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interest in 4.44 final drive

No I meant can you run the calculations with both... :)

You mean 85mph for fwy cruising ;)
Here you go....

1) JDM 5 speed
2) JDM 5 speed with 4.235 diff (per NSX-R)
3) JDM 5 speed with 4.44 diff

0 - 60 times:
1) 5.34
2) 5.21
3) 5.06

Quarter mile times:
1) 13.82
2) 13.73
3) 13.65

and graphs attached


Thanks bud, exactly what I wanted to know- it is exactly as fast as a 6spd w final drive... As to be expected. Short gears and 4.4 FTW!
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The 4.23 is limiting to 1995-2005 owners as this requires purchasing the early 5-spd LSD as found in the NSX-R. In addition, the electronic power steering computers are also not compatible with the speed pulse created from the 4.23 which disables EPS.

We propose to create a 4.44 final drive gear set that is compatible with both LSDs (two separate ring gears will be required) as well as compatible in either 5-spd or 6-spd (two separate pinion shafts will be required). The kit would also include a new oil pump gear compatible with the new gear ratio. This ratio is compatible with the factory EPS system and does not trigger an error fault code.

The projected price is $1400.00 and would require a purchase of 40-50 pieces. We'd be looking for a 10 pc commitment before producing these gears. This pricing would put the gear set higher than the factory final drive but much lower than Comptech's discontinued 4.55 set.

Please post if you have interest.

-- Chris

I know you still probably didn't get enough interest to produce these unfortunately but I am wondering if it is possible to use the OSG 4.4 Final Drive without the OSG LSD. Will it be compatible with a 6 speed transmission? I am thinking of swapping in a 6 speed into my 95 and I wanted to get a 4.4 R&P but not the LSD (since that is $2k extra). It sounds like I couldn't even get the 4.23 R&P without buying a 91-94 5spd LSD. If the only problem is the EPS fault code, can I just delete my EPS and replace it with a manual rack? It's really a shame this didn't get produced as you were going to address these problems in your design. How many more interested parties would you need to do this?
The manufacture is not interested unless 25 sets are produced.

Unfortunately, the final drive set can not be used with out the LSD as the stack height and mounting flange are different between the OS and factory LSD.

-- Chris
The manufacture is not interested unless 25 sets are produced.

Unfortunately, the final drive set can not be used with out the LSD as the stack height and mounting flange are different between the OS and factory LSD.

-- Chris

It sounds like you are referring only to the 4.4 final drive, correct? I am considering settling for the 4.23 with a 6 speed if it will work with the stock 6spd LSD. I am guessing it will, and that is how the type R is set up but please confirm my facts are correct so I know my options. Thanks... and please post here if we can ever get your 4.4 made!
It sounds like you are referring only to the 4.4 final drive, correct? I am considering settling for the 4.23 with a 6 speed if it will work with the stock 6spd LSD. I am guessing it will, and that is how the type R is set up but please confirm my facts are correct so I know my options. Thanks... and please post here if we can ever get your 4.4 made!

www.scienceofspeed.com said:
1997-2005 6-spd: requires differential swap, not compatible with power steering

Thanks AJ. For future reference, I also found this information from SOS in another thread:

1991-94 / 2002-2005 NSX-R LSD. This style of LSD is required to install in a 6-spd with the 4.23 gears due to the gear shape of the 4.23 ring gear.

1995-2005 NSX owners: PLEASE NOTE: The 4.23 final drive gear set does not work with the factory US electronic power steering due to the different pulse count generated by the speedo gear due to the different number of teeth of the 4.23 gear. It should be possible to use an electronic signal modifier to change the count from the speedo gear, but this is not something that we have available currently.

Maybe one day there will be enough interest in the awesome 4.4 that SOS has proposed, which would solve the problem of having to spend another $2000 on an LSD just to get the Final Drive Set. This would be a huge upgrade in terms of acceleration, without having to resort to seeking more power.
In 2006 we were trying to get 10 buyers to do the minimum run of 40 sets. We can do less sets, however, the cost becomes exponentially higher due to the tooling investment. At 20 sets, we're looking at nearly $2000 for the set. If there are at least 10 buyers willing to put a deposit down at that cost, we would be willing to fund the project and stock the remaining sets. I don't think there is enough interest however.
me and a friend interested! thats 3! :rolleyes:
maybe chris needs to start another post asking just yes or no,curious how many would be interested now,years later.
well there's 10 names, which is promising ... now if everyone can commit to the increased price ($2000), noting commitment means being prepared to send a deposit to SoS
How much deposit does SoS need Chris?
Can you estimate how long would it take to get these made ?
Which gearboxes will take these - NA1 5SP only?

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We would need a 50% deposit. We would not want to take any deposits until we had at least 10 firmly committed. This would be for 5-spd 1991-94 only. If there are enough interested, please let us know by posting here.

-- Chris
NSXDryver 2

10 ppl guys

Anyone else interested?

Once we get 10, I will mass PM everyone to get in touch with Science of Speed
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