Cannot find the idle adjust screw.... help please

19 February 2003
Hi all,

I have a 97' which idles about 500 rpm and when I let off the accelerator it idles way down then back to 500 rpm. It is not giving me any CEL's. It is not "hunting" at idle, it is very stable and runs fine otherwise.

I've inspected for vacuum leaks and cleaned the throttle body. I've read through numerous posts:

Yet still I cannot find that sucker. I tried the procedure in the service manual here 11-84 but the car will not run after unplugging the EAVC plug. I 99% sure it just needs a turn on the idle adjust.

So, if anyone can help me find it, I would appreciate it. From previous posts it seems to be somewhere on the throttle body facing towards the front of the car. Does anything have to be removed to access it? Flat-blade screwdriver, phillips, or allen? When you engage the screwdriver, which way is the screwdriver facing? Long or short screwdriver?

Thx for the pic. I do not believe my 97' idle screw is in the same position on the throttle body though.
For the DBW cars you can locate the idle adjust screw as follows:

Stand on the drivers side facing the engine bay. Follow the path from the air intake up the rubber air tube to where it is clamped to the throttle body. Just beyond the connection, dead center on the top, is what is technically referred to as "a little round thing." To the left of the little round thing (the forward side of the engine bay) is a little cylindrical protrusion pointing straight at your coolant overflow tank. Put your head over towards the coolant overflow and look back into the cylinder. There is the screw. It looks just like the one in the above picture with the grey stuff on it. If this is still not clear I will take a picture for you.
Here, I marked up a DBW engine bay picture I found on the web. You can't see the screw directly in this photo, it is behind the shock tower bar. The red arrow points at the round thingy. The yellow arrows point at the idle screw. Lay your head on your coolant overflow tank and look along the path of the horizontal yellow arrow with a flashlight and you'll see it.

P.S. You should check some other things before adjusting the idle - you may just fix the symptom and not the underlying problem. The idle speed troubleshooting and adjustment procedure is clearly explained w/ a diagram showing the idle adjust screw on page 11-129 of the 1997 service manual.


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Thanks alot Lud, I cannot believe it was that easy to find. I was ready to take the whole throttle body off just to find it.

Thx again.