they actually had one rebuilt alternator in stock for the 95-05 (they have 3 in stock for 91-94 as of today). Order placed and the unit should arrive next week - easiest and most complete solution as everything will be rebuilt (per SOS website): Tear down...
  2. DAYTA

    Alternator started whirring...

    Outside of basic maintenance stuff like oil/fluid changes, I'm admittedly not that mechanically inclined/confident like many of you guys to tackle a DIY alternator rebuild. I did call SOS who advised to remove the alternator belt to determine if the whirring/whining went away to isolate the...
  3. DAYTA

    Alternator started whirring...

    The alternator on my 97 NSX (~70k miles) started whirring really badly today, so it sounds like I have 2 main options: Purchase a new OEM unit Have my existing one rebuilt Per other threads I've read, it sounds like sourcing a new unit has been very difficult for folks recently so I'm not even...
  4. DAYTA

    Acura NSX in the Movies

    Ha I just saw this for the first time on Netflix over the was meh, but was shocked to see the NSX as the first car shown in the movie. After reading an article about the director Neill Blomkamp (big fan of District 9), it appears he's a both an NSX enthusiast and owner...
  5. DAYTA

    My 16K mile 2005 now on BaT

    Did Matt Farrah buy your NSX?? My buddy just sent me an Instagram post showing that he just bought a NSX in this exact same year/spec/mileage...
  6. DAYTA

    What's your daily driver?

    2020 Genesis G70 3.3T AWD
  7. DAYTA

    There are two types of NSX owners...

    I find it interesting that no one mentioned that the second pic in the OP has pop ups on a NA2 that a common retrofit?
  8. DAYTA

    Latest cost for Timing belt service

    Science of Speed has everything you need for the TB/WP service in their "90k mile kit" for ~$1k: Of note, parts availability has been a problem because of the supply chain issues. Not sure if it's still the same...
  9. DAYTA

    So I replaced my fuel pump and...

    Does anyone know the difference between part #s 17040-SL0-A30 and 17040-SL0-L30? They look like the same fitment, but not sure if L30 replaces A30? Regardless, it seems like both parts are on national backorder at the moment...
  10. DAYTA

    17/17 and 17/18 Tire Choices - not much left.

    Appreciate the feedback from everyone! I decided to move forward with the RT660s which were shipped today. I'm sure I'll never come close to using all of the available grip (in 7+ years of ownership, I've only seen the TC light come on once), but it'll be nice to know I won't have to worry...
  11. DAYTA

    17/17 and 17/18 Tire Choices - not much left.

    Thanks guys, appreciate the responses! I've never heard of Maxxis, but why would you recommend the 615Ks over the 660s for a street car? All 3 tires have 200 UTQG ratings so not sure what would make the biggest difference other than outright grip on the street. For further reference, my car...
  12. DAYTA

    17/17 and 17/18 Tire Choices - not much left.

    I have AD08Rs on my car that need replacing, and the only comparable option that is affordable and currently in stock at Tire Rack is the RT660. My car is strictly street driven on the backroads, so I was able to get over 10k miles out of my current set. I'm trying to figure out how the RT660s...
  13. DAYTA

    Anyone running the new SOS TVS Supercharger?

    Were you able to find a link to the "replacement brace" they mentioned? I scoured the website and couldn't find it.
  14. DAYTA

    C&D article - 30th anniversary of NSX debut Amazing (and humbling) how journalists still wax poetic about the original NSX.