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  • For stock engine any of the Autorotor (kenne bell) flavored superchargers will work fine. I don't think the 1.7 is the kenne bell version, but the earlier lysholm version (which is a low power noisy ass joke).

    What is nice about the SOS SC is that u can use it at 7-8psi on a stock block and as you want more power, do an engine project, etc. then it can grow with your needs.

    The other ones..... good luck LOL
    Holly Batman
    I see you have the SOS Sc but I also see your motor has been built iinside and out. Would you recommend this Sc if the motor is stock? There is a lot of nay say about this kit and not really any benefits over the CTS 1.7 I am getting a great deal on one but really don't know if a stock motor can handle. Thanks
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