Type 'S' interior switch panel

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Rear fog light?

How far do you need to drive in reverse?

Think of a "rain" light on an F-1 car!! Jeez - I'm really surprised at how many people are ignorant of rear fog lights! I've seen many of them here in the US - mostly on Jaguars and, maybe, Audis from what I can recall.
Just so that everyone understands: the rear fog light is supposed to help prevent you being rear-ended in fog and rain. Are we clear? Yes. I said are we clear? Crystal.

The NSX Model List Page
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Rear fog light?

How far do you need to drive in reverse?

LOL !!!!!!!

Our rear fog light is like the one on Formula1 cars!

To be better seen under heavy rain or fog by the cars which follow us !
Originally posted by ravetek:
In any event, I got a Negligent driving II yesterday morning so I'm going to end up paying for a my legal team to go get it dismissed.

Are you referring to "Group Legal"? I wasn't sure if they handled stuff like this.

Originally posted by ravetek:

PS I have hook-ups on changers, so if anyone needs one just let me know the good word. Were putting one in two civics as well one of these weekends coming up. After I get some test results in I promise to post them to the forum.

I WANT ONE! Driving up here is pure hell... Oh how i miss Southern California! You know, I live at the tip of kirkland, right by bothell.... we should team up and have some fun on the way to work
Maybe you should use the headlight switch to spray down oil on the road behind you, or to spray clorox on the tires to do a real smoking burnout. That would be cool. Either way it will help you to elude the police after they wonder how you have such luck hitting all those lights green. BTW...All new Audis have the rear fog light now world wide.

[This message has been edited by steveny (edited 26 September 2001).]
Maybe you should use the headlight switch to spray down oil on the road behind you

Yeah, maybe you could retrofit that feature as installed in James Bond's Aston-Martin in Goldfinger.
Ok, one reply at a time.

1) Group legal does cover such things.
John P. Mucklestone is my legal lead over here in Seattle, and I would reccomend him to anyone, anytime. His web site is www.mucklestone.com and I have used him on literally countless occasions- in fact he can bill ARAG for you right over the web. Every ticket deserves to be contested, as it is importent for me to hold our precious traffic enforcement officials to the highest possible standard (clearly my only motivation is for the greater interest of society and stuff)

2) I don't think laying down an oil slick would generally be a good idea. You wouldn't be able to lay down enough to be effective; and your rear valance would get all dirty. I would suggest looking into EMP technology- I know a few firms that are working on disabling cars using an electromagnetic pulse- and this would probably be a cleaner system overall. It also wouldn't attract as much initial attention from other motorists.
Okay, maybe it's time we start a new thread on the most unusual additions/upgrades to their NSX's. Sounds like Ravetek has the lead right now with laser jammers, signal changers, and who knows what else :-)

91 Silver/Black NSX
90 BLue/Black Miata
Re: Rear Foglights

My M-B SLK230 came with a rear fog light... one extra pull on the headlight nob kicks it on. Only had to ask about 6 people at the dealership why it did that before I got the proper explanation.
For you guys who've never seen a rear-foglight in action on a NSX.......
Also note the other 'european' bonus, the 'license-plate smiley' (design flaw)



[This message has been edited by DutchBlackNsx (edited 06 October 2001).]
even older Benzes have these as well.

The name is somewhat misleading -- its a high(er) intensity tail-light, meant to give one enhanced visibility during adverse conditions (so others can see you in the fog).

Another RTFM type doodad, along with the side-marker parking lamps, brake wear indicators, etc.

Originally posted by Ryan Kauffman:
Re: Rear Foglights

My M-B SLK230 came with a rear fog light... one extra pull on the headlight nob kicks it on. Only had to ask about 6 people at the dealership why it did that before I got the proper explanation.