BBSC at Cybernation Motorsports, Ft. Lauderdale FL, Th. June 27th

29 February 2000
St. Petersburg
To all those FL NSXrs who are interested in the BBSC, I will be at Cybernation Motorsports this Thursday having my car dyno'd. Ben Beckert will also be there with his '91 twin-turbo NSX doing some dyno tuning. His car is impressively fast and will certainly be fun to watch/hear running on the dyno.

Ben and I will be arriving in Ft. Lauderdale sometime Wednesday evening and heading to Cybernation Thursday am. If any of the South Florida NSXrs would like to get together for dinner or a cruise Wednesday night please let us know. You can post here or give me a call on my cell at 727.644.5780.

We hope to see some of you while we're over so let us know! Also, if anyone is interested in a first hand "demo ride" of my newly BBSC'd '94 coupe with 6 speed and 4.55 r&p then come out and I'll be happy to give you one!
Holy crap!! For the first time in 4 years of NSXing, this actually is timed perfectly. Thursday is one of my 3 days off for the year and I might even be done early (6-7) Wed. night! I hope to see you guys at Cybernation Thursday and maybe even cruise Wed. night. We could all meet at my dealership if you haven't already got a starting point for Wed. night.
Let me know what the dyno's have to say. I just got my car back last night from Mark and it was pouring down rain there (Orlando) and all the way home(Jacksonville) so I couldn't play with it.
I will be doing so in the next couple of days and let ya'll know my impression of it. I will also be having it dynoed and will post the results.
Good luck to those going to Cybernation and having it done.

Originally posted by Nsxotic:
Holy crap!! For the first time in 4 years of NSXing, this actually is timed perfectly. Thursday is one of my 3 days off for the year and I might even be done early (6-7) Wed. night! I hope to see you guys at Cybernation Thursday and maybe even cruise Wed. night. We could all meet at my dealership if you haven't already got a starting point for Wed. night.

Glad you'll be able to join us! Touch base with me on Wednesday afternoon. Still not exactly sure when we'll be rolling into Ft. Lauderdale Wednesday so we'll play that part by ear. As for Thursday, we should arrive at Cybernation in the am, I'll guess around 9:30 or 10:00. My cell again is 727.644.5780. Look forward to seeing you there,

[This message has been edited by TampaBayNSX-R (edited 26 June 2002).]
Whew, now that was fun! Ben, your car sounds awesome, especially at 8,000 rpm on that Dyno! Scott, the Basch boost looks great
Andie, I think I noticed a little dirt on the rear quarter of that pristine NSX. Joe, you forgot to carpet the steering wheel. and Lee, thanks for everything. You have a classy operation. Lee even took us all to lunch while Ben's NSX was being tuned.
I too would like to see/hear some dyno numbers on them. I own the first car that was finished in Orlando but haven't had a chance to dyno mine yet. Do you guy's think it was worth the money? What is your overall impression of it so far? I have only driven mine once since getting it back this past Monday and as luck would have it it started raining after I left home so I can't really test it. What about my fellow installs?

I had a chance to drive with ben and some others across a long bridge.that car is 'sick'when his vtec kicks in with that turbo it actually hurt my ears!bens is by far the nicest and fastest nsx I have seen up close in action.damn that car is fast.
Sweet. Sounds like Ben has a pretty bad ass ride!! I'm still trying to get used to mine though. The one time that I was able to jump on it, when the VTEC engaged is was like going into a time warp. HOLD ON !!!
Wife compares the car now to a roller coaster, but is a lot more comfortable to ride on!!!

still no dyno numbers? I thought the Florida group was getting the real deal BBSC set up. Just curious.

Quote MB
"The new system has created some dyno plots that will once again cause people to call me a liar, so I will let the owners, or MJ, or CW do that. I believe the installs in Orlando next week includes dynos for all......
There is ONLY one truth, and you will all be able to dyno, drag race, or ignore to your hearts content next week in Dallas, or the week after in Orlando."

[This message has been edited by SNDSOUL (edited 29 June 2002).]
I picked up my car with the BBSC installed on Wednesday with the intent of having it dynoed at Cybernation Motorsports in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday. Unfortunately, my aftermarket ecu chip was not swapped out during the install with a "stock" chip. I noticed the problem on my way to Ft. Lauderdale when getting on boost once weather and traffic conditions permitted. Needless to say, I was very disappointed. I called Mark Basch and he made provisions to get me a compatible chip asap. Unfortunately, that wasn't until Friday night so I wasn't able to do any dyno runs at Cybernation.

About midnight last night I was able to get the ecu chip swap done with the help of Greg McCarthy and Andie Lin...many thanks Andie for your time and efforts in getting the pins on the chip perfectly aligned so that it would fit into the socket on the ecu board! Andie and I warmed the car up upon completion and took it out for a test drive at around 1am. My '94 has a six speed, 4.55, Comptech powergrip clutch with light flywheel, headers, no cats, and a custom catback system. 253rwhp before BBSC.

First impression with BBSC- the power comes on relatively smoothly or what some would refer to as linear power delivery. There is no moment when it suddenly comes in, it's more like as your natural powerband comes on you feel like there's just a good bit more power until you get above 5500 when it really gets humming. I did a second gear roll on from 3,000rpms and ran it up to redline through second and third and into fourth before running out of road. The car pulled strong and without any trouble. Andie and I were pleased that the chip swap seemed to have worked out and called it a night.

This morning, the Florida Chapter hosted a back roads drive that included some spirited driving on a sunny Florida day. After about twenty minutes of driving I started hearing some engine pinging under boost. Detonation...ugh! I took it easy until the next scheduled stop and then added some octane boost which seemed to mitigate some, but not all of the pinging. I was running 92 octane gas from "Speedway", the only fuel available at 7am this morning in Lake County where the event is taking place. I am home now and near "E" and will fill up with some name brand 93 to see if there is any difference. I will post the results.

Mark B. has told several of the Florida "Installees" that there is another software update forthcoming in the next few weeks. If the better fuel results in no pinging, which I hope for, I will have the car dynoed on the same dynojet I did my baseline run at and post the gains.

I did have an opportunity to compare the car to SMOORE's yellow nos NSX on the way back to Tampa Bay this afternoon. We did a 70 iph (inch per hour for you LE officials) roll on which put me at 5300rpms in third and went side by side up to 140. The cars were dead even in their acceleration, each of us carrying one passenger. I'm not sure how much nos SMOORE is spraying, 70 shot or other, but I would surely hope that if it is a 70 the BBSC in it's final tune would have an edge. Perhaps SMOORE will read this and post the details of his nos setup for us to have a better feel for the results.

All in all, it's a work in progress which I understood at the beginning of the week when I dropped my car off. Mark B. is committed to getting any needed changes made as well as the forthcoming upgrades of the different pulley, blowoff valve and cold air intake. Once he's had the opportunity to make these changes and get the car fully tuned with the software I will do another dyno session and post those results for all to see.

I hope this post helps shed some light on the current status of BBSC as I know just last week I was one of the masses wanting to know more. I'll keep the info coming as things develop. Peace and safe speed to all,

[This message has been edited by TampaBayNSX-R (edited 29 June 2002).]
stu is running the rm racing nos kit that puts 70 to the wheels.I have the same kit but have not installed it yet
ps I am suprised you did not pull on him with the bbsc with the posted gains on the vendor sites and dyno plots.guess im keeping the rm kit for now..
badcarma is correct
however keep in mind you guy's don't have to worry about filling bottles.....

[This message has been edited by smoore (edited 29 June 2002).]
My feelings were that MB is under way to much pressure to prove his BBSC system to the masses. His health was obviously suffering and he has not completely healed from his accident injuries. (Broken ribs, etc.) The system is a clean install. It still has software bugs which are being worked on by a tuner. It is still a high rpm supercharger really coming in at near 5k. The new ecu seems to give slight boost that is progressive from near 3k. At 6k hold on. I have accidentally slammed the rev limiter in 3rd gear several times this weekend. It revs very fast at high rpm when the power is really pushing. I talked to Andie Lin and may now have to opt for a shift warning to help me prevent being stupid! It's scary fast at top end and makes me aware that I am a sucky driver... Back on topic. The smaller pulley, blowoff valve change and different software is due in 4-6 weeks which will be sent to us at no charge. Also he is working on a easy button push oil cap to make that easier. It really isnt a big problem but your coolant tank needs to be cooled down before you attempt to open the oil fill. It is mounted right in front of the oil cap. Greg and myself both experienced a problem when you hit the rev limiter hard. Engine trouble light (and with mine TCS light) comes on and the engine runs poorly or stalls. You have to shut the ignition off and reset the engine light by pulling the clock fuse. (You can shut the ignition off while still rolling and restart the car and it will run fine. TCS light resets but engine light stays on till you pull fuse.) I realize this is a work in progress and I also have to change my driving style. The 3.2 liters have been giving more trouble on the software programs and are not as refined as the 3.0 programs. Drive by wire cars also have more need of refinement which is being addressed. I have put 700 miles on the car since Tuesday night and all seems fine. 200 miles were on the Fl. NSXCA run which was more of a test. I have a 97 3.2 liter which was stock mechanically until this upgrade. Any questions I will try to answer. Please be sure to respect MB and all the work he is doing for our small group of owners. He would be a whole lot smarter dealing with the Civic crowd if it was all about making money! David H.
I took the car out last night and showed a friend of mine a little of what it can now do. I was getting on it pretty good on an on ramp in second gear. I guess I did hit the rev limiter but didn't realize it because I didn't feel it. Anyway, a couple of miles down the road while cruising a 70 mph my 'check engine' also came on. The car was running fine so I continued on. Upon getting to my destination I let it sit for about an hour and then left. The light had gone off and hasn't reared it ugly head again. Don't know why it came on but nothing seems to be wrong with it.

To all the NSXers I enocuntered in FL. I had a blast with you guys--thank you so much for letting me join in the fun.

Todd--your car is impeccable. Also, to cross-post, yes, the cheese was exceptional ;-)

David--thanks for the kind words. Keep an eye out for our friends in blue.....those encounters can be quite painful.

Smoore--don't worry, refills for juice are cheap, and I'm sure your Mother instilled the importance of a healthy diet to include lots of juice--make her proud ;-)

Andie--thanks for keeping the guys on track, and it looks like my car will be back soon for some more tuning. Hopefully with some more time and preparation the ideal state can be achieved.

Lee and the guys @ Cybernation--thanks for putting forth the extra effort.....these guys were working on my car at 2:40 in the morning. Although some more tuning is currently needed, I can't say they didn't give it the old college try.

A special thanks to Scott and Heather for putting up with me for the week. I had an incredible time and look forward to getting together again soon.

Thanks again, everyone. Hope to see you all in TX.

Happy motoring,

Hey, any of you guys who just had a super charger installed are welcome at cybernation for a free dyno pass. Many people are still waiting to see the numbers.

Originally posted by NSXGee:
Hey, any of you guys who just had a super charger installed are welcome at cybernation for a free dyno pass. Many people are still waiting to see the numbers.


Good call Lee, I've been waiting too...I thought they were getting them all dynoed the same day.

[This message has been edited by true (edited 02 July 2002).]
True, I think you need to re-read the post. Mine stated both sides of the facts and you are only noting one side. Why. My post were trying to be informative and non-biased as best as I can be for a person who has purchased the BBSC. I believe I stated the check engine light was due to my failure to control the acceleration of the car and I hit the rev limiter hard. What do you think should happen when you do something stupid under boost? I admitted this for other owners to read so if it happens to them they wont panic like the other SC newbies have a tendency to do. Also if Cybernation was closer I'd take them up on the offer. They are around 4 hours one way from me. A long drive and lots of miles just for me to make you happy. I think not!! I got MB's SC for my own enjoyment. I will be happy to see #'s posted but seat of the pants tells me its very quick. True, you are free to do what you like with your car so please go do it. I will be happy to answer questions but really dont need sideline comments from someone not involved. Also I believe almost all owners have posted that they realize that this was a work in progress. I dont want to be pissed off but I get tired of someone just distorting our post for their own justification. Sorry if I offended anyone. DH
Originally posted by true:
Good call Lee, I've been waiting too...I thought they were getting them all dynoed the same day.

I was the BBSC owner who had planned to use the dyno at Cybernation at the invite of Lee and the guys last week while my good friend had his twin turbo dyno tuned there. Unfortunately for myself and all others seeking quantitative info on the latest version of the BBSC, I was unable to dyno the car due to reasons mentioned above in this thread. That issue has since been resolved. I'm now looking forward to the latest software revision from MB which will lean the fuel mapping out a bit as it is running rich. I plan to dyno the car on a dynojet once this revision is installed. #'s will be posted on Prime for everyone's info. Hope this clears things up for you.

[This message has been edited by TampaBayNSX-R (edited 02 July 2002).]

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