iphones, ipads, gauges, screens, radar... my latest research and my instal in the NSX

8 March 2006
Hey guys, I have decided to start a new thread regarding some of the latest gadgets and gizmos for the NSX. This thread is more about function than form and I am going to share some of my latest findings, post pictures and videos of my own upgrades. Please feel free to contribute, hopefully we can make some progress. Some of what is on this first post is a repeat of several other threads I have but I want to document my whole goal and install here:

I wanted look at a holistic solution for upgrades, not by adding a screen here and a module there. Radio, Nav, gauges, phones, all can share a lot and be a "system" rather than something hacked together by a bunch of pieces. My goals were:

1) have a better sound system than the factory
2) have a set of gauges I can use for monitoring my mods (my car is FI)
3) save weight (no need to make a sports car heavier)
4) stay clean and create a whole system.
5) Get nav without wires and suction cups

There are a lot of people that have done upgrades, and I have looked at many systems, radios, gagues, OBDII hardware, etc.

I have arrived at the following conclusions:

The best place for gauges, is the navpod. It is line of sight, the only other thing better is a heads up display (HUD). If I am at the track, I don't really want to look down to see a gauge.

The best place for your audio controls, is where the radio is. It is within reach. Navpod location for screens or tablets requires a reach. Not good. The coin holder which currently holds my iphone is also bad, taking too much attention away from the road.

Radio: People want different things and many have upgraded their head units to touch screen models with many features. The plus is that it looks cool in the NSX dash, but the minus is that it is not saving any weight, it requires serious center console modification, and worst of all, head units are simply getting outdated. Most music these days will come from your phone or ipod or is streamed over the cell network like Pandora or Rhapsody.

After much much thought and research, I have realized the single best device to handle everything, is still my iphone. It has become a standard with the widest variety of apps. Besides handling my calls and being my ipod, it also can display my gauges, be my radar detector, and anything else that comes down the road.

I have found that it may be a better idea to have an iphone or droid unit attached to a screen than to try to fit a screen inside the console. Smaller tablets in the navpod seem like a good idea but like I said, it is a reach to just get your fingers to touch it (I sit way back).

So far, if anyone has followed any of my other threads in this section, I have decided on the following upgrades on

Sound system:

1) Remove factory CD changer, radio, amps, antenna, speakers to save all the weight

2) Install a set of component speakers. I chose the Rockford T3652S because they are good, but also light. If I was choosing speakers for this car, I would pick woofers that use small neodymium magnets like this one. This is a light woofer:


3) I have so far, decided against a subwoofer. It is too heavy, takes up a lot of interior space (space which I am using for a lightweight class D amplifier), and I am not sure a sub is even necessary.

Instead, I am looking to install transducers in the seats. This will give you the "feel" of bass, with the top on, off, windows up or down. There were two I narrowed it down to. These fit in the seats. 4 small ones per seat from Dayton (parts express):


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/M_izCb84a58" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Or two more powerful ones from Rockford Fosgate which I am hoping will fit right into a natural cavity in the middle of the factory seat back under the leather:


I am using a sound processor from JBL which tunes the sound to the NSX interior using a microphone and DSP's, its main benefit being time alignment of the speakers:


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/g2GHRBijYFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This little device does wonders... I will save the tech talk but I will just say I have used it in my other car for a few weeks now and it works.

The amplifier I decided on was a digital 6 channel from JL audio. Again, light, compact, little heat production, and a remote volume knob for any channel/channels that you want. I will use the volume knob on 4 bridged channels driving the transducers for when you want to just feel a little bass or a lot.


It has a tiny volume knob I will mount some place handy:


Now the stereo I have finally decided on and purchased. So far, seems to be fantastic, exactly what I was looking for. It is made by oxygen audio. It is around $300. Made by a French company, just started to show in the US. It has a built in radio tuner using an antenna if you want (I won't use that as I use my iHeart radio app), it also has a small digital amp built in rated around 25x4 for people that want to run it direct with no amps. It has bluetooth for a headset, but it also has a hardwired and supplied microphone for hands free calling. In short, it does more than $1000 radios but because it is using your phone it is cheap.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_hmFpVCQ3_I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Now for the gauges:

I am thinking of plx devices and kiwi or dash command, along with a few add on sensors like fuel pressure, boost, and 02.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CLrDwKbQtzo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SA9MQNagBPs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


For NAV:


There are many nav apps with full voice, and they are more sophisticated than many stand alone devices. You can have full traffic data available with some of these

Radar detector:

There are a couple of radar detector devices out that work with an iphone app now. iRadar from cobra. Not great, but there are devices like radaractive which act like a valentine concealed display kit. More will be out soon.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/X4I0CkSnHIU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Now I think there may be SOME value to having a graphics of the iphone pop on on a nav screen for better visual, but the NSX cabin is small and tight, the distance with the phone is little.

There are systems like the mimics and other things that allow a touchscreen to control your phone, but with the phone sitting right in the middle of the center console angled at you I am not sure it makes sense to try to the CONTROL the phone through a navpod touchscreen (nevermind the cost and complexity)

The O'car iphone radio pictured above has a video out. Connect that to a cheap monitor in a navpod and you are done. I haven't quite figured out what screen is best there in terms of resolution, perhaps some of you can chime in.

One problem I see with tablets in the dash guys, besides not fitting, is the whole thing of phone operation. You still need to use your phone, a second device that AFAIK, doesn't sync with a tablet. Apple does not make a medium sized tablet, and I have used some other brands that are not too great. It is making it all more complex. The phone still looks to be the best solution to me.

Please comment.
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greatly informative post. thank you so much. :smile:

You're welcome. I have done so much research lately, my brain is full of info. There are lots of reasons I have made some of these choices. So if anyone has any questions as to why pick this or that, please just ask. Guys the days of installing radios and radar detectors and hands free kits and navs and gauges as seperate items are going away. All these seperate items can be one system working with each other.

I find too many guys on here concentrate on these seperate items too much and aren't looking at the whole. There isn't enough thought given to ergonomics. I see gauges mounted low... ashtray, radio area... It's not a good spot. It is too low. I see touchscreens mounted in nav pods... Ok for display, but for control, this is too high. Let's put things where they make sense not just look good.

I was just looking at the Navigon app. They are now on version 1.6 (from 1.1). Want more features on your nav? download a cheap app... try doing that with a seperate nav unit... or worse... one you just dropped a G on built into a double-din head unit. That also isn't going to apply to most tablets.
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That Ocar is exactly what I was going to use... do you have it yet? If so how is it?

Yes, I have it. Looks pretty good so far, I haven't done the install. It looks like when you use the video out, a window pops open asking you to switch video from the phone to external device. I wish they were mirrored. I am not sure if this was to meet some regulation. A display in a navpod might be helpful but I am going to run without it at first. What I am surprised at is how light the unit is. Around 2 pounds. I am pretty certain the amps are class D. It's got a tuner, but who cares... I don't even know why. There are so many tuner apps already that are better. It has a sub out which is nice, manual does not state if it is full range or not but I am assuming it is since there is no X-over setting. Video out is a composite wire.

I tried my phone with and without their cover, both work fine. Currently iphone 3G. Let me know if you have other Q's or need pics. Now mounting it... I am thinking of the SOS single DIN bracket. It will allow perfect positioning of the unit so that when you turn the phone right side up, it will be in the middle of the HVAC and ashtray. But it may be fine sitting on the top or bottom sections of the double din with a pocket up top or below. I prefer to use my factory console. What are you going to do?
Guys I forgot to mention... there is also now SIRI.... Standard on the iPhone 4S. Now you can talk to your NSX. Shift instead of text. Change radio stations by talking. If this isn't reason enough to stop buying a "car stereo", I don't know what is. I mean screw OnStar...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4D4kRbEdJw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Guys I forgot to mention... there is also now SIRI.... Standard on the iPhone 4S. Now you can talk to your NSX. Shift instead of text. Change radio stations by talking. If this isn't reason enough to stop buying a "car stereo", I don't know what is. I mean screw OnStar...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4D4kRbEdJw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yea that is incredible. Just ordered one for our project car. Wanted light and usable.

Simply doing a high end Alpine 6 in the doors. Just wanting to have music if needed. Thanks for the review. It will be installed in a SOS composite console with single din bracket.
Awesome post, Dave, thanks for all the info.

So, that's what have been keeping you busy, no wonder you were significantly more quiet lately. :biggrin:

I agree with you that a phone does all the magic whereas tablets are not needed.

One problem is that a phone only has one display so what if one needs to use the nav yet want to know speed trap locations and constantly hoping to check up on boost levels (which does not apply to me because my car will never be boosted)? What if all your girl friends are calling at the same time with call waitings blocking the whole screen? :tongue:

My approach will be a lazy one by just installing a GROM or USA-Spec USB Adapter for songs, phone for nav and maybe radar detection.

Anyways, with such extensive research, I'm sure you have everything figured out best for your needs. Good job.
That is a great point. Hmmmm.... thanks for raining on my parade... lol

I didn't think of the scenarios... but lets see what can be an issue. Music is independent. The iphone can play music and load another "non-audio" app without interruption, at least using the ipod.

iphone 4/4S can run multiple apps. Not sure how nav AND radio would be handled on those since I have a 3G right now waiting on 4S. On the 3G, any app with audio will mute the music... non-audio apps will not. So because nav and radio both have audio, the second app would mute the first.

I suppose this is also a problem with any tablet.

DAMMIT OWEN!!! :biggrin:

I have to find out more how the iphone4 handles these scenarios with its multi-app capability. Can someone chime in please?
Reply from NSX rebel using an iphone with tomtom nav app:

"music still plays in the background wether it's the iPod player, Pandora, etc.. In fact, TomTom has built in controls for music playback from the iPod player. When I switch to another app or answer a call, TomTom still runs in the background, and you can switch back to TomTom during a call. I have the iPhone 4"

At least nav and music are not an issue...

what else would be an issue? wanting to constantly monitor a gauge on the video out with the nav? I don't think this is an issue. If you are using nav to get some place, do you really need to be checking your AFR or AIT at that moment? At worst, you go back and forth between the two apps for a minute.

Radar detector I don't know about... I can't imagine the radar app disables your music... that would be one mighty shitty app. So it depends on the app maker I guess. Have to research the radar thing a bit more.
It's quite possible I missed the answer to this question (long day at the office), if that's the case - I apologize in advance.

The research you have done and information in this thread is excellent. However, I don't quite understand how it would all come together. What I mean by this is, you expressed the best locations for everything, but it seems that everything would work off the iPhone. So, are you suggesting a customized solution with a permanent iPhone installation in each of those locations and they all integrate together somehow or something else? My hunch leads me to believe you would be using a pre-existing iPhone that already serves the purpose of being "the phone" you keep on your waist, but - something tells me that's not the case since I doubt you want to "clip in" the phone since you're against suction cup mount GPS units.

Just trying to visualize the end product.
Hijacker, I'm actually all for clipping my phone in, and having it pair with my gauges, my microphone for hands free, my radar detector, my sound system and be my nav. I'm trying to get rid of suction cups and wires, but I believe in the mobility and update-ability. There's really no "radio" to steal, no expensive double din touchscreen, no radar detector per se, no nav system. It's all in my phone. I take it out, dock it into my other car with another O'car, and have the same capablities there.

I have my pandora, my email, and my personal assitant SIRI. This is what SIRI looks like in case you were wondering. She got hungry I took her to eat and snapped this with my radio/nav/detector/gauge/phone before I put her back in.

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Good info and ideas. Turbo2go your posts all always fun to read. :)

This would not work well for me however.

I already have a hardwired radar detector.
I don't want or need NAV.
I don't want or need Guages.
I don't want or need a PHONE! :eek:
I don't want or need E-Mail in my car.
I don't want or need texting capabilities.
I don't want or need Pandora type services in my car.

I do want and need the ability to play my iPod (currently loaded with over 22,000 songs) and to control it via a touchscreen.
I do want and need the ability to play a CD when the mood strikes me.
I do want and need the ability to listen to local radio broadcasts.
I do want and need a subwoofer.

But I can see how your ideas could work well for you and others. Interesting. Keep us posted.
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This would not work well for me however.

I already have a hardwired radar detector.
I don't want or need NAV.
I don't want or need Guages.
I don't want or need a PHONE! :eek:
I don't want or need E-Mail in my car.
I don't want or need texting capabilities.
I don't want or need Pandora type services in my car.

I do want and need the ability to play my iPod (currently loaded with over 22,000 songs) and to control it via a touchscreen.
I do want and need the ability to play a CD when the mood strikes me.
I do want and need the ability to listen to local radio broadcasts.
I do want and need a subwoofer.

But I can see how your ideas could work well for you and others. Interesting. Keep us posted.

Well I am not sure what "this" is, that you say won't work for you. This is just an informational thread on a lot of different products that work with an iphone basically, which I am saying is the best product to use at the heart of a system.

When someone tells me that have 22K songs, what I hear is "I have collected massive amounts of music from various sources". I don't know too many people who own and LIKE 22K songs. Services like Pandora introduce you to NEW music, and you can with pay services, get whatever you want anytime you want, anywhere you want. In other words, storing gigs and gigs of music on a device is a little unnecessary now.

On the subwoofer, I can tell you no one NEEDS a subwoofer. Your perception is that if you don't have one you will be missing something, but I can assure you that in an NSX cabin you can get deep bass without a sub. DSP processing and transducers is just a different way of doing it. One that we can use if we want to save weight and space, and keep sound consistent top on or top off, loud exhaust on or loud exhaust off. If weight and space were not an issue, in other words this was a different car, I would be doing a sub. Certainly we are lucky to have the Zetoolman and Angus subs.

Just different ways of going about things.

You will be served just fine with a touchscreen head unit with ipod control, but the things you are currently using will simply disappear in a few years. Many of us were hesitant to use the basic ipod when it first came out... In time you may find yourself doing away with the big capacity ipod and using a smart phone streaming music into your car.

As for your CD's, don't worry, you can use them as coasters. :biggrin:
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To browse and listen to local radio on my Iphone I use an app called tunein radio. works great.

Now if you have that much (22k songs) on your ipod, you probably have that many plus more on your home pc, I use an app called audio galaxy to stream my entire collection to my Iphone from my home PC in an instant, so no need for a large capacity Ipod for music, maybe for more apps tho.....hehehe

I have no need to carry CD's, they are bulky, scratch, skip etc...

I like this oxygen audio set up, if its only 300 bucks I may buy it. I currently use a usa spec adapter for my iphone.
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There is also an app called Pogoplug that lets you stream all your music, photos, and videos to your phone from your home computer.
Whoa - I guess i'm just old school. Even though I have an iPod. :biggrin:

When someone tells me that have 22K songs, what I hear is "I have collected massive amounts of music from various sources"
Maybe in most cases - in mine I own all of those 22,000 songs (on CD) and that is only HALF of my CD collection (currently at about 1700 CDs). :)

Services like Pandora introduce you to NEW music, and you can with pay services, get whatever you want anytime you want, anywhere you want. In other words, storing gigs and gigs of music on a device is a little unnecessary now.
Really? I can make custom playlists of the exact songs I want in the exact order I want in a fe moments from such a service?

Personally, I don't like the idea of streaming music. I want to listen to EXACTLY what I want, not what someone else wants me to listen to.

Now I understand that I am in the vast minority here (like I said, I don't even own a cell phone) - that is why I said your ideas and posts were very interesting, but a "streaming smartphone head unit" is not what I am after.

Remember, I did say this wouldnt work for me. :)
I just bought the Navpod and Samsung Galaxy Tab. I might start my project this weekend. I'm debating on mounting it permanently in the Navpod or building a slot on the side or top of the navpod to slide it in and out. Either way, I need to have the ports accessible.

Still deciding which obdII software to use, torque or dashcommand?
There is also an app called Pogoplug that lets you stream all your music, photos, and videos to your phone from your home computer.

Yawwn thanks for the PM, I forgot to reply to you but I will definitely let you know if I need anything. Hopefully I'l meet you soon I plan to be your way visiting in January.

As far as this app... I'm not sure what the purpose is, I mean my iphone is sync'ed to my computer so there is no music there that isn't on my phone already. I suppose someone not using itunes with a seperate hard drive for music could use this.

What do you use it for?
Really? I can make custom playlists of the exact songs I want in the exact order I want in a fe moments from such a service?

Yes, you can. And you can call up any song you want, anytime. NOW. And when your playlist runs out, it looks for similar music TO THAT playlist and plays it for you.

Do you remember the days when people used to have rows and rows of VHS tapes and DVD's in their basement? And then companies like mine installed $30,000 machines that stored all that stuff and allowed the customer to pull a movie. Now, you can just stream whatever you want, I don't even sell or install disc players anymore, almost all of it is streaming.

Same is happening with music. The days of storing your music is going away. Stop clinging to the past with both hands man... let it go... lol... it'll be allright... :tongue:
I just bought the Navpod and Samsung Galaxy Tab. I might start my project this weekend. I'm debating on mounting it permanently in the Navpod or building a slot on the side or top of the navpod to slide it in and out. Either way, I need to have the ports accessible.

Still deciding which obdII software to use, torque or dashcommand?

OK please post on this thread and let us know how it goes. The issue I have doing that is that the navpod is too far to reach comfortable. If you have a hand on the shifter and just want to turn the music up or down, it's a reach.

As far as Torque or Dash Command, I don't know... let me know what you find out. Both seem interesting. For those wondering what we are talking about... Torque and dash command are two different kinds of software you download into your phone that will show you engine parameters.

I would actually consider doing a tablet up top to handle the PLX gauges and letting the phone handle music lower down. Have you considered this? You can tether the phone and tablet. (tethering for those that don't know, is allowing one device to give an wifi signal to the other. In this case, the phone accesses the internet, and works as a hot spot for the tablet).

What is the cost of an HKS CAMP2? I think this will do a much better job and cost less. Nevermind what else the tablet can do.
I like my car stock. so no need for all this stuff.

nice write-up though

For guys that want to keep the stock system or their current stereo, Oxygen makes the O'dock. This is a much better option than the GROM adaptor. This will be out soon. You have to charge your phone anyway, you may as well hook it into something that gives you all the features. Sorry French is all I could find. My ex girlfriend is translating for me and I will post:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/e-jUqQDOjv0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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